mercredi 24 décembre 2014

Is ArXiv a good path for very-young researcher?

I am 15-years of age and I actually have good understanding of Computer Science and strong programming (specialized in Security and Simulations) in fact have actually done few programming projects and made money of it.

This said, I normally read Computer Science ("Cryptography and Security" mainly.) papers on the arXiv (Open-Access Journal) and I have noticed that some of the papers published onto the journal are tutorials, basics of fundamental theories and analysis of the most basics topics or techniques. I still read it in hope, it may contain something I discover something new.

I however sometimes end up learning NOTHING new and so I am starting to think that these authors are just publishing these material for sake of it or to reach some sort of goal.

On other-hand I feel like I could probably do a better job (not to sound full-of-myself) and probably even construct a interesting paper on an subject and write-up a whole load of analysis and ideas and show proofs and such.

I would love to publish in Peer-Reviewed journals but I feel like my Age may hold me back from my work getting accepted and my lack of connections with the academia again due to my age.

I have done a lot-research pertaining to pro's and con's of publishing in arXiv, I have noticed far too much negativity about it but since I am far younger than most-researchers (in-fact not even age of a graduate) would it actually raise my stature by showing my knowledge and interest at a young-age and build my future opportunities in Academic grounds or is it more likely to tarnish it?

If it may tarnish opportunities, could you specify on how I could avoid this?

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