lundi 23 mars 2015

Do I have the legal right to demand information on plagiarism of my work from university?

A student of one Institute in Germany has word-to-word translated my thesis to English from another Russian and submitted it as her own in 2014. I informed the university providing them with my work in Russian and presentations of the work I made in 2013. Upon receiving my email University examinations first asked for a legal translation of my work. To which I replied that my work was written in Russian and that is a reason why it was stolen - for translation. And that the legal translation of even 1 page would cost a lot, let aside all the thesis. And since I was the victim in this case I suggested that their university that is responsible in preventing accepting plagiarised works has to either translate my work or ask one of professors speaking russian to confirm the match. Else I suggested them to look at numerous tables with hundreds of numbers and match them (providing pages).

2 months since then I still haven't received any update, I call the examination office, the woman re-directs me to her colleague. Who then tells me that: 1. Me not being a student of that university, I have no right for any information. 2. If there was any plagiarism, their system would recognise it. 3. I should ask the student who I claim has stolen my work on any information.

Yet the problem is: 1. Their european plagiarism system has no access to the database of university in Russia, and more over my thesis is in Russian, while she submitted translated english version. So plagiarism is untraceable by their system. Which they apparently ignore. 2. Asking me to talk to the person committing the plagiarism, who in the first place lied to me when stealing my work, and declined my request for her to come forward and recall work. It is the same as police would tell the assault victim to go and talk to the criminal. Yeah.. right..

Is there any legal way for me to get the answer on the plagiarism case from this university? Shouldn't it be university checking the translation of my thesis rather than requesting me to make official notary verified translation? After all it's their job to prevent plagiarism! And given their system has holes - i did part of the job for them already - identifying that the work is plagiarism and its up for them to check..

Yet they completely brush me off saying I am not involved and have no rights.

Would really appreciate help. Thank you very much in advance!

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