mercredi 31 décembre 2014

IEEE formatting and citation style

I have added a paragraph from wikipedia in my thesis. Now i need to add reference to wikipedia. What is the IEEE formatting and citation style for that. Currently I use as below.

In chapter of thesis added copied content from wikipedia as below

The waterfall development model originates in the manufacturing and construction industries; highly structured physical environments in which after-the-fact changes are prohibitively costly, if not impossible. Since no formal software development methodologies existed at the time, this hardware-oriented model was simply adapted for software development. [1]

In References page

[1] (2014, April 22). Waterfall Model [Online]. Available:

Statement of Purpose goals

I am applying for MS in Industrial Engineering. Do you think it is safe to mention that I have a family business which I would like to expand with the aid of IE? Or will it be useless for their purposes since they may perceive me as a rich kid with back up who does not genuinely have the want and need to study?

The data of industrial potdocs in Canada

Could anyone help me with the data of postdocs in company and private sector in Canada? I want to find out the number and the rate of the industrial postdocs in Canada in recent years, which is important to my research. Thank you so much in advance!

Odds of Being Accepted for Graduate Program

I took the GRE today and scored a Q 145 / V 140. I have a 3.95 GPA from American Military University and have three phenomenal letters of recommendation. I am applying to a MPH program and am probably the worst standardized test taker I have ever met. It has never been my strong suit. I studied for months for this exam and still did poorly. Do you believe I will see a rejection letter in my future? A candid opinion is appreciated. Thanks.

How to unblock Arxiv (access denied error)

I want to update a paper that I uploaded to Arxiv, and I'm getting this:

enter image description here

when checking

enter image description here

I'm accessing arxiv from my home computer, there are no other users sharing the proxy. I use Adobe Reader XI (Win 7), and I unchecked the "Allow speculative downloading option in the background" two days ago.

enter image description here

The problem persists, and I emailed reporting the issue. I thought some the users here may have had this problem. Any hints?

Early College Admmission?

I took the SAT and I got a score of 1520: 480 Reading 510 Math and 530 Writing I want to enter a college(not community college) and take precalculus courses as a conditional/regular(!) student. However,I am merely 11 and when I asked Lehman College they replied only College Freshmen with their GPAs,Diplomas,and SAT/ACTs could enter.The GED,I checked is for >17 Years old.Is their any alternative way I can go to college,or earn something equivalent to a High School Diploma?

List of reputable conferences for Computer Science

I want to find a tool/website that lists all the reputable conferences in CS, such as IEEE and ACM conferences. It could send me a note if a new CFP is posted and alert me when deadlines are coming up. I searched online and found two, but they list all conferences (even junk ones) and have no means of creating alerts/filters: wikicfp and

Do you know of any better ones?

How should I apply for a master's program in the US?

I'll be soon finished with my degree in computer science and I'm completely lost. As it is completely new for me, I'd like to know more about the criteria used and the steps that should be taken.

How should I make the first contact with the university? And what common prerrequisites should I take into account before applying?

Thanks for the answers.

Should postdoc be listed under Employment and or Education on CV?

From what I have seen, most people list postdocs under Employment/Experience on their CV. But recently I saw one that listed a postdoc under Employment and Education.

Is this typical/appropriate?

NOTE: According to comments on this relevant question and its answers, postdocs are kind of regarded as students, in some cases.

What is the best Cross-Checking software?

My prof, a co-Author and I were working on a paper for more than a year. I was doing the math and simulations, my co-author was taking the care of writing and my professor was editing the paper. Now editing of the paper is done. Unfortunately, the co-author is not available now. My professor called me today and told me he has observed , my co-author copied some sentences from the reference papers. So He asked me to check all of the sentences and highlight and rewrite them again in the case I observed they are copied. He believes that, these days the reviewers are more concerned about the use of similar sentences in the paper. He said, they are more restrict about some countries (I belive it too, however some people might not be agreed).

So, What should I do? Check all sentences with other papers? This is not possible without using a machine.

Do you know what software I can use to do this? Please tell me any suggestion you have.

With regards.

What country would be good for me to apply to a master's program in? [on hold]

Fifteen years ago or so, I was enrolled in a PhD program in a scientific discipline at a top-level university in the U.S. At first I performed well; purely in terms of knowledge and problem-solving ability, there are objective indications that I was near the top of my cohort. But a couple of years into the program I had some personal difficulties and everything went downhill from there, as I was completely unable to focus on my work. I don’t want to go into too much detail here, but my advisor came away with a very negative opinion of me - that I was smart but extremely lazy. I can’t honestly say I blame her, as I didn’t take any steps to explain why I was in such a slump for such a long time. I dropped out of the program after that.

Now I’d like to try to go back to school and do a doctorate in the same field, as I feel my calling is to do research in that area. Given the way admissions work, I think my chances of getting into a top-level program in the U.S. are extremely limited, as I’ve essentially burned my bridges. A big stumbling block (though not the only one - I’ve been out of school for many years) is that universities explicitly require transcripts from all institutions attended as part of an application.

On the other hand, I have the impression that at least in some European countries, things may work differently. I visited the webpages of some reputable universities in Germany, and found that the admission applications in some cases appear to ask only for documentation from studies at the immediately preceding level (bachelor’s for admission to a master’s, master’s for admission to a doctorate).

Also, one German university I spotted has an entrance exam to their master’s program for students from outside the EU, which would at least give me a chance to demonstrate my present level of ability. My impression - which may be entirely mistaken given how little I know about the German system - is that a university like that one probably routinely admits domestic students who meet minimal admission requirements, but then doesn’t mind having a large proportion of them fail the tough exams once they’re in. That would be perfect for me, because I’m confident in my ability to do well, just not to convince an admissions committee that I will.

So I’ve come up with the following plan. Try to gain admission to a well-regarded master’s program in Europe (or in a developed country elsewhere), and from there apply to a good PhD program some place that looks only at the previous level of studies. Language of instruction is not an issue as I’ll adapt regardless. [Edit: Realistically, I'm only thinking of European languages here.]

I am looking for guidance as to what a reasonable next step would be along this path. My questions are addressed to people very familiar with university systems outside North America. Here they are:

Given the entirety of the situation I’ve described, what countries should I be considering? In particular, in what countries would one or more of the following practices not be out of the ordinary?

a) Admission to a master’s and/or PhD program involves minimal documentation. In particular, no CV is required and there is no requirement to provide transcripts from all universities attended. The focus is on performance at the next lower level of study.

b) Admission of foreign students to a master’s program is based largely on an entrance exam.

c) Even good universities may have lax admission standards at the master’s level; the reputation of a program is based mainly on the difficulty of meeting the program requirements once you’re in.

Edit Given that my question has been found unclear, I will try to reformulate it as follows.

In what countries with a significant amount of high-level scientific research is it least disadvantageous in an application to a master's or PhD program that one has failed in a PhD in the past? Consider the academic culture, as well as typical admissions policies and procedures in that country.

View the question the way I wrote it before as indicative of possible things that might make the failed PhD less detrimental.

should i use degree name as their system?

I am writing Statement of Purpose for Phd application to Canadian university and I am stumbling over a little issue that when i write like this

I have completed my masters degree ... after completing bachelors degree..

So should i write undergraduate/graduate degree word as what they say at their place or i use words that what they say at my place as i written above? or either one is okey?

doing a PHD and hope to find work for future

My master was about one field of computer networking (wireless sensor network). now I want to apply for PHD in US or Canada.

the problem is I want to do a research on the field that help me to find a job in future. In more than a year and half I just waist my time by trying to understand some one else codes!!! and finally all of my development or better to say my added code to him is less than 200 lines!!

So you can see there is no improvement on my programming skill. I really have a bad mood about what wrong I was done.

Why I waist my time to understand some one else code. His code was dirty!! without any documentation . and I did not have anther choice.

But I do not like to do this mistake again on my future PHD. I want to change my field to the better field but the problem is : I do not know how to know: doing which research help me to find a job in future ? Can you suggest me some ways?

Sign copyright agreement before paper acceptance?

I am submitting a research paper to a journal and they asked me to sign the copyright agreement in favour of the editor before the paper is accepted. Is this right? And what happens in this case is if the paper rejected?

mardi 30 décembre 2014

how to add a timeline to my cv?

I had my CV reviewed by an academic professor, and she advised me to put a timeline on my CV. The problem is that after I ended up my bachelor studies, I spent some years working because I was the only support for my family and also for saving for my graduate studies. After that I followed some undergraduate courses in a foreign country, that was because I was rejected to do a master's degree; the reason was that the courses I followed in my bachelor degree were not 100% Computer Science oriented, but more to the IT field.

So after finishing that, I started back working in my country and after saving for some years; I finally managed to get accepted for following MSc studies. The problem with this is that there are some overlaps like:

bachellor studies---work for saving for further studies---undergraduate courses in a foreign country in CS----work again for saving some more---MSc studies----working again

So it is some sort of a mess, so if somebody from a doctoral admission office sees my CV; he will be a little bit wondering about why I have those overlaps.

The question is pretty simple, how can I add a sort of timeline that could help the reader to have a quick view about my academic and working experience? and also how I can explain that in my CV? or should it be in my motivation letter?

Thanks in advance

How beneficial is speaking at non-academic conferences to future computer science career?

How beneficial is speaking (or holding a workshop) at non-academic software development conferences (like Strange Loop or LambdaConf) to future computer science career (applying to PhD and further)?

what to do when someone has same name as yours and in IEEE search they show both peoples paper?

I recently published a paper on IEEE transactions journal. in my paper link, when I click on authors tab and then my name, another pages is opened and shows many papers but they are not mine. it seems, someone else has same name as me. Is this case common? what should I do?

Background colors in a graph

I'm trying to find two or three colors that look great as background colors in a graph. The color are there to separate different areas of a graph, but should not obstruct the view of lines/bars containing the actual data. Some colors look great on paper or on my laptop, but do not look good when projected during a talk (either indistinguishable from white or from each other). Do you have any suggestion? What background colors look great when projected? Thank you!

Obtaining academic position in different field

I'm currently working on a PhD in cognitive science, but my research and interests straddle the line between cognitive science and mathematics. Right now, I am most interested in pursuing an academic career, and I've begun looking at job openings for postdocs and assistant professorships just to see what's out there (fully realizing those exact positions will be long gone by the time I graduate). I noticed that some positions listed in statistics/mathematics programs seem to fit my overall interests and skills; however, they almost universally state that a PhD in mathematics or statistics is required to apply.

When the time comes to apply for positions, should I even bother applying to the ones where my PhD is not technically among the ones listed on the job opening? Obviously, if my PhD was in a completely different field than the position in question, my chances of getting it would be low. However, what about positions where my research is within the scope of the field in question, even though my PhD is not (e.g., my PhD is in cognitive science, my research deals with statistical approaches to study cognition, and the position is in a statistics department)? Would I be disqualified on a technicality?

Large distributed research network

I remember having heard of a large distributed computer network being operated by several universities. As far as I remember, it would be possible to get several (hundreds) of virtual machines to perform computations, testing, evaluations, etc.

Unfortunately, I do not remember this network's name, but I have the feeling that it was similar to "ResearchLab" or "ScienceLab". However, I was not able to find a network with such a name...

Hope that anyone out there can help. Thanks a lot!

What's a "methodological approach" for research (Master's thesis)?

I'm going to apply for a Master's program. Although I'm not going to change my general field of study, I'm going to change my 'track' (from Information Technology to Geoinformatics).

In the application form of the aforementioned Master's program, I've been asked to specify my area of interest and state a research topic for my Master's thesis and describe my methodological approach. I honestly have no idea how to fill this part, how can I choose an area of interest and more importantly a topic for my thesis when I haven't even started the studies? Besides, can someone please kindly tell me what the part about the "methodological approach" means?

Write a computer science thesis in native language or English?

I'm a computer science student, currently at the Bachelor level. I'm also not a native English speaker. My native language is Dutch. This year, I have to write a thesis.

I've always been told at my university that whilst being a Bachelor-student all courses, assignments, etc should be available to us in Dutch, but we've had lectures in English before after an agreement with the professor.

Personally, I find it easier to write in my mother tongue (naturally), but maybe it's worth to go the extra mile and write my thesis in English. Also, all the research I've done so far, has been in English. So it's not really a problem for me.


Should a (computer science) thesis be written in English or in the writer's native language? What are possible pros/cons? Can it pay off to go the extra mile?

strict formatting in US dissertations

Recently, I got a mildly panicked email from a friend/collaborator who was preparing the final manuscript of his thesis. He had just noticed that page numbers were a fraction of an inch closer to the page edge than the regulations of his university specify, and he was concerned that the lady in charge of filing dissertations would notice and reject the manuscript. This concern wasn't unjustified: I personally know a couple of people who had to reprint their dissertations at the last minute because they had the type of formatting errors that you need a ruler to notice.

In the end, I was able to tell my friend how to modify his TeX markup to avoid disaster, but I was left wondering: why are (some) US universities so obsessed about aspects of a dissertation that nobody will ever care about, or even notice? I did my PhD in Europe (Netherlands), and nobody there cares much about the formatting of your dissertation, so long as it doesn't look silly.

Submission needing revisions

I've received a letter from the editor about minor revision to my paper and, if I want, that I can resend revised manuscript. The paper is currently under "Submissions needing revision" in Elsevier Editorial System (EES).

Do I need to notify the editor by mail or somehow through EES that I will resend the revised version or just send it again right after making changes/replying to reviewers' comments?

Will the paper then go through another round of reviewing - what are experiences from your field?

How to complete math pre-requisites for graduate programs?

I recently completed a B.S. of Economics at a SUNY school (Major Reqs), which unfortunately only required up to Calc I.

I would like to go to graduate school for something more quantitative, such statistics or data science, but all programs require Calc 1-3 and Linear Algebra. Currently I am working full time in NYC (Manhattan) and would like to take these courses as part of a non-degree track so that I don't have to limit my search for grad schools to ones that offer the pre-reqs and ones that don't require them at all.

Are there any online, or reasonably priced options for me?

I'm new to this particular SE, so please forgive me if I'm doing this wrong.

paper submitted to Math Ann

I submitted a paper to Math Ann at the beginning of August. One day after I submitted the paper, the status of the paper was changed to "Editor invited". I would like to know if the paper has been sent out to referee for review. So I sent a message through Editorial Manager to the editor to ask if the paper is under review. But I did not receive any reply. Then I sent a message directly to the editor through the email from his institution. Still I did not receive any reply. Now the status is still "Editor invited". So I wonder if it is common for the editor not replying or ignoring the messages from the author. Is it my paper under review, but the editor does not bother to reply my message? Did some of you have this experience when you submit your paper to Math Ann, and what did you do in the situation?

Doing PhD from New Zealand on self finance

I want an advice on doing PhD from New Zealand on self finance. I am a Pakistani and doing a job. I have done B.E electrical engineering and MS systems engineering. Now I wish to do my PhD overseas so that I can have a better research experience. I applied for PhD in Sydney university got the admission but did got any scholarship. my supervisor over there told me that as I don't have any publication so that y I wasn't able to secure a scholarship. Actually my nature of job is not much related to research so I can't have a publication until I start doing PhD. This time I have applied to a new Zealand uni and again got the admission but no scholarship :(. Please advice what I should do now. As NZ offers domestic fee to overseas student also so i'll some how mange to finance this PhD. But again is it advisable to liquidate all my recourses and to go for this PhD. may be I have to leave my job too. Has any of you got idea that what are the chances of getting a scholarship once I go there on self finance and start doing my PhD. Please advice.

How to get permission from Google to use Google Scholar Data, if needed?

As you maybe aware, Google does not provide any API for Google Scholar product and despite lots of request still there is no interest from Google to provide API for it. So, I am currently working on a product that can utilize publicly available information from Google Scholar page and render them so researchers and academician can use the data and embed them in their own website.

However, while I am developing the system, it happens sometimes that Google blocks my request to fetch scholar page (I parse HTML page). So, I am thinking that there might be a mechanism in their side that blocks request from applications -rather than human. So, it may suggest to get approval from them.

Do you have any idea that:

  1. Do people need approval/permission from Google to use its Google scholar information? The product I am building is probably donation based for basic version and paid for some other version (not yet confirmed).

  2. If people need permission, how should they approach them? I searched the entire scholar page here and found nothing related to get permission. Also there is no forum for Google Scholar according to this place.


Wrong font used for SoP and resume

I used wrong font for my SoP, rather than the one prescribed under department specifications. Will this hamper my chances of admission into that university?

lundi 29 décembre 2014

Detect Journal from Conference

I have some downloaded papers and I am going to store journals and conferences in separate folders. My problem is that by having a simple look at the PDF file, I cannot detect if that paper is journal or conference. Some papers mention it. However, how to detect the others?

Will it hurt you to leave a tenure track position (for another) after one year?

I'm a new assistant professor in my first year of my first tenure track position.

For several reasons, I am seriously doubting whether my current position is a good fit and am considering applying to a couple open positions that may provide a better fit. I'm not sure whether the nature of my reasons is relevant but assume

  • My reasons do not involve salary or any personal conflicts (they are more related to the teaching load, the types of classes I'd be teaching, the background of the students I'd be teaching, and the possibility of advising PhD students)

  • I have no two-body problem or moving reasons for seeking a new job (the open positions are relatively nearby)

My question is: are there any serious problems with attempting to change tenure track positions this early?

  • From the perspective of the hiring committee, will this (even with an explanation in the cover letter) raise a red flag that will cripple my candidacy?

  • If I did apply, would my current employer be justified in being upset? Is it generally considered unacceptable to leave a tenure track position this early?

Thanks for any perspectives on this.

Graduate without a job offer or delay

I am posting here for the first time. I am Canadian 6th year grad student in USA. My adviser is rushing my graduation, which is a good thing. But, he is telling that he has ran out of funding and want me to graduate in February with whatever I have done so far. Also, he has clearly said that he does not have any funds to support me beyond February, but he will be happy to be my adviser, but cannot offer any financial support. This came as a bit of a surprise to me, that too this late. Also, because of the extreme pressure to finish the projects, graduate and find jobs, I am undergoing chronic depression, insomnia and anxiety disorder. With this medical condition, it has become even more difficult for me to focus on my thesis.

I am partly supported by a university fellowship of which only one semester is remaining, which will be applied for the Spring 2015 semester, if I continue with my current plan of graduation in February 2015.

At this point, I do not have any job offer, just started applying for jobs last week. With my wife and kid also living with me, it would be very hard to continue to stay in USA without any financial support. I have two options now:

  1. Go ahead with finishing the thesis and aim for Feb-Apr 2015 graduation. Pros: If all goes well, I will get my degree in about 3-4 months for which I have toiled for the last 6 years; the duration of degree will be much shorter, a positive?. Cons: I do not know if I can get job in about 4-5 months in USA as I will have to worry about the OPT; will have to do a sloppy thesis; no time to publish 1-2 papers for which I have done 90% of the work; may have to spend some money out of my own pocket.

  2. Due to medical condition, I can take medical leave for up to a year. So, take medical leave for the Spring 2015 semester, move back to Canada where I can cover my family living expenses without much hassle, use the summer to write up my thesis and defend in Fall 2015. Pros: I will get much more time to apply for jobs, will not be rushed due to OPT; can do some more good research and do a better thesis; write some more papers in the mean time, which will help me during job hunt; can better deal with stress and anxiety Cons: A delay in graduation, some costs of moving my family back and forth, the "unknown" factor which I am not able to account right now, which can hinder me from getting my degree.

By and large, what should go into my thesis is decided and I have talked clearly about it with my adviser. So, there is not much uncertainty about getting the thesis ready. Also, if I go on a medical leave, my one semester fellowship will be applied when I come back. Plus, if I have some job offer, I can also continue as a non-resident student and finish my degree as adviser is okay with being my adviser, just that he really does not have any funds right now.

I would like to get opinions from as many people as possible. Any input will be highly appreciated.

Can I blog the analysis of research papers? Is it legal?

I read research papers and was wondering if I can write blogs about those papers, their findings in my own words. Kind of review or analysis. Am I allowed to do that legally? Can I use graphs, facts in the paper?

Should you list undergraduate work on your CV?

Specifically, I'm worried about my first few publications listed on my CV being undergraduate work because: A) It might not be of my own inspiration, and I'm just tagging along with someone else's research. B) It might not be good. C) I want to start off my publication history with a bang.

I understand the huge benefit of getting research experience as an undergraduate, but I'm worried about starting off my research history on a less than optimal note.

Should scholarship/fellowship monetary amount be listed in CV?

I know there are similar questions but here I would like to focus on scholarships and fellowships that pay tuition and/or a stipend. This is for a CV for PhD or scholarship/fellowship applications, so early career stage and whatever that my imply on the length of the CV.

I have 4/5 of these ranging from $1000 to $15,000. Should the amount and what the amount covers be listed? Or just list the institution and award name?

put the non English conference article on Google Scholar Or Academia edu Or Research Gate profile

Is it OK to put your non English internal conference or journal paper on Google scholar? and also change the title of it to its English title?

Should papers presented at local conferences be put in list of publications?

I have two papers presented at state and national level conferences. These conference proceedings were not published in any journal. Now, should I list these papers in my list of publications or not?

Why professors have a homepage URL starting with tilde?

I understand that in UNIX environment ~ (tilde) represents current user's home directory. But i don't understand why it is mimicked in personal websites of professors!

What can physicists help in theoretial biology, besides math and fresh perspectives?

By googling this keyword: "theoretical biology" and physics, I get many interesting pages, such as:

All pages I found mostly (or only, if I remember correctly) focus on the advantages of the physicists are math and being a neophyte. But that means a mathematician is also adequate to this.

My undergraduate dissertation is about biophysics, so I actually know that there are things that a physicist can help in biology. But mostly I see them in molecular biology. I don't know what else can physicists actually can help with their background.

Lost Interest in Electrical Engineering. Still have a Math degree to complete. What to do?

I just finished my 5th semester of a compact, dual degree (MS in mathematics and BE in electrical and electronics engineering) course from BITS Pilani, India. It's hitting me really hard now that I just don't want to be an engineer at all. I was really enthusiastic about this programme when I joined it, but with 5 more semesters to go, I'm near clueless about what to do once I'm out of here.

I still like mathematics though and my grades in those courses have been fairly decent, but the university grades me for the entire course and so I'd barely make it a 2.7 or something like that on a scale of 4 at the end of it. If I keep going like I am, more or less.

I like statistics, probability and operations research but even though I can tolerate the mathematics degree which is a lot of pure mathematics, that part of it isn't something I want to pursue.

I have, however, recently developed interest in financial analysis. I have taken introductory courses in economics and management, to fill up the elective credits I had to and so I have a little bit of an idea about how this stuff works, and I'm really enjoying learning more of it. But I have no clue where to go, or what to do.

I want to be certain that I can make it to a decent program, preferably MSF or MBA Finance, in the US, UK or Germany (or any other place where financial markets are really intense and interesting) with those sort of grades and maybe a few projects (which I intend to take up in the next few semesters) related to financial analysis, but mostly math.

I would really appreciate if you could help me find a path to accomplish what I am setting out to, point me to alternative programs I can get in that can get me where I want to be or advise me on what the focus should be on right now, working on a few more projects, or improving my grade; or something else.

Do hiring committees actually give preference to underrepresented groups?

For reference, I am a woman of color in mathematics and I am applying for academic jobs.

I noticed that many of these applications say something like "Women (and other underrepresented groups) are encouraged to apply," or "We especially welcome applications from minority groups, women, persons with disabilities,..."

Yet there is also a non-discrimination clause saying " All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, etc. ..."

Is preference actually given to these underrepresented groups? What impact does knowledge of the underrepresented group the applicant is a part of have in the reviewing process?

What do I put on my publication list if I have no publications?

I am applying for a lecturer position at a university, and one of the application materials is a publication list.

I am a graduate student in my last year of PhD, and I plan on focusing my job search on teaching positions. I currently have no publications, nor will I have any anytime soon.

It looks like on the application, I have to upload something. What do I upload if I have no publications?

How can I get latest 2014 IEEE transaction on online Shopping price comparison? [on hold]

I doing Master of Engineering (Computer Engineering) and for my final year project, it is compulsory to have a IEEE transaction paper on a project topic that we choose for project.

Now I have selected a topic "Online Shopping Price Comparison" but the problem is that there is no any Transaction Paper I found on this above topic.

My Project guide said that "Please find IEEE transaction on online shopping bot" but I have not got any paper.

I have got 2 conference papers but they are not enough and teacher said that conference paper do not have any proof of feasibility so please find transaction paper.

Please tell me that how I can get a Transaction paper on online shopping.

Unclear terms: Statement of Purpose, Academic Statement and Personal Statement

I'm so confused. I can't distinguish between them. It seems to me that sometimes the statement of purpose (SOP) is the personal statement (PS), sometimes it is not the PS, and by the definition I'll give below, academic statement (AS) is the SOP.

Is the SOP a PS (or not)?

I think most people will agree that the SOP is another name for the PS, and you only need one statement beside your CV and research proposal (if necessary) to be written. That explains why in Academia.SE, we only have a tag but no PS tag or AS tag. And most of the time I see people ask about a PS question under the SOP tag, and accept the answer only says about the SOP. Except these two questions, where the posters notice that SOP is not the PS (I find them when searching for "personal statement" "statement of purpose" ):

To be clear, the first question asks about academic statement of purpose and only localize to the NSF Fellowship application. But the (solely) answer only discuss about the SOP, so I understand that ASOP is the other name of the SOP, (don't know if it also be the AS as well).

Is the SOP the Academic Statement?

Now, in the announcement for a fellowship I intend to apply for, it requires me to have both an academic statement and a personal statement. It defines them like this:

ACADEMIC AND PERSONAL STATEMENTS. Each applicant must prepare a one-page Academic Statement and a one-page Personal Statement. The first essay addresses the applicant’s academic and scientific background and preparation, previous research, and a description of the study and research proposed at a U.S. graduate school department. The Personal Statement includes information about the applicant’s background, practical experience, special interests, and career goals, with some attention to plans after degree completion. Applicants should also address how they might represent Vietnam as students in the United States and how they might represent the United States and contribute to Vietnam upon return.

More explicit details are provided in the link. Based on the definition of the AS, I think that it is the SOP as we widely know (or at least is this SOP). If then, what is the PS in this case? Is it the place for the "my first trembling steps" stuff?

Or, does the aggregation of AS and PS in this situation equate the SOP as we widely know, and the recruiters just want to make it explicit?

dimanche 28 décembre 2014

Promotion rate from associate professor to professor

I'm writing my essay, and want to know the promotion rate and average duration from assistant professor to associate professor and associate professor to professor in recent years. Sadly I haven't known the date in the US. Could anyone tell me? Thanks so much for your help!

How to foster gender diversity as an organizer

I am part of the organizing committee for a workshop in a STEM field that historically has problems with underrepresentation of women (and other groups, but let me focus on women in this question). I would like to help foster an inclusive environment at the workshop and more generally in my department and am looking for suggestions for how to proceed.

The topic of the workshop is slightly out of my field of expertise and I do not have a long list of qualified speakers (of any gender) that I can offer suggestions from.

I suspect that the senior member of the committee will take the attitude that he is "gender blind" and chooses speakers to invite based only on their quality but that because of implicit biases, the invitee list he draws up will be something like 90% male. I do not think he will be particularly open to a direct conversation about gender and underrepresentation.

I saw this question which was asking whether preferential invitation of female speakers is normal; I am instead asking how to foster diversity (perhaps by preferential invitation or by other means).

How do I stop feeling unwelcome in my department?

I could not find a PhD advisor and the person in charge of my PhD program suggested that I leave with a master's degree. He said that I was good at carrying out tasks but I did not have the motivation to advance the state of the art in my field. Some time later I found an advisor in a different department, and he seems to like me. But I still cannot get over what the graduate coordinator said, and now I hate visiting the office because I feel I do not belong and I don't want to talk to anyone I know. What should I do?

After I found an advisor the graduate coordinator said something like "I knew you had it in you, I just wanted to see how much you wanted it." But I don't know if he really means it, and if he did, I think that's kind of a mean thing to do.

Should I include course evaluations in my transcript as part of the job application materials?

I did my undergraduate and graduate degrees at a university that includes course evaluations as part of the transcript. My evaluations from my professors and instructors generally are good to excellent.

I am applying for jobs right now, and some ask for graduate and undergraduate transcripts. I can order two kinds of transcripts, one with evaluations, and one without.

Would it be beneficial for me to include my evaluations with the transcripts in my job applications materials?

It would be attached in the same file as my transcript, not attached as a separate file.

For reference, my undergrad/grad transcripts with grades and records is composed of four pages. The evaluations are an extra 14 pages.

Plagiarism in a published article

The following document -see link below- is used as an evidence of plagiarism in an article published in Water Policy. Is this a strong evidence that the authors committed plagiarism.

Best Regards,


Masters degree in Mathematical Physics

I am a third year student doing my bachelors in both physics and mathematics at a German university. Since I am really interested in theoretical physics and mathematics I am thinking about doing a masters degree in mathematical physics. I am very interested in Mathematical Quantum Mechanics and, even though I haven't had courses in it yet, in QFT and General Relativity.

I'm thinking about applying for the course Theoretical and Mathematical Physics (TMP) in Munich and also for Part III of the Mathematical Tripos in Cambridge. It's probably quite hard for a German student to get accepted in Cambridge, isn't it? So my questions are:

1) Do I need research experience, papers or something like that? At German universities we don't really do research or write papers in the bachelor studies of theoretical physics or mathematics (apart from the bachelor thesis itself). What could I do for increasing the chance of getting accepted apart from getting good grades?

2) The course mathematical and theoretical physics in Oxford is new. That is a disadvantage in comparison to an old course or what do you think?

3) Which similar courses do you know about that I could consider as well? Are there similar courses in the US? I couldn't find any.

I'd only study abroad if it is a very good university because I think the course TMP in Munich is already quite good.

Indicate Journal name for "under review" and "accepted/in press" publications on CV

there are similar questions on how to list on CV publications that have not passed the accepted or in press stage when applying to junior research positions ( PhD/postdoc).

I am not clear if such publications should include the journal name or not, and what would be the reason for either choice.

How to cite chapter from a report with different authors?

I have to cite a multi-chapter report. Every chapter has different authors, should I cite with the name of the main author and then the specific chapter? Or should I use the first author of the chapter I am citing?

If main author is Smith but Jess is the author of a chapter where Smith is not in the authors list, should I cite with (Smith et. al 2000, ch 6) or (Jeff et. al 2000) and then add a citation for each chapter in the cited literature section?

Does your university name matter?

If you are seeking an engineering job, do employers care about which university you attended? Do they look at your grades, or bias their decision based on the college's reputation? There are stories of Ivy League graduates struggling to find employment, while another person at a small, virtually unheard-of college grabbing that opportunity. So if you are attending a prestigious school, and your grades are lower than someone who is attending a small, high-school-like school, how will that affect your employment opportunities?

How much duplication is permissible in letters of recommendation?

Anybody has idea, how much copying is allowed in a recommendation letter and whether they really run a copying test on the letters of recommendation?

Do's and don'ts when writing an academic book

I am currently writing a book in mathematics. I have written a few pages and often stumble upon the question "is this good pedagogy" or is this "good typography". The chances of my work getting published is slim, but I am using it for a personal collection of notes and ideas in addition to learning writing a longer text. Below is an excerpt from my notes

enter image description here

An older version of my notes can be found here.As now the notes are dividied into a somewhat strict pattern with lemmas, propositions, corollary with theorems reserved for the main purpose of each section. I have a ton of questions about layout, design how formal to be in my writing, and how spiced up I should make the text. I see modern calculus books like to divide the text into blocks (a different color for theorems, proofs etc) while published articles tend to keep a much more minimalistic presence. I just do not know if I am on a good path, or if I need to do some fundamental changes.

To summarize

  • What are the do's and dont when writing longer notes (mainly aimed at undergrads).

  • Are there any books or literature on writing longer academic texts?

Online venues that promote networking among scholars -- alternatives to and ResearchGate

Are there alternatives to and ResearchGate if one is searching for a venue that promotes "informal" (*) cooperation and networking among scholars (specifically, in mathematics and science)?

(*) As far as I know, the aim of two sites mentioned above is mostly sharing papers rather than opinions, insights, and interesting material of various sorts related to research. I would like this alternative site to be more informal: a scholarly social network rather a mere preprints repository.

Using previous student essays as examples

I teach English as a second language to pre-college adults, and I'm interested in the idea of using essays from previous students as examples in a writing class. At a previous institution we used a permission form that students signed giving the university the right to reproduce / modify written work, in part or whole, and with identifying information removed.

However, as an adjunct who will likely work at multiple schools, I would like to have that permission myself as well.

What would be the legalities to consider doing such a thing?

If I have students' written permission, should I still have permission from the institution to do this?

Will a signed statement (in English), given by someone who's understanding of English is demonstrably weak, function the same as any other?

Is there a precedent for instructors to gain this permission? As opposed to the institution as a whole.

Would a blanket statement applying to all assignments work, or should it be for each individual assignment?

Mentioning that I am a PhD student in the cover letter for manuscript submission

I am a PhD student in Mathematics. My Adviser told me that I can submit our manuscript in some journal. So I am writing a cover letter, I am just wondering if I should mention in the cover letter that I am a PhD student. Thanks.

'Scholarly' alternatives to Goodreads

As you can read on Wikipedia,

Goodreads is an Amazon company and "social cataloging" website founded in December 2006 and launched in January 2007 by Otis Chandler, a software engineer and entrepreneur, and Elizabeth Chandler. The website allows individuals to freely search Goodreads' extensive user-populated database of books, annotations, and reviews. Users can sign up and register books to generate library catalogs and reading lists. [...] On the Goodreads website, users can add books to their personal bookshelves, rate and review books, see what their friends are reading, participate in discussion boards and groups on a variety of topics, and get suggestions for future reading choices based on their reviews of previously read books.

My question is: is there a scholarly alternative to Goodreads, that is, a website where you can shelf papers, journal articles, scholarly websites, and preprints as well as books?

What options do rejected applicants have if mistakenly told they were admitted to a program?

I was reading up the Reddit page here, which described a case of admissions error, in which:

  1. The person obtained an acceptance for a PhD program in writing.

  2. The person personally called the university and confirmed acceptance of the program

  3. The university then said that they had made a mistake, cancelling the acceptance.

What would be some things that the person can take, and if some of these actions required specific conditions, what would be the conditions be?

For the purposes of answering this question, we will assume that there is no stipend involved, and the acceptance was confirmed by the departmental admissions staff.

is the other parts of my thesis contents are important for judges in the defend day

I want to defend my thesis in the computer networking field on master degree . all things are done. And now I want to write my thesis document. Is this document important for judges in the defend day or not to evaluate my thesis.

I ask this question because I think they just pay attention to your suggested method and result and presentation.

Is the document are so important for them? because if they do not pay a lot attention to that I do not like take a lot of effort on that maybe you say that I can put that on the internet for any citation By our language is not English.

If the answer is yes. I mean they pay attention to the document in case of evaluating my thesis. What parameter are important for them. Or better to say, I should bold which part or how to write my thesis in order to the judges pay attention to that? and they say themselves this student try hard and I should give him good score ( D: )

What does "scientific report" mean?

An Australian bioinformatics job ad talks about writing "scientific reports" in the selection criteria.

Wikipedia has an article on Technical reports, which it says are also called scientific reports, but that definition, of basically grey literature, doesn't seem plausible.

Does it have any other meanings, such as a hypernym of scientific papers, conference talks, and conference posters?

samedi 27 décembre 2014

Why is academia so fucked up?

I am curious why academia is so fucked up. The imbecilic questions asked here indicate a whole lot of fucked-upness in academia, and I demand to know why everybody here has his head up his ass.

What kind of design freedom can you permit yourself in academic writing?

In scholarly journals, or publicising in certain magazines you are expected to hold true to a certain design pattern and citation style. However, when publishing your own work independently you are free from those constraints, or are you?

I am a designer by heart and every couple of years I create a new template that I use for future academic papers, following contemporary design patterns. In my opinion, my templates look nice. Not too strict, though flirting with kittenish. I am convinced that a nice design leads to a fruitful first impression. However, I am aware that this might be very subjective.

My question is, then, do academics generally look down on "design hippies" and should all retain a strict - possibly even chippy - style? Or does all of this not matter as long as everything is legible and well-formatted?

Here is an example of the template I am working on: Example template

The font is called Pacifico and is generally border-line legible, so I'm still doubtful whether I'll use it. Also, its capitals aren't always that good - for instance L is not very distinguished from the lower-case l.

On the publication of a paper (draft for the time being) for a FOSS project

I was wondering where I can publish a paper (I am working on this right now) whose aim is to provide information and guide through the basics - in other words the philosophy of operation - for a reverse-engineered opensource 3d projective mobile scanner. Having searched the Internet, I found no satisfying answer to my question. The only thing I found that seemed somehow relative to my question was the "paper" discussing the SAGE project (entitled: "SAGE: System for Algebra and Geometry Experimentation") which was pubilshed to the ACM SIGSAM Bulletin Journal. I want my paper to be something very similar to it (however discussing my project)


  1. Is this journal the right place to send my manuscript (when I am done)?

  2. What other journals do you propose me to take into consideration for possible publication?

  3. From the little experience I have with publishing (I have had my first paper published a year ago at Telematics and Informatics [Elsevier]), I have fathomed that the journal must exactly suit the paper's overall topic and structure

  4. Some keywords for this paper: digital fabrication, rapid prototyping, three-dimensional scanning, mobile application, algorithm optimization, Python, Cython, Android

PS Apologies in case my question does not fit the philosophy of this site (or in case I've used wrong categorization).

Typos in faculty application

How damaging writing errors like typos in faculty application documents are? Do the search committee usually tolerate a couple of small errors in cover letter, sample publications, etc?

Normal length of time taken to arrive at a phd admission decision?

I would like to know, if possible, how long it takes on the average to reach a first admission decision for doctoral programs?

Let us say a doctoral program promises to inform the applicants of the outcome three months after the deadline for submitting application packages. Does this really mean that to reach a decision requires exactly three months? If you have experiences in such a process, please share me with the things that actually would happen.

Making research without phd

Is it difficult to enter the world of research, even without having a Phd in the field of Mathematics? Given that i have a Masters degree in Physics?

What has the effect of publishing salaries been?

In the US, many (most?) states have laws which require the publication of full salary details for all employees of state universities. For example, California has a full online database of all state workers it seems which includes UC Berkeley amongst others.

What effect on state universities has this publication of academic salaries had? Specifically,

  1. Have they had to pay more on average in salaries because private sector competitors now know exactly how much to offer someone to entice them?

  2. Have they found it more difficult to recruit people from the private sector who might not want their financial details to be public?

  3. Have there been any other negative or positive side effects?

what is the advanatege of poster award

What is the advantages of poster awards. If you win that on the that really make scene or not. what is the advantage of that when you want to apply for phd or job?

What country would be good for me to apply to a master's program in?

Fifteen years ago or so, I was enrolled in a PhD program in a scientific discipline at a top-level university in the U.S. At first I performed well; purely in terms of knowledge and problem-solving ability, there are objective indications that I was near the top of my cohort. But a couple of years into the program I had some personal difficulties and everything went downhill from there, as I was completely unable to focus on my work. I don’t want to go into too much detail here, but my advisor came away with a very negative opinion of me - that I was smart but extremely lazy. I can’t honestly say I blame her, as I didn’t take any steps to explain why I was in such a slump for such a long time. I dropped out of the program after that.

Now I’d like to try to go back to school and do a doctorate in the same field, as I feel my calling is to do research in that area. Given the way admissions work, I think my chances of getting into a top-level program in the U.S. are extremely limited, as I’ve essentially burned my bridges. A big stumbling block (though not the only one - I’ve been out of school for many years) is that universities explicitly require transcripts from all institutions attended as part of an application.

On the other hand, I have the impression that at least in some European countries, things may work differently. I visited the webpages of some reputable universities in Germany, and found that the admission applications in some cases appear to ask only for documentation from studies at the immediately preceding level (bachelor’s for admission to a master’s, master’s for admission to a doctorate).

Also, one German university I spotted has an entrance exam to their master’s program for students from outside the EU, which would at least give me a chance to demonstrate my present level of ability. My impression - which may be entirely mistaken given how little I know about the German system - is that a university like that one probably routinely admits domestic students who meet minimal admission requirements, but then doesn’t mind having a large proportion of them fail the tough exams once they’re in. That would be perfect for me, because I’m confident in my ability to do well, just not to convince an admissions committee that I will.

So I’ve come up with the following plan. Try to gain admission to a well-regarded master’s program in Europe (or in a developed country elsewhere), and from there apply to a good PhD program some place that looks only at the previous level of studies. Language of instruction is not an issue as I’ll adapt regardless.

I am looking for guidance as to what a reasonable next step would be along this path. My questions are addressed to people very familiar with university systems outside North America. Here they are:

Given the entirety of the situation I’ve described, what countries should I be considering? In particular, in what countries would one or more of the following practices not be out of the ordinary?

a) Admission to a master’s and/or PhD program involves minimal documentation. In particular, no CV is required and there is no requirement to provide transcripts from all universities attended. The focus is on performance at the next lower level of study.

b) Admission of foreign students to a master’s program is based largely on an entrance exam.

c) Even good universities may have lax admission standards at the master’s level; the reputation of a program is based mainly on the difficulty of meeting the program requirements once you’re in.

vendredi 26 décembre 2014

Concave Mirror Question - Focal Length

In a concave mirror experiment, an object is placed at a distance x1 from the focus and the image is formed at a distance x2 from the focus. The focal length will be........

(a) x1.x2

(b) square root(x1.x2)

(c) (x1+x2)/2

(d) square root(x1/x2)

Why is electrical engineering so much harder than other types of engineering?

I was comparing report card with my friend today. He is in mechanical engineering and I'm in electrical engineering.

On this report card, the courses he took were:

  • Vector Caculus

  • Intro to CAD

  • Intro to Thermodynamics

  • Intro to Material Physics

  • Sociology I (yes they get to take electives second year)

On my report card

  • FPGA and Digital Electronic

  • Circuit Analysis and Analog Electronic

  • Intro to Electromagnetics

  • Calculus III (same as vector calculus)

  • Engineering Mathematics and Complex Analysis

He got 1 A+ (90+), 2 As and 2 A-. I got 2 As, 2 A-, 1 B (FPGA grrr!)

Now he thinks he is better than me because he got better grades. But I try to argue that electrical engineering is much harder. We are both in second year.

And it is. How easy is it to study material physics where all you had to do is to remember couple equations and regurgitate them on the exam versus designing a small compiler and write Verilog code??

So do you agree with me that electrical engineering is harder and if so what specifically about electrical engineering that makes it so much harder than everything else.

Why many Google Scholar profiles with no pictures?

Many researchers add their pictures in their sites or other online profiles, but is there a reason why many of them are not uploading it to Google Scholar?

Graduate school in China with English language skills only?

Is it possible to enroll into and complete a graduate school in China while having only English language skills, without speaking Chinese at all? In particular, I am interested in physics (theoretical physics).

Softwares to create repositories of students' software projects

I want to be able to store the software projects my students submit so I can catch plagiarism. Some students copy work from their seniors etc and it would be really helpful if I could find a way to store all projects so I could compare.

My university currently uses moodle but I can't find a way to create a project repository to detect plagiarism. (We do have the JPlag detection system but that only works for projects submitted under one particular group (assignment)).

Any ideas?

Effective teaching methodolgies?

I'm in literature and applying for a tenure-track position. One of my job applications is asking for "evidence of effective teaching methods" as one of the documents I am to submit.

Does anyone have any idea of what this should be?


a failing undergraduate needs advice

Somehow I got admitted into an extremely competitive undergraduate program for math. For a year and a half, I really struggled. I'm still interested in the material that I was studying, and I still want to have an opportunity to learn it, but I didn't think the university was a good fit for me. So I withdrew. I don't believe I was learning very much (the grades show this) and I find it very difficult to sacrifice all other aspects of my life for the grade. There are a lot of factors here. But I can admit the possibility that I'm just not smart (mentally quick) enough.

So my heart is pretty much set on learning, but I'm either too mellow to succeed in hardcore academics, or I'm just not competent enough. I'm not entirely sure I can transfer out (too many units), and honestly I'd be a little embarrassed if I had to.

What advice can you offer to someone like me?

Did i make a mistake in my SOP by focusing too much on my research interests?

I want to pursue a master's in Computer Networks with an interest to learn Software Defined Networking. For some of the universities that i have applied, i have summarized like ' i would love to go deep into networking particularly software defined networking' Now will this be a negative if the colleges have only few courses on the subject?

general GRE and subject GRE

I made an account for general GRE and subject GRE. I have a pretty bad score in subject GRE. Few universities are not asking for subject GRE score and it would be better if I don't send them subject GRE score. When I try to send my score to university ETS sends both the scores from my account. Is their any way, I can only one score from the account?

What are the downsides of publishing your statement of purpose on the Internet after you've already been admitted to a PhD program?

After getting into some top schools, I linked my statement of purpose on my personal website so it could serve as a resource for others. Are there any reasons this might be a bad idea?

What is meant by rewarding No-Grades when one's adviser remained satisfied towards one's research?

Being a PhD student (in U.S), if one's adviser looked satisfied (if remarked "good" in satisfied mood) towards one's research during all the semester but at the end of semester rewards you "NO Grades" in your research-credits, what does it mean? And how to put one's surprise before him? (note that the same adviser awarded 'Progress' Grades in research in other semesters)

Secondly is it normal that PhD advisers do that while looking satisfied towards them?

Apply for PhD in maths at the age of 35

Is it possible to be accepted as a PhD student in mathematics and provided full scholarship at the age of 35? What about top-ranked US universities? Mathematics has the reputation of a field for young minds. Do the admission committee consider the age of an applicant? I mean, can the committee reject the application solely because of the age, when everything else is fine?

jeudi 25 décembre 2014

How to say please erase\cutoff my lower gre score information from my application

Want to admit an abc university. GRE is not a requirement for them originally, BUT since i have taken it, my score is REALLY lower than what they can consider. This is an academic program and in case of having a GRE test, UNFORTUNATLY, their policy is that it cannot be too low. 12% is not acceptable. Need help to write a letter about erase/cutoff gre information from my submitted application and give me admission on.

If have any query please ask,thanks in advanced.

Should I talk to my professor about my grade?

I go to a small liberal arts college in California and I'm currently a sophomore. I just found my grades for the fall semester, and in an intro to international relations class that I took, I got a B.

I got a 93% on the midterm, which was worth 25% of the grade.

I always came to class prepared, having done the reading, and actively participated, so I probably got an A in participation, which is 5% of the grade.

There was a mock UNsimulation which was worth 20% of the grade that I felt my group did pretty well on, but I never got an actual score back. I made some amall mistakes, but worse case scenario, I think I got around an 85%.

My final paper, worth 25% of the grade, everyone said that it was a really good paper, and that it deserves an A, even people who took the same class from her, as well as writing tutors that I went to.

The other 25% of the grade was reserved for quizzes that according to the syllabus, we're supposed to take place every two to three weeks. However, she only gave us two. The first one, she failed everyone, and said that she did that to scare us, and make sure that we read the material. The second one, I got an A on.

I asked her about the quizzes, and she said that they were used for extra credit, which doesn't make sense according to the syllabus.

I am Really confused about why I got a B, and I think that she might have made a mistake.

Should I talk to her about it when I go back to school, and if so, do you think that she made a mistake?

what are the mains creterions taken by mathematical community to judge that if an open problem is most and important?

I'm confused for one thing that is :what are the mains creterions taken by

mathematical community to judge that if an open problem is most and important

problem among many others open problems in mathematics , for example if we say

that :Riemann Hypothesis is important problem as it is related to the prime

distributions , are all mathematical topics based for primes distribution ?

I would be interest like someone show me what are the main creterion taken by

mathematics community to set if an open problem is important then others.

Thank you for any replies or any comments.

B- in a Major Class Last 60 Credits (Mathematics)

I'm a mathematics undergraduate at a research university, and recently got a B- in Advanced Calculus I this semester as a junior. I would like to know how much this could affect my chances for getting into graduate school for a PhD in applied mathematics.

The reason is simple: time management. I received a research scholarship in Biology and spent too much time on this commitment (it was my first major project). However, my mentor is confident this project will get me a first authored publication within a decent journal.

My other classes that semester were straight A's. As a result my overall GPA is now 3.79 and my major GPA 3.72. I completed an AA in high school, so all of my electives have been in statistics, maths, computer science and graduate level genetics.

However, this is not my first bad grade: I also go a B- in physics and withdrew from a chemistry course my freshman year but was quickly diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome and given reduced course load + double test time. These are the conditions under which I got my B- in Advanced Calculus I.

I would greatly appreciate an expert opinion (I'll also talk to my math adviser next semester). My research interests lie within gene expression/regulation, so I really want to enter a PhD program in applied mathematics that is also associated with a NIH funded center for System's Biology (such as UC Berkeley, Stanford or MIT).

Next semester I'm taking Advanced Calculus II under the same professor, a course in C++ and a 6000 level PhD track course in Genomics/Proteomics/Transcriptomics with 3 exams and 4 semester projects (I have a 4.0 in all the prerequisites). Any advice?

Does listing several research directions in SOP give the impression that I have a shallow research interest?

I am applying to MS in CS degree. In my sop I wish to talk about 4 distinctive, non intersecting research directions. Two of em pertain to Computer vision and two more of em pertain to Machine learning. I am interested in the areas of Computer vision that utilizes the theory of Machine Learning.

Now my question is, if I talk about these 4 distinctive, non intersecting research directions and quote a paper each in these 4 directions, will it give the impression that I have a shallow superficial research interest? Also I don't have any particular research Idea in my mind for either of these 4 directions yet.

As I am still in college, I don't get enough time to conduct research on these 4 directions. My college coursework keeps me busy for most of the time. So as of for now I can't narrow down to one of these 4 directions.

Over the course of 4 years, I read papers when ever I got time and I saw a pattern in all these papers. I realized that the papers I read fall into these 4 distinctive directions. I realized how one paper builds on top of the other. Its just that I was casually reading this stuff not with an intention to contribute to either of these directions. But if you ask me to write a grad level thesis I would definitely choose one of these 4 directions.

Earning a phd at an older age

I have a masters degree in Physics and i have worked in italian high school for 15 years. Now i'm 47 and i wish to have a bachelor or masters degree in Math, because i'd like to change job. How difficult might be for me to have a Phd after the degrees, considered my advanced age (even if i don't feel it)? Thank you very much.

Criticizing method of another paper

I am writing a research paper, and am fairly new to writing. I am working on a research topic that has not been touched too much. There has only been one other paper published regarding the same topic.

In this other paper, they have a fairly strange methodological approach that almost doesn't make use of the method at hand. My paper is an 'improvement' of their approach, I am wondering what would be the best way to criticize their approach to present my own approach.

As Bob et al. failed to notice, we can actually do this..

Thanks for any advice.

Funding during graduate study (phd, masters) in math in the US

I have some questions and concerns in mind:

1) When somebody says a program is "funded", does that mean the money is conditional (whether or not he TAs or not) or unconditional? Or is it clarified in context?

2) Is there such a thing as entirely unconditional funding? If it's not tied to teaching, will it always be tied with progress (or something else)?

3) Are there programs that will ask you to take out loans? In other words, do (most) schools generally have some sort of funding available? How does this depend on rankings/tier? Is there a specific ranking, say 50, below which you'll mostly likely need money through loans?

My personal concern is whether or not I can depend on being funded, even if I'm not a very strong student.

Low grade in basis course

I have completed one semester of my MS Chemical Engineering program and have a GPA of 3.11(I know its low) But the main problem and reason for this is that I managed to pass a basis course with a "C".I cannot retake this course as I passed the class. I plan to do a phD in Material science and this subject (Advanced Transport) is not related to it. May I know how seriously will this "C" affect my phD application? I am confident of boosting my GPA to 3.7 by the end of next fall.

List of reputable conferences for Computer Science

I want to find a tool/website that lists all the reputable conferences in CS, such as IEEE and ACM conferences. It could send me a note if a new CFP is posted and alert me when deadlines are coming up. I searched online and found two, but they list all conferences (even junk ones) and have no means of creating alerts/filters: wikicfp and

Do you know of any better ones?

What can I do if you find errors in someone's thesis

I was browsing someone's thesis from a US university. I found several typos and missing (incomplete) sections. There was no plagiarism and dishonesty though. What would happen if I write to their advisor? Can some action be taken or is it a closed case once a thesis is accepted and signed.

Can a discoverer give the name he wants to his finding?

Let's assume that some scientist discovers a phenomenon that has never been noticed before.

He wants to write a paper about it but he doesn't want to constantly write "effect of change of some properties blahblahblah". Can he therefore name this effect with a name of his choice? For example "Discoverer's name's effect". Or "fluffy puppy effect" (just because he likes puppies)?

The same for constants. Can one name newly discovered constant "my name constant"?

This question can be simplified to: "what are standards for naming new physical entities?"

Unclear tearms: SOP, Academic Statement and Personal Statement

I'm so confuse. I can't distinguish the different between them. It seems to me that sometimes SOP is the personal statement (PS), sometimes it is not the PS, and by the definition I'll give below, academic statement (AS) is the SOP.

SOP are the PS (or not)?

I think most people will agree that the SOP is the other name of the PS, and you only need one statement beside your CV and research proposal (if necessary) to be written. That explains why in Academia.SE, we only have tag but no PS tag or AS tag. And most of the time I see people ask about a PS question under the SOP tag, and accept the answer only says about the SOP. Except these two questions, where the askers do notice that SOP is not the PS (I find them when searching for "personal statement" "statement of purpose" ):

To be clear, the first question asks about academic statement of purpose and only localize to the NSF Fellowship application. But the (solely) answer only discuss about the SOP, so I understand that ASOP is the other name of the SOP, (don't know if it also be the AS as well).

SOP are the AS?

Now, in the announcement of the fellowship I intend to apply, it requires me to have the AS and the PS. It defines them like this:

ACADEMIC AND PERSONAL STATEMENTS. Each applicant must prepare a one - page Academic Statement and a one - page Personal Statement. The first essay addresses the applicant’s academic and scientific background and preparation, previous research, and a description of the study and research proposed at a U.S. graduate school department. The Personal Statement includes information about the applicant’s background, practical experience, special interests, and career goals, with some attention to plans after degree completion. Applicants should also address how they might represent Vietnam as students in the United States and how they might represent the United States and contribute to Vietnam upon return.

It does explicit more details in the link. Based on the definition of the AS, I think that it is the SOP as we widely know (or at least is this SOP). If then, what is the PS in this case? Is it the place for the "my first trembling steps" stuff?

Universities through the world

My name is Mihnea Gafton! I am a highschool student from Romania and i am interested in studying informatics especially in theoretical field. I mean i do not want to become a normal programmer, to make aplications and so on. I want to study, research and teach algorithmics. Do any of you know some good universities that could fit my needs? I am not really interested in the country where it is, but it would be prefered in Europe. Thank you in advance!

Postdoc without PhD?

I have never been to grad school, but I have several publications, in good journals, as well as planned future projects. Some very prominent experts know me and think well of my work. In this case, should I apply for postdoc or just go to grad school?

If it matters, I am working in a subfield of mathematics.

Is it possible to get into a good masters program in computer science with a 3-3.5 GPA?

I'm currently a third-year student at UC Berkeley studying Electrical Engineering and Computer Science with a minor in Mathematics. I'm still on the fence regarding whether or not I want to pursue a masters degree, and am quite stressed about my chances if I do pursue that route.

My major concern is my GPA. To give some context, entering my sophomore year, I had about a 3.65. About to enter the spring of my junior year, I'm sitting at about 3.12. It hasn't been that the work has been "too difficult," it's that I honestly didn't put in the necessary effort these last two semester and as a result, received less than satisfactory grades. I've done the math and calculated that if I can average around a 3.8 for my remaining semester, I can get to around a 3.4 cumulative by graduation.

As far as outside the classroom, I've done a little bit, but not much. I did a very small research stint last summer, as well as being an academic intern (basically a tutor), and am working at a small start-up on the side right now. I'll also be doing my first internship this summer (most likely at Visa).

I'm just wondering if anyone could inform me about my chances of getting into a graduate program in CS. I realize that I probably won't be able to get into Stanford, MIT, or a school on the level of my undergraduate institution, but I would still like to go somewhere good (been looking at USC and Purdue).

Has anyone been in a similar situation and have any advice regarding grad work?

mercredi 24 décembre 2014

Suggest me universities for GRE mark of 290-300

Hi i am planning to apply master in computer science in US, My Gre marks is 295 and awa is 3 and IELTS score is 6. Actually my score are very low and got only 74% in my Under Graduate Studies. So my friends suggested me to apply these below universities. I am posting this because i don't have any contact in US to get some information about universities so decided to post here. Can some one suggest me 10 universities which are good for Computer Science? Thanks in advance

  • Northwest Missouri State University

  • Lamar University

  • Illinois State University, Normal

  • University of Louisville

  • Texas A & M University, Commerce

  • Colorado Technical University, Colorado Springs

  • Boise State university, Idaho

  • Montana State University, Bozeman

  • South Dakota School of Mines & technology

  • North Carolina Agricultural & Tech State University

  • Southern Illinois University, Carbondale

  • Florida International university

  • North Dakota State University

  • Western Kentucky University

  • Bradley University

  • Cleveland State University

  • University of Bridgeport –CT

  • University of Dayton –Ohio

  • Texas A & M university, Kingsville

  • University of West Florida, Pensacola

  • Eastern Michigan University

  • Minnesota State University, Mankato

  • Suffolk University, MA

  • University of North Carolina, Greensboro

  • New Mexico Institute of Mining &Tech

  • University of Central Arkansas

  • Southeastern University, DC

  • University of Hawaii

  • University of Texas, Tyler

  • Eastern Washington University

  • Southern Oregon University, Ashland

  • University of Texas at San Antonio

  • State University of West Georgia

  • Ball State University

  • University of Texas El Paso

  • Columbus State University

  • Arkansas State University

  • University of Denver

  • North Dakota State University

  • New York Institute of Technology

  • California State University, Chico

  • Dakota State University

  • St Cloud State University

  • Marquette University

  • University of Texas-Arlington

  • University of Tennessee Chattanooga

  • University of Alabama - Huntsville

  • University of South Alabama

  • California State University - Fullerton

  • University of Bridgeport

  • Wright state University

  • Gannon University

  • Oklahoma City University

  • Long Island University - Brooklyn

  • Tennessee Technological University

  • Colorado State University

  • National University

  • California State University, East Bay

  • Pace University, New York

  • Kent State University

  • Wichita State University, Wichita, Kansas

  • State University of New York New Paltz,(SUNY New Paltz)

  • University of Tennessee, Knoxville (College of Engineering)

Getting into classics grad program with 3.2 GPA?

I had one really bad semester when I transferred (all gen ed classes) and it totally screwed up my GPA. I am planning on applying to a Masters program in classical archaeology at University of Arizona. Since that bad semester I have built good professional relationships with faculty, done excellent work in classics, history and archaeology classes, presented several papers and did some independent studies (including one abroad on an archaeological field school). I have a clear vision of what I want to do for my MA thesis and beyond. BUT I have a B average in Greek and Latin combined. However, I feel confident in my abilities and that bc I had to work harder to firmly understand the languages that I will be a better teacher and be able to relate better to my future students. What is a positive and effective way to address that in my letter?

Is Multi-output of SVM Feasible for my research?

I am working on a decision making system, something about concert prices prediction to maximize the profit. Because it is multi-output, now data mining algorithm I know only neural network is suitable for multi-output, but the result is different every time. So I want to try SVM, however, SVM is only suit for single output, so I want to improve SVM with multi-output, but I don't know is it feasible? BTW, these outputs has relationship, I can't output these independently by running SVM several times.

Is ArXiv a good path for very-young researcher?

I am 15-years of age and I actually have good understanding of Computer Science and strong programming (specialized in Security and Simulations) in fact have actually done few programming projects and made money of it.

This said, I normally read Computer Science ("Cryptography and Security" mainly.) papers on the arXiv (Open-Access Journal) and I have noticed that some of the papers published onto the journal are tutorials, basics of fundamental theories and analysis of the most basics topics or techniques. I still read it in hope, it may contain something I discover something new.

I however sometimes end up learning NOTHING new and so I am starting to think that these authors are just publishing these material for sake of it or to reach some sort of goal.

On other-hand I feel like I could probably do a better job (not to sound full-of-myself) and probably even construct a interesting paper on an subject and write-up a whole load of analysis and ideas and show proofs and such.

I would love to publish in Peer-Reviewed journals but I feel like my Age may hold me back from my work getting accepted and my lack of connections with the academia again due to my age.

I have done a lot-research pertaining to pro's and con's of publishing in arXiv, I have noticed far too much negativity about it but since I am far younger than most-researchers (in-fact not even age of a graduate) would it actually raise my stature by showing my knowledge and interest at a young-age and build my future opportunities in Academic grounds or is it more likely to tarnish it?

If it may tarnish opportunities, could you specify on how I could avoid this?

Summer programs for European undergraduate mathematicians

There are many summer programs in the US, aimed at motivated undergraduate students of mathematics, that offer lectures and mini-courses on a variety of topics. However, as far as I know, most programs require that the applicant is American or a permenant resident in the US.

My question:

Are there any such summer programs in the US, Europe, Asia, South America, or Africa to which a European student can apply?

Plagiarized letter of recommendation for PhD application

Seasons greetings!

I am planning to apply for my PhD this year. My application preparation going well, till now I was satisfied that I got pretty good recommendation letters and they all are already submitted and the application deadline is in 3rd week of Jan. A week before I got a mail from one of my recommender along with the LOR which he has submitted for me, He was kind enough to take me a look what he wrote. The recommendation was well written, I was humbled with his kind letter.

Later when I started to compile all my documents, I ran my SOP along with LOR with a simple plagiarist test and I noticed one whole paragraph of around 50 words is taken from internet as it is, in my LOR, around 10% letters are plagiarized.

Now I am in a shocked and no idea how to fix it. I have talked in admission department, I cannot resubmit the LOR again or open a new account. Certainly I don't want to put on stake my application or my re commander's name.

Anybody has any idea, how much plagiarism is allowed in recommendation letter or DO they really do the test on LORs? Please help me out, I would be really appreciate it. Thank you!

How to tactfully request removal of my name from coauthorship

I wrote a mathematics manuscript (see Extremely mild punishments for academic misconduct), and sent it to a professor, who then attempted to have it published after adding coauthors to the paper. His misconduct is not my concern. My concern is that the manuscript is not of publication quality, and I would prefer that my name not be attached to it. Virtually all of the manuscript is written by me, and all the work was done by me, so I can't claim that it is not my product.

My question is: What excuse do I use to have him take my name off the manuscript?

I would prefer to remain on good terms with this professor. I would also prefer not to mention in any way that the manuscript is worthless, because it solves a problem that he had been attempting unsuccessfully for quite a while, and such a statement would be deeply challenging to his pride.

Online venues that promote networking among scholars -- alternatives to and ResearchGate

Are there alternatives to and ResearchGate if one is searching for a venue that promotes "informal" cooperation and networking among scholars (specifically, in mathematics and science)?

Publishing as sole author on politically charged topic

I have been working on a manuscript on a politically charged topic, I will be able to complete this work mostly on my own so I should be able to submit as the sole author.

However I am concerned to submit as the only author because of the nature of the topic and because I do not have any previous publishing record so my submission might be overlooked. Should I try to get someone else more known on board, or try to publish this on my own since I have done all the work?

What's my chance of getting into a good math or statistics graduate program, if I don't have impressive grades the first three semesters of college

I'm a sophomore majoring in math and statistics at a large state university who has top 30 math programs. I really want to go to a very good math graduate program. However, my first three semester is full of Bs, and overall GPA is 3.5. And I happened to have a C and W on my transcript. My major GPA is pretty good though, a 3.98. But I'm still afraid that first year and half is going to hurt my chance of going to graduate school really bad. What do you guys think? Do you know where I stand? Anything I can do to counterbalance my unfavorable GPA? Thanks.

will age and lack of experience make it impossible to change my subject of study?

I'm 33 years old and I have my master's in physics from a relatively good university in my country.

I have 6 years working experience as a foreign commercial executive which I hated every minute of it, but I needed to make some money. I have to add that I have visited different factories in different countries during the missions I went.

About two years ago, I resigned and diligently went for learning everything about electronics and microelectronics which were always my desire. Now, I feel quite confident in embedded systems programming and everyday I study so hard whatever related to digital electronics but I have not yet applied for a job in this field.

I know this is what I always wanted. I have average grades in university and good GRE.

What are my chances to get admission for PhD in electronic engineering in one of US universities?

Admissions error and consequences

I was reading up the Reddit page here, which described a case of admissions error, in which:

1: The person obtained an acceptance for a PhD program

2: The person personally called the university and confirmed acceptance of the program

3: The university then said that they had made a mistake, cancelling the acceptance.

What would be some things that the person can take, and if some of these actions required specific conditions, what would be the conditions be?

What are the potential ramifications of a student intentionally deanonymizing his/her class evaluation?

Presumably, evaluations are anonymized to protect the students from possible retaliation by the instructor or institution.

Is there anything in the reverse direction (keeping that information hidden is beneficial to the instructor)?

What are potential consequences if a student chooses to place identifying information (e.g. knowledge of a particular conversation) onto an evaluation?

The exact situation is that one of my friends was considering discussing a very long conversation she'd had with the professor on the class evaluation, and how it exemplified issues she'd had with the class. She's taking a class with that professor next semester (a big potential issue), but I'm wondering if there would be reasons to not disclose that even if she would never take another class under that instructor.

mardi 23 décembre 2014

Extremely mild punishments for academic misconduct

After looking at My professor is rigging data and plagiarizing. What can I do?, I read through some of the case reports of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and I noticed that punishments seem to be very light. When COPE receives a case, sometimes an attempt is made to contact the institution, and then the institution does nothing: perhaps the wrongdoer is too politically powerful, or the institution doesn't have any will to act. Sometimes the investigation simply fizzles out after nobody bothers to look at the lab journals, even though the lab journals presumably exist. Sometimes the journal is told how to avoid such problems in the future, but no punishments are forthcoming for the existing case.

This is very different from what I believed before - that if someone did decide to falsify/steal data, their employment would be terminated, and nobody would ever want to associate with them again.

So my question is: where is the discrepancy between how I perceive the consequences of academic misconduct, and what COPE reports as actual cases? Is it perhaps because most of the misconduct cases are from no-name departments and journals that do not care about their reputation? Or are my impressions of the consequences of misconduct incorrect?

In fact, I have experienced this on my own: one non-mathematics professor at my school took my mathematics manuscript, added his graduate students as coauthors despite their having no relation to the work, and tried to submit it to a journal. I don't care about this specific publication, as it is so worthless that I prefer it to be rejected as to not be associated with me. The professor thinks it is significant only because he knows nothing of mathematics. But it does make me question the kind of integrity I assumed of academics. He is a chair professor at a top10 university, and his (non-mathematics, science) department is very well-respected, so brand name is not the cause here.