jeudi 5 mars 2015

would it be ethical to resubmit a research paper when it has already been acepted in another conference?

I believe this question has been asked before when a person asked if it was ethical to withdraw from one journal, from which a paper has been accepted, and resubmit to another better journal. I believe that the situation here is a little bit different.

I submitted an article to a Computer Science conference in which the organizers stated that the proceedings were going to be published with X editor, that is indexed by Scopus and Scimago. I personally checked up if that publisher was on those indexing sites, and it was true; so far so good. So I submit a research paper to that conference that got accepted and in the acceptance letter they put again that paper will be put on the proceedings published with editor X.

A few days after my notification letter, I checked up again at the site and saw that "misteriously" they have taken away the note saying that they will publishing under editor X, to put that they will be publishing under another editor Y. When I checked it up I saw that the publisher Y is not indexed on Scopus, or Scimago, but only by Google Scholar, DBLP, EBSCO, DOAJ, and ProQuest.

I have also seen in the webpage that editorial X has put the following message on their news site:

Please be aware that there are conferences claiming to be associated with X, despite having no relationship with us whatsoever.
X attaches the utmost importance to standard and quality of publications.
If you are aware of any such conferences, or suspect their authenticity, please contact us at xxxxxxx.

Personally I feel like being cheated. I mean, I have spent time and financial resources for trying to reach the deadline, and now this conference has just change the rules without giving a notification to anybody.

Long story short, I have seen other conferences that are really sponsored by this publisher X; and the question that I have is that if I should resubmit my research paper to these other venues?


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