jeudi 25 décembre 2014

Does listing several research directions in SOP give the impression that I have a shallow research interest?

I am applying to MS in CS degree. In my sop I wish to talk about 4 distinctive, non intersecting research directions. Two of em pertain to Computer vision and two more of em pertain to Machine learning. I am interested in the areas of Computer vision that utilizes the theory of Machine Learning.

Now my question is, if I talk about these 4 distinctive, non intersecting research directions and quote a paper each in these 4 directions, will it give the impression that I have a shallow superficial research interest? Also I don't have any particular research Idea in my mind for either of these 4 directions yet.

As I am still in college, I don't get enough time to conduct research on these 4 directions. My college coursework keeps me busy for most of the time. So as of for now I can't narrow down to one of these 4 directions.

Over the course of 4 years, I read papers when ever I got time and I saw a pattern in all these papers. I realized that the papers I read fall into these 4 distinctive directions. I realized how one paper builds on top of the other. Its just that I was casually reading this stuff not with an intention to contribute to either of these directions. But if you ask me to write a grad level thesis I would definitely choose one of these 4 directions.

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