mardi 2 décembre 2014

Should i continue being an autodidact or become formally educated

before you answer I think it is important that you hear my situation,

From elementary school until freshman year of high school, I was considered stupid by my peers, I was not good at any school subjects and never did any homework or work in general because I thought it was a waste of time. I was eventually kicked out of school multiple times, but however on the 4th time in freshman year it was much different. A teacher helped me become interested in mathematics and I developed an intense interest. At the time I was in geometry, but I began to realize that the concepts were not that abstract. I self taught myself from geometry to calculus in about a year and a half, at the age of 16 I developed a conjecture in calculus that involves combinatorics that I am still trying to prove. But this year (my senior year of high school) I was able to go back to my old school part time, I was exempt from the classes I had not previously taken and placed into Calc BC. The problem is I already know everything they will be teaching me! I am required to do all of my homework which is even worse not to mention there is no one i can converse with that understands what i am talking about. I literally learn more at home than at school and i find that very disturbing. Is there anyone out there who is experiencing (or has experienced this) who can give me some advice?

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