dimanche 28 décembre 2014

Masters degree in Mathematical Physics

I am a third year student doing my bachelors in both physics and mathematics at a German university. Since I am really interested in theoretical physics and mathematics I am thinking about doing a masters degree in mathematical physics. I am very interested in Mathematical Quantum Mechanics and, even though I haven't had courses in it yet, in QFT and General Relativity.

I'm thinking about applying for the course Theoretical and Mathematical Physics (TMP) in Munich and also for Part III of the Mathematical Tripos in Cambridge. It's probably quite hard for a German student to get accepted in Cambridge, isn't it? So my questions are:

1) Do I need research experience, papers or something like that? At German universities we don't really do research or write papers in the bachelor studies of theoretical physics or mathematics (apart from the bachelor thesis itself). What could I do for increasing the chance of getting accepted apart from getting good grades?

2) The course mathematical and theoretical physics in Oxford is new. That is a disadvantage in comparison to an old course or what do you think? mmathphys.physics.ox.ac.uk/

3) Which similar courses do you know about that I could consider as well? Are there similar courses in the US? I couldn't find any.

I'd only study abroad if it is a very good university because I think the course TMP in Munich is already quite good.

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