samedi 27 décembre 2014

On the publication of a paper (draft for the time being) for a FOSS project

I was wondering where I can publish a paper (I am working on this right now) whose aim is to provide information and guide through the basics - in other words the philosophy of operation - for a reverse-engineered opensource 3d projective mobile scanner. Having searched the Internet, I found no satisfying answer to my question. The only thing I found that seemed somehow relative to my question was the "paper" discussing the SAGE project (entitled: "SAGE: System for Algebra and Geometry Experimentation") which was pubilshed to the ACM SIGSAM Bulletin Journal. I want my paper to be something very similar to it (however discussing my project)


  1. Is this journal the right place to send my manuscript (when I am done)?

  2. What other journals do you propose me to take into consideration for possible publication?

  3. From the little experience I have with publishing (I have had my first paper published a year ago at Telematics and Informatics [Elsevier]), I have fathomed that the journal must exactly suit the paper's overall topic and structure

  4. Some keywords for this paper: digital fabrication, rapid prototyping, three-dimensional scanning, mobile application, algorithm optimization, Python, Cython, Android

PS Apologies in case my question does not fit the philosophy of this site (or in case I've used wrong categorization).

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