vendredi 27 mars 2015

Want to open Start-up [on hold]

I have done MCA and now I am working as a software developer. I want to open my start-up, actually I tried it but for the lack of good team I had to shut it down. I tried to took opinion from my friend some are saying work in industry for 3 - 4 years and then go for it. some are saying you can do it now. being more specific

  1. what are the steps I need to follow to open my startup.

  2. Do I require to become great coder ?

What to study after bachelors in Computer Science?

I have completed my bachelors in computer science and now iam doing job as software developer.During my 4 years stay at the university i was an average student and concentrated more on theory to pass the exams and less on practical work(like properly understanding the architecture of computer,computer programming etc).One reason was that i was a bit slow then some of my other classmates to grab the concepts taught in class.And therefore i had to spend more time understanding them when i came back home.

Some problems with me regarding practical work now are that whenever i stuck in some problem(for example some programming error etc) i usually find it very difficult to solve it and take much more time then other people to get it done.As it is happening with me now at my job. I feel like iam not a computer guy. Because even after studying 4 years degree iam not a good problem solver.I like to study computer things but iam just unable to solve technical issues.

So my question is that should i pursue ms in computer science and work more hard and try to overcome my weaknesses or should i take admission in masters in some business program which a more theory oriented and non technical field.

Iam quite worried about my future so ur help will be appreciated.

PS: "and please dont say why didnt i left this bachelors in computer science when i knew i was weak in solving technical problems.Because i cant do anything now the degree is completed".

... further discussed in the Discussion or (in Discussion) [scientific writing]

In a scientific journal paper, when something is briefly discussed in one section (e.g., Introduction) and want to say it is further discussed in the discussion section (which is usually the last section of the main text), which one is more appropriate? Or are there other standards? Discussion section here is just an example and could be any other section (e.g., Materials and Methods).

... is further discussed in the Discussion

... is further discussed in Discussion


(See Discussion for details)

(See the Discussion for details)

jeudi 26 mars 2015

how should I cite a publication where the author(s) are anonymous (but the organization is not)

I'd like to cite the following articles from the Nature Publishing Group, but no authors are mentioned (as far as I can tell):



However, it's likely that it was written by one (or more) of Nature's editors. If, for example, I am using the BibTeX formatting system, how should I describe the author of the article? For example:

1. author={Nature} 2. author={Nature Publishing Group} 3. author={anonymous} 4. author={}

Or should I leave it blank (option 4)?

Grades in a PhD program

I am a math grad student who has completed the qualifying exams within my first two years. Lately, I have been taking a few non-core courses, which allows me to put most of my time on my own research. In one of these non-core courses, I received a low grade: B-. I certainly have the a good Cumulative Grade Point Average: 3.9 -- well above what is required for "normal progress".

Question: How important/serious is getting a grade below 3.0 in this one course at this point in a PhD program? Any feedback is much appreciated.

Phd in computer science

i am working in one college as an assistant professor in department of computer science and engineering in India. i have 10 years experience of teaching. i want to ask a question. can i take the G.R.E exam for P.hd in computer science. i did Master of computer science with 76%.

i have M.Sc.(computer science) degree with 76% . so with this percentage can i plan to give GRE exam or tofel for phd from outside india? am i eligible?

How common is spousal hire (academic or non-academic) in Australia/New Zealand system?

I am an academic with hoping for an offer at an oceania university. I want to know how common in this system to ask the university to give my spouse a job? It is common and often successful in the US universities, but I don't know in the oceania (which is the same as the British) system. Thanks, John

Spatial Economic Analysis Turn Around Time

Anyone familiar with the turn around time for article submissions in Spatial Economic Analysis?

how to write a good paper review?

I just started my master's in computer science, and I started working on a research project with one of my professors last term as a part of a class project for his class. In relation to that project he has asked me to help him review a paper that is being reviewed to determine whether it will be accepted or rejected to a conference. I have agreed to review the paper. However, I have never written this type of paper review before. What are the steps you go through in reviewing a paper to determine if it should be accepted or rejected ?

Upper second-class honor in Pure mathematics. is it possible to get into M.Phil?

I have just finished my bachelor degree with honours in Australia. While being sad of not getting first class honours, i am wondering how good/bad is a 2.1 honours degree in Pure mathematics. My honours supervisor suggests me to take something like a Research by master then i can proceed to PHD.

Is it possible to get into M.Phil in Pure mathematics? (In some good university.)

Is it okay to steal a block of citations from a review paper?

I'm currently writing a paper on a certain topic for which a review article was recently published. Of course, I want to contrast my new approach to existing techniques. For that purpose, I have identified the relevant prior work with the help of the above-mentioned review article.

The thing is, in my current version, I simply take the whole block of citations from the review article with no change at all. Would that be considered plagiarism? I have consulted each reference individually and they do seem appropriate for citation.

Exam on paper versus computer

I'm following a distance learning program at the University of London. The course is related to computer science and all of the documents, courses and presentations are offered on an electronic platform. Recently, I found out that the exam we have to take is paper and pen. I've not received a set of reasons on why this is done.

For me personally, I prefer to answer questions using a computer, it's easier to edit or restructure an answer after you have written it down. Also my handwriting looks terrible and I need to put in extra effort to ensure everything is legible as I have lost marks on paper exams before due to my handwriting (I've not written anything long on paper since my Bsc 3 years ago).I understand that, if you need to write it on paper, you are required to think more about the answer before putting it down.

For the university, it would seem more practical to collect all of the exams, rather than having to mail or fax them, risking loss in the process.

I'm trying to understand what other reasons there might be that this is done as it seems a bit "outdated" to me.

Choosing Engineering Msc program: Broader field or more specific field? Also does Uni rank really matter?

I plan to pursue my master degree in EU and currently still mulling over which program is the best for me:

  1. TU Delft (Netherlands) Msc. Mech. Eng, Control Eng Track

  2. RWTH Aachen (Germany) Msc. Computer-aided Conception and Production in M.E.

My undergrad major was Mechanical Engineering (M.E.), and I happen to be specialized in manufacturing and automation technology.

After examining both programs' courses in details, I suppose Delft's courses seems to be more holistic since it covers M.E subjects in general with focus on Control engineering, which can be applied in manufacturing process while RTWH Aachen's is entirely focused and prefer practical approach to design and manufacturing.

I'm aware Delft is ranked higher internationally (e.g more prominence in research publication), but then again Germany is classically renowned for its engineering field. Both university are similarly ranked when it has come to Mechanical Engineering field.

Other factors I consider important:

  1. Job perspective (in its respective country and internationally)

  2. Education system (way of teaching, grading objectiveness, etc)

  3. Continuation for Doctoral studies (again, in its respective country and internationally)

I am a non EU resident so international outlook would be most welcomed.

Please let me know if I should rephrase my question to follow Academia standard.

Let the second author to go to the conference instead of the first author who also wants to go

There was a master student who was supervised by a lecturer for his dissertation. They also decided to write and submitted a paper, whose first author was the master student, based on the dissertation. The paper is accepted but it also creates an issue about who should go and present it since there is enough funding for only one person to go to the conference.

The master student wants to go as he is the first author and did most of the work. On the other hand, the lecturer wants to go for networking purposes, e.g. meet other reseachers and find potential collaboration. Moreover, he also reasons that as the student is about to graduate and won't work in academia anymore, it does not have much benefit to fund him to go to the conference.

My question is that whether the lecturer's decision is reasonable.

What is a good paper (or other kind of source) to cite when talking about video game types and genres?

I am in my final year of my undergraduate games development course and so for part of my final year project (which involved making a game of course) I have to do a written report which needs to include references as appropriate. In the past when I showed my supervisor some of what I had done one of the things he zeroed in on as being something that should be tagged with a reference to something is my declaration that the game is "turn-based", and also my mention of RPGs when talking about existing games with similar systems.

I've tried Googling around a bit, mostly on Google Scholar, but I've yet to find anything suitable. I'm just looking for some things giving a good outline/definition of what constitutes a "turn-based game" and similarly an RPG. As I mentioned in the title it doesn't necessarily have to be a paper, so long as it provides what I need.

Elsevier open-access fee waived for subscribers?

I have recently been comparing publishers regarding their policies on double dipping (charging an open-access fee for publishing in a hybrid journal and then charging again a subscription fee). Many publishers (Springer, Wiley, Taylor and Francis) state they lower the subscription fees based on the amount of open-access articles to not charge their authors / readers / customers twice for the same article.

Elsevier has a different approach. They state:

Elsevier's policy is not to charge subscribers for open access articles and when calculating subscription prices only to take into account subscription articles – we do not double dip.


But how is this implemented? The Elsevier support team was of no help when I asked there. I only got links to the help pages, which I have read forwards and backwards three times already. I even created an account and started a test submission to two of their hybrid journals but there wasn’t even a box to tick for selecting Open Access.

Has anyone made use of this policy and asked for a waiver based on a journal subscription?

how to express an ongoing PhD degree in suffix

is it correct to express PhD in brackets "(PhD)" as suffix to express the ongoing degree.

Strategies for reviewing a paper that has non-English references

I am reviewing a paper that quite heavily builds upon work that has only been published in Russian and Romanian, which are languages I (unfortunately) do no speak. Therefore it is quite difficult for me to assess how this new work builds upon this previous work.

This work was submitted for an English-speaking venue in which normally all papers only reference papers in English. At first glance, the venue only request the actual paper to be in English, but makes no mention about related work.

How to proceed?

Following up with professor after PhD rejection

I met briefly with a professor last year and showed him a poster of my work which was not good at that time (It was some sort of a presentation in which we show our work and research). Then I decided to apply for a PhD so I emailed him and he told me to apply. I knew that he will be coming to the same presentation this year so I emailed him again saying that might be an opportunity to talk in person. He never returned my email. That was two months ago. Ten days ago I was rejected from that university (I guess he made the decision). Yesterday, I presented my work in front of the whole audience which was much better than the one I presented last year (Even though I was rejected, I tried to impress him). I didn't talk to him directly then. Just now he viewed my profile on linkedin (Which he did multiple times previously awhile back).

Does it make sense to follow up now? At to least know why I was rejected and why the sudden interest just after my presentation? I know it is very difficult, but would it even be possible to flip the rejection into admission now if he decided to?

Can I will do master

I am an electrical and electronical engineering engineering last year student.

I think I will have 2.2 GPA

Can I will do master at USA about electrical engineering or MBA

I know my GPA is low but maybe I can find an university for master

Do u know any university for me(USA or UK)


I am non-eu international student

University doesn't seem to reimburse interview costs

A few months ago, I visited a university for a tenure-track interview in computer science. Before my visit, I received an interview policy sheet from HR stating all the usual things (economy flight fare, etc). After the interview, I was told by HR that I need to mail them my original receipts, which I did instantly upon my return home.

After a few weeks, I inquired regarding the reimbursement and was told that my receipts hadn't been received yet. However, the tracking service (I had used registered mail) did indicate that they had been delivered and, after a second inquiry, HR confirmed that they should have been received at their university but aren't to be found anywhere and reiterated that they need the original receipts to reimburse me.

This was 3 weeks ago and my subsequent enquiries have been met with silence. I did receive a job offer but, also having received another offer, accepted a position elsewhere and informed the university about my decision.

Is there anything I can/should do about this?

To be frank, the university is overseas and taking the probably very expensive legal route is not an option for me. That said, the interview expenses are in the range of 1.2k USD and thus non-negligible for me.

mercredi 25 mars 2015

Applying to PhD Programs after time in industry

I've searched around and looked at this question which is quite similar but I have some further questions.

I'm an undergraduate currently (Math and Computer Science majors) and I've been spending most my time and effort taking courses and research for the ultimate purpose of applying for a PhD program in (Pure) Math.

However, I'm starting to question my desire and aptitude for grad school (and subsequently academia). I am considering getting a programming job upon graduation and seeing if I really miss doing math research enough.

Does the fact that I'm even considering this mean that I probably shouldn't go to grad school?

I imagine that after working in an unrelated programming job for a couple years that I wouldn't look very dedicated to admissions committees. In the question I linked to above, one of the answers mentions a way around this:

"I happened to live in the same city as an excellent university, and I asked a professor if I could sit in on his grad class. He kindly agreed, and I worked very hard, solved all the homework problems correctly and wrote them up, and slaved over my term project."

How common would this kind of scenario be? I happen to attend a very research happy university so it is very easy for me to find opportunities as an undergrad. If I enroll in some local university as a non-degree student, will I still have access to faculty and so on to try to do research?

Is it ever acceptable to read up on the work of a faculty member or post-doc and ask to discuss their problems, etc... if I wasn't affiliated with the university at all? I would imagine that they wouldn't gain any credit for that as far as their advising duties, and thus they would likely not be interested (being as busy as academics tend to be!)

What are the requirements for a practicing law in California?

Can someone with a Bachelors Degree qualify to take the Califofornia State Bar and if so, does passing the BAR qualify one to practice law without a law degree.

What are the pros and cons of being co-supervised?

Are there any advantages or disadvantages in having two supervisors instead of one? Why would a graduate student want to do this or avoid this?

The context is in an MA where students usually have one supervisor and two committee members (examiners).

my paper was under review for two days and now status is 'Awaiting AE Recommendation'. what does it indicate?

I submitted a research paper to a journal. After one day the status was EA assignment pending and after two more days it was under review. But only after two days under review the status changed to 'Awaiting AE Recommendation'. Can anybody please tell me what does it indicate?

Developing meta-cognitive and emotional skills during PhD?

I am convinced that I possess sufficient "cognitive skills" to succeed doing my PhD. Reflection on myself, however, confronts me with the fact that my "meta-cognitive" (time management, mental discipline, focus) and "emotional" skills (motivation, patience, work-life balance, monitoring own health) are underdeveloped.

  • I feel that I am always making the same mistakes. I am often working hard for days. Stress and coffee distort my sleep pattern, making my mind empty for days. I recognize clear patterns. I also have trouble maintaining a healthy life-style. Instead of taking a little bit more time to eat healthy or sport, I am captivated in "the illusion that there is always more work to do." As a consequence, I am (on average) physically sick two days in the week -- eventually, losing more time. Finally, though I was happy living my introvert life before, the long days of no social interaction and just staring at my computer screen are becoming more dreadful.

  • My meta-cognitive skills also seem to be weak. I have trouble focusing on one subject for a very long time. I often get bored after some weeks, wanting to jump immediately to something else. As a result, it appears that the first phase of my research (almost 9 months) is very fragmented. I don't see any linear progress. I often doubt that the time I am investing in some subject will be useful later. I feel that I am not really spending my time the best I can. I keep track of my work hours in Excel files to be sure that I accomplish my weekly goal of 45 hours. In order to accomplish this goal I mostly have to push many hours to the weekend. I am aware that this bad time-organization will affect the quality of my relationships in the long term; and damages my work-life balance in general. I feel that I am working 24/7 at half capacity, whereas I would prefer to work 5 or 6 days in the week at full capacity.

I am starting to have less and less satisfaction from my work. The butterfly feeling of wonder and passion for science are disappearing. I am feeling more like an input-output machine which needs to be managed. The work I am doing also seems to be driven and conditioned by external factors (deadlines, presentations, publications, expectations promoter) instead of internal factors (pleasure, interest).

More concrete questions:

(1) Is it possible to improve one's meta-cognitive and emotional skills? How would one do this in practice? Can a person really change?

(2) How can one restore those feelings of wonder and true passion, and step out of the "routine" where one feels like an input-output machine which needs to be managed?

How marketable is a BS in Economics for different Masters degrees?

I'm currently an undergraduate Economics student with minors in both business and mathematics. As I look towards my future, I'm trying to see what options I have and ultimately make the best decision.

Anyways, I am hoping to find out more about graduate school and the different masters degrees I could obtain. Is it fairly common for students with my academic background to get into a quality masters in finance program? Obviously I could go for economics, I was just wondering what different options I have available.


Should I contact EIC about SE?

I submitted a paper to the top journal in my field. The journal's home page sets 120 days for a decision as a goal. Recent stats suggest 60 days to initial decision is more typical.

It has now been seven months, with no word. (The paper sat in the queue marked "Awaiting AE assignment" for two months, and has since been marked "Under review".)

Colleagues have varied in their recommendations about approaching the SE with a polite query as to when the review might be complete. Some advised strongly against it, due to some bad experiences with quick rejections following such a query. Others, typically more senior (and tenured) people advocate a "wait and see" approach. Recently, I was able to speak with the former EIC of a peer journal (a different journal, also at the top of my field), who very candidly advised me to contact the SE immediately about a decision. On his advice, I did so.

It has been two weeks without any sort of response with the SE.

I have chatted with other editors at this journal (AEs and SEs), and concluded this is likely a continuing issue with this particular SE. He is purportedly exceptional in his reviews, advice, and decisions, but not so much with timeliness.

As a very junior person, the status of this paper is very important for job prospects. My mentor (and co-author) takes something of a "throw me into the deep end" approach, and invites me to solve the issue without his intervention.

So, my questions are these: How long should I wait before contacting the SE again? Is there a point that I should contact the EIC or managing editor? (For context, as I understand it, the managing editor is a very junior person, effectively an administrative assistant to the EIC.)

May be imilar to Is it wise to contact the editor of a journals with my concerns regarding the length of the acceptance process?, and perhaps How to let a journal know that its submission process is very painful?, as well as some others, but different in seeking advice for escalation beyond SE.

Will the origin of anecdote in paper violate double-blind policy?

A paper I am writing utilizes a short story from Japan to make a point. In the paper, I have written the punch-line in Japanese, with a translation added.

I am not from Japan, but would such an inclusion be considered a violation of double-blind policy ? I am okay with removing the Japanese text, but the story itself needs to stay.

Are there any IB schools that have scholarships for foreign students?

Are there any IB schools that offer scholarships for international students

Software engineering non thesis topic

I am at my last semester of my software engineering non-thesis program. I am searching for a project topic that i use for my final project.

Can you suggest me some project topics about web technology to work on? It should not be trivial to do. I need to be contribute to the literature something new or develop myself as it in thesis but not that complicated.

Proof for seemingly obvious statements in thesis?

I'm currently writing a bachelor thesis in which there is a section that deals with the pros and cons of different data serialization formats. Since this is not the main focus of the thesis, I would like to limit the comparisons to include 2-3 of the most widely used formats - for instance; JSON and XML.

I know from experience that JSON and XML are two of the most widely used formats for serializing data on the web, but how can I prove a statement like that? Does it need proof to be included as a boundary/limitation of the thesis?

What is common in most PhD application procedures in the UK?

I am almost done with my master's degree in mathematical finance. I'm done with thesis and have one course left to take. I am taking it in a 3rd world country and am interested in applying for a PhD in stochastic analysis in the UK.

I am told that, in general, the application process for PhDs, unlike applications for masters or bachelors, involves first speaking to faculty and then to the school. Is that right? That is, when I apply I should already have a professor in the university willing to be my doctoral advisor?

The exact procedure I heard is something like:

  1. Read up various literature on your desired dissertation topic which should include several textbooks and even more for recently published articles. (If necessary, study for IELTS, GRE, etc.)

  2. Come up with a PhD proposal.

  3. Contact relevant faculty of the universities to which you intend to apply.

  4. Discuss your proposal with them if they're up to it.

  5. One of the following: Revise proposal if needed, completely change proposal or get referred to different faculty member.

  6. Actually apply to the university.

So, is that how it actually is?

What is the typical PhD application procedure in the UK?

I am nearly finished with my master in mathematical finance. I have finished my thesis and have one course left to take. I am finishing it in a third world country and am interested in pursuing a PhD in stochastic analysis in the UK.

I have heard that the application process for PhDs, unlike applications for masters or bachelors, involves first speaking to faculty and then to the school. Is that right? That is, when I apply I should already have a professor in the university willing to be my doctoral advisor?

The exact procedure I heard is something like:

  1. Read up various literature on your desired dissertation topic which should include several textbooks and even more for recently published articles. (If necessary, study for IELTS, GRE, etc.)

  2. Come up with a PhD proposal.

  3. Contact relevant faculty of the universities to which you intend to apply.

  4. Discuss your proposal with them if they're up to it.

  5. One of the following: Revise proposal if needed, completely change proposal or get referred to different faculty member.

  6. Actually apply to the university.

So, is that how it actually is?

PhD dissertation different from master thesis

I understand that it's possible, thankfully, to have your dissertation in a different topic from your master's thesis, but what problems might I run into?

Background on me:

I am finishing up my master's in mathematical finance and now plan to pursue a PhD with my dissertation being in stochastic analysis/calculus, a branch of mathematics used in finance and physics.

My background on stochastic analysis:

I have had 3 classes related to stochastic analysis and 2 classes applying the concepts.

My thesis has extremely little relevance to stochastic analysis. I recall one time where I was about to use a theorem in stochastic analysis but later decided against it.

Professor showing favoritism

In one of my software engineering course. The syllabus includes 2 exams (midterm + final), daily quizzes + participation mark, spot quizzes and a group project.

A lot of us asked the professor to drop the midterm and add more weight to the project because we all wanted to build a beautiful product using the Ruby Rails framework. She said I can't really drop the midterm but I can reduce the weight but I will have to think about it. (FAIR ENOUGH).

However, a week later we found out that one of the students in class got exemption from writing midterms, daily quizzes and spot quizzes. He only has to worry about the project. We asked him how this is possible? He said he made a special deal with the professor. So basically when the group projects begin he will in charge of holding scrums with different groups and providing feedback to the professor. So since he would have a lot of "workload" he won't be writing quizzes and exams. This option was never mentioned by the professor when the class as a whole asked her to drop the midterm.

So I am wondering, is this legal or even possible? There are a lot of international students in the class too that are simply scared to speak up. I feel it is not fair that one student is exempt from doing all the work.

What should I do? Just keep quiet and mind my own business?

This is a Graduate Computer Science Program.

How can I effectively use 2 years in a postdoc to prepare for job applications in the surrounding area?

I've split this question into a general question that I feel applies to many people and specific details for those who are interested.

General question:I have accepted a 2-year teaching/research position in my home state and would like to look for a job in the surrounding area at the end of the time.

My just-finished job search convinced me that having skills is not enough to get a job in mathematics; you have to show the universities that you are someone they want to hire.

Given two years to work with, what can I do to show local universities that I am someone they would like to hire?

My ideas so far include:

  • Attending and speaking at local seminars and conferences (for research-oriented schools)

  • Attending MAA meetings and giving talks on teaching (for teaching schools)

  • Working together with faculty at these universities on projects.

I'd especially like to hear from those who make hiring decisions on what would make them feel more comfortable hiring a candidate.

Non-essential, specific details My postdoc is at BYU in Utah, and the schools I am interested in are all the 4-year schools in the area. University of Utah is most likely out of my league. I'm interested in UVU, Dixie State, SUU, USU, U of U (though that's a longshot), Weber State, Westminster College, and staying on at BYU. I'm also interested in nearby schools such as Reno, Colorado State, Northern Arizona University, Colorado School of Mines, ASU and U of A, University of Colorado, etc.

I'm finishing a postdoc at Temple in Philadelphia. I've done reasonably well in research (4 publications in well-known area-specific journals). My teaching record is excellent, with very good letters of recommendation, high student ratings, and a record of being given good classes to teach.

I am genuinely more interested in teaching than research, but I enjoy research enough that I am happy doing it for a good position. I have a research topic in a small new area (finite subdivision rules) that provides an essentially inexhaustible amount of new theorems but may attract less interest as it is off the beaten path.

I have friends at many of these schools, including UVU, SUU, Utah State, and Dixie State.

How to keep default popup menu when click header?

I have added a right click popup menu on my grid content. This popup also shows when I right click the grid header, however, I want to keep the default column header popup menu as following:enter image description here

Does anyone have any idea what I should add in my code?

Thanks a lot!

Should I review for a new journal whose publisher is unjustifiably listed in Beall's list of predatory publishers?

I received a review request from an open access journal, which is brand new. It has published about 10 articles so far. The articles seem to be of mediocre quality but do not seem to plagiarize other articles. The journal has all important sections and features in place (review/editorial process, ethics, editorial board, wave waiver policies, working DOIs and article metrics, etc.). However, the publisher of such journal is in Beall's list of predatory open access publishers. As it is the case of many publishers listed there, the publisher is unjustifiably included in the list. There are no posts (as far as I know) explaining why it ended there. Most of Beall's criteria for determining predatory open access publishers do not seem to apply in this case.

By judging the name of the journal, the aims and scopes, and the abstract of the article, it seems that the review request per se is legit.

I looked at related questions, e.g., Should I accept review requests from dubious journals?, Is it a good idea to cite paper from publisher listed in Beall’s list, and How to identify predatory publishers/journals. The present question seems novel enough to me--it looks different from the one in the first link. Even though I am quite sure about what to do, I am asking this question with the hope that it (and the answers) will be beneficial for the visitors.

Where can I search for researchers in a specific field by country

Where can I search for some authors of publications or researchers in a specific filed (e.g. Computer science) and in a specific country (USA, China, ...)

For example I would like to find all people who work on Data Mining located in Iran

Is there anywhere I can find reliable reviews of popular textbooks?

My mathematics department is adopting a new calculus textbook. The publisher has refused to continue printing the same edition that we have been using, and their new edition is one of several options which we are considering.

Several of these books are extremely well-known and widely used, and we have to judge which is the best. The most important step is to look at the books myself, which indeed I did. Beyond that, I am curious how the various choices have played out in actual teaching situations. Indeed, in our deliberations I feel that I am reinventing the wheel.

Are there any trustworthy sources of reviews of popular textbooks, written with an eye towards the experience of the student reading them?

Tips for computer science student from third world country wanting to develop a 15 year plan to make a significant contribution to the field

I'll be able to finish my Computer Science degree next year, but I'm thinking of what are my options for my career and my education.

NOTE: My college education is not really top-notch (third world country), most of my knowledge is based on self-study from related knowledge on a courses.

I'm thinking of taking a Masters Degree (in Computer Science) 2-3 years after I graduate, hopefully that I already earned enough money to do that. Then proceed on my own research, probably related to artificial intelligence. Then take the route to be a professor, and if everything will be smooth, I'm aiming for a doctorate degree.

Is this the correct plan that I should take? My goal is to have a significant contribution to this field, as my country is not really well known in this field (the most famous one in my country, created a virus).

Any tips on what I should do/take first to achieve my goals? I'm also thinking of taking my graduate studies in other countries, since this field is not really good in this country (the computer science degree here is almost identical to Information Technology, maybe a bit harder on most cases but almost no distinction).

Is it a good idea to pursue a PhD in turkey? what do you think?

I really like turkey, I went to Istanbul 3 years ago and I liked it, i am thinking about doing a PhD in turkey, but i don’t have any idea about the research level and the PhD program of its universities, how much a PhD student is paid, are the laboratories well appointed their?

I will be thankful if you can provide me more informations about research there, have you been in touch with one of its laboratories, or do you know someone who did his PhD there…

new learner for java

public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub

Scanner input = new Scanner (;

System.out.print(" Item 1 : ");
String item1 = input.nextLine();

System.out.print(" Quantity : ");
int quantity1 = input.nextInt();

System.out.print(" Unit Price : ");
double price1 = input.nextDouble();

double amount1 = quantity1 * price1;

System.out.printf(" Amount : %.2f" , amount1);


System.out.print(" Item 2 : ");
String item2 =;

System.out.print(" Quantity : ");
int quantity2 = input.nextInt();

System.out.print(" Unit Price : ");
double price2 = input.nextDouble();

double amount2 = quantity2 * price2;

System.out.printf(" Amount is %1.2f",amount2);

double subtotal =0;
subtotal= amount1 + amount2;

double govTax = subtotal * 0.06;

double serviceCharge = subtotal * 0.1;

double total = subtotal + govTax + serviceCharge;

System.out.printf("Subtotal is %1.2f",subtotal);

System.out.printf("Government tax (6%) is %1.2f",govTax);

System.out.printf("Service charge (10%) is %1.2f",serviceCharge);

System.out.printf("Total is %1.2f" ,total);

} } enter image description here

new java learner,simple question [on hold]

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Q1 {

public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub

Scanner input = new Scanner (;

System.out.print(" Item 1 : ");
String item1 = input.nextLine();

System.out.print(" Quantity : ");
int quantity1 = input.nextInt();

System.out.print(" Unit Price : ");
double price1 = input.nextDouble();

double amount1 = quantity1 * price1;

System.out.printf(" Amount : %.2f" , amount1);


System.out.print(" Item 2 : ");
String item2 =;

System.out.print(" Quantity : ");
int quantity2 = input.nextInt();

System.out.print(" Unit Price : ");
double price2 = input.nextDouble();

double amount2 = quantity2 * price2;

System.out.printf(" Amount is %1.2f",amount2);

double subtotal =0;
subtotal= amount1 + amount2;

double govTax = subtotal * 0.06;

double serviceCharge = subtotal * 0.1;

double total = subtotal + govTax + serviceCharge;

System.out.printf("Subtotal is %1.2f",subtotal);

System.out.printf("Government tax (6%) is %1.2f",govTax);

System.out.printf("Service charge (10%) is %1.2f",serviceCharge);

System.out.printf("Total is %1.2f" ,total);

} enter image description here

Can calculations cause arithmetic overflow even if final value fits? [migrated]

I am reading Algorithm Design Manual by Skiena where in Chapter 8, Section 8.1.4 where it talks about calculation of binomial coefficients, it says:

"Intermediate calculations can easily cause arithmetic overflow,
even when the final coefficient fits comfortably within an integer."

I can't think of a reason why. Shouldn't whatever calculation is done in between always be less than the final one?

"companion registration" for an academic conference

Maybe my question is rather weird, but actually it turned out it is also a question of my colleagues. usually when you register for an academic conference, there's an option that you can register a companion. I'm wondering if it is appropriate to register my girlfriend as a companion? does it sound so bad?

Journal rejects my conference-to-journal extension saying its copied from previous publication! What should I do?

My understanding of short conference papers being extended to journals was that I should have at least 30% fresh results and content (read that somewhere on this site, can't find it now). I had a poster paper published at a conference in the past year. I had extended the work, had plenty of fresh results with me, and decided to send it to a journal. I would say I had at least 70-80% fresh content and results.

I was surprised to receive a reply from the Editor that my manuscript was been rejected without review. The reason given by an editorial board member is

A non-negligible part of this manuscript (~1000 words) has been copied by a previous publication of these authors.

And, thus, he suggested that the manuscript be rejected without review.

I agree that some basic data pre-processing modules are same in both papers (coz why would they differ!). Some introduction and related work part is also the same. Rest, the manuscript is fresh. My manuscript is easily 9000-10000 words. 1000 words just makes 10% of that. Keeping in mind that "30% fresh content" rule, I though I was playing pretty safe. But this response has disappointed me :(

My questions:

  1. Should I bother to write to the Editor, asking for a clarification? Maybe I can just ask whether the editor bothered to read my cover letter (where I had clearly mentioned about the previous paper, and the overlaps with this paper). If yes, how does one usually contact the Editor? The emails sent by the journal do not come from a personal account. Will it be wise to write to him directly?

  2. After this rejection, I may submit it elsewhere. But what if it gets rejected on same grounds. Should I consider re-writing my manuscript and making it completely different from the previous paper?

mardi 24 mars 2015

Reply to a professor who said no open position BUT admired the work

I have asked a professor in germany for PhD position in his lab and I sent a mail with previous work experience, future research plan and why I want to join his group within 8-10 lines also attached a simple CV. He replied me starting with 'You are a strong candidate' and he admired work and plan also, but he said presently there are no open positions.

But I want to work under his supervision. I have at most 6 months to complete my masters. How can I give a reply mentioning I have time and in that mean time if he found any open positions I can join his lab.

Reflecting bad experience with adviser in graduate school in statement of purpose

I am applying to master program in electrical engineering, but I have some concerns and not sure how to present them in my statement of purpose.

First, my undergrad was in electrical engineering but after moving to US I pursued physics in graduate school. I had bad experience with my adviser. He moved to another university right when I started my research, but since I had a fellowship which came from a school in our university and since he didn't want to pay me, I didn't move with him to the new university. He promised to help me, but didn't do anything after he moved. That being said, since I just started my research and we had a small department in which no one else worked on the same area, I couldn't make progress on my own. But, then I started taking some online courses and became really interested in some new areas and also coauthored a paper in optimization. now I want to apply to electrical engineering for master. I also had to extend my graduate program in physics due to some immigration related stuff, so now my graduate degree took more than five years, while I don't have any result in it. I was wondering how can I represent these stuff in my statement of purpose without hurting my chance of getting admission. I should also mention that I got almost all the PhD courses in physics and have a very good GPA in graduate school.

Thanks for your help!

what is your most significant achievement so far? Why do you think u should be considered an achievement?

I am applying for an opportunity fund program. I am from a poor family background with good academic output and i am good in sports and othe's social services program. I am member of Red cross society too . So how can i use this tips as my achievement on essay?

Graduate Studies in Mathematics in Canada

As the title suggests, I want to know that what are the best Universities in Canada for Graduate Studies in Pure Mathematics ? In particular, what about University of Waterloo and University of British Columbia (Pure Mathematics) ?

Is doing a Ph.D from any of these two universities advisable ? What is the academic standing in Pure Mathematics of these two universities in comparison with other American Universities (apart from top 10 Universities) ?

If given a chance to choose between these two universities and some other American Universities like Indiana University, University of Illinois Chicago, Purdue University, Emory University etc., which would a better option (in terms of faculty strength, seminars and productivity) ?

I understand that the questions which I have asked are rather broad, so any sort of help would be highly appreciated.


Academic Amnesty-vs-Transferring: how does each affect graduate school admission?

I entered college back in 1994 and was academically dismissed in 1999, and needless to say my transcript is atrocious. I only require a few semesters to graduate and I am planning to go back to get my bachelors and then masters. I was accepted for reenrollment by my old college and was offered an Academic Amnesty program where I can get a fresh start on my GPA. The transcript will still show all the classes previously taken, but the ones with D’s and F’s will not count towards graduation requirements, and my GPA will only be calculated using the newly taken classes after reenrollment. So technically I have a chance of achieving a 4.0 GPA. Down side is that there is no online class option, so I will have to do evening classes or leave work early two days a week for a few semesters.

Please correct me if I am misinformed, but I believe that transferring to another college will in essence do the same thing. Transferrable credits move over, new GPA calculation, etc. But the transcript with the terrible GPA will still exist at my old school. One major plus for this option is that I can transfer to a college offering online programs so I can pursue my degree with minimal affect to my job.

I would like to know how much emphasis graduate schools put on each scenario.

  • If I transfer to an online college and graduate with high GPA, would graduate schools also look at the transcript from my old school and average it?

  • Or would the GPA from the institution that I get the degree matter most?

  • If I have a solid GPA after the Academic Amnesty option, would grad school not care?

  • Is an online degree a significant negative?

Sensible measures to ethically use freely available, but personal web-based comments in research?

In a range of fields (I have in mind gender and sexuality) users make Internet comments revealing personal details about themselves. Some sites even automatically link to their personal Facebook page. While this data may be useful for research, there are ethical issues as to how to use this data.

On one hand, they have voluntarily published this material online, and made it accessible to the world.

On the other hand, presumably the audience they had in mind for their post is likely to be limited a handful of users. It is personal information that could potentially be used against the user.

Question: What are sensible measures to ethically use freely available, but personal web-based comments in research?

Switching to linguistics from computer science – financial aid [on hold]

I’m a computer-science undergrad and will be graduating in one year’s time, with (most likely) a little over an A – average in a 4-year BSc. I would like to pursue a masters in linguistics (focusing second language acquisition, not computational linguistics).

I study currently in a developing country, and would like to pursue a masters course in Europe preferably. What sort of financial aid can I expect in this scenario?

Grades in a PhD program

As a math grad student who's done with the qualifying exams during the first couple of years, I've been lately taking a few non-core courses while focusing mainly on my research. Somehow I managed to get a B- in one course (not directly related to my field) due to spending most of my time on my own research. I certainly have the CGPA (3.9) required for "normal progress" but I'm unsure how important/serious is getting a grade below 3.0 in that one course at this point. Any feedback is much appreciated.

Should you correct grammar mistakes during peer review?

In almost any paper there is an abundance of classical errors, such as omitting the "s" at the end of a third person singular verb. I am growing tired of painstakingly listing the page and line for each error. Is it acceptable to just write: "Please, have a native speaker fix your grammar?"

Usually the reviewer guidelines ignore the subject of grammar.

MS in Germany and much more

Does someone here know how many years at the maximum one can take to finish MSc degree in Mathematics in Germany ? My friend enrolled for three semesters on regular basis but due to his mental instability he couldn't do anything . He almost has all the credits required and just needs thesis to be done. He is planning to take take a year gap to recover and may be finish his degree .

Is it possible for him ? Are there any provisions that restrict a person to take only certain number of semesters or that a person cannot take a year break or something of that sort ?

Is it legal to upload CC BY papers to

There have been discussions regarding's Terms of Use ( and some responses have stated that it is impossible to upload published papers to academia even with the most liberal copyright licenses is illegal (Why does reserve the right to sell, modify, and "exploit" my papers if I post them there?). They have recently updated their terms of use and changed the paragraph "License granted by Member".

However, does this new agreement allow articles under CC BY licenses of open access journals to be uploaded? The new terms state that academia may modify and sublicense any materials, but that they will not claim owenership. Is this sufficient for legally uploading a document licensed under CC BY?

Changing field from Computer Science to Philosophy

I am a Computer Science graduate and I have been realising that my true passion lies in Philosophy, as for the past 5 or 6 years (I am 26) I have been constantly asking questions about life, conciousness, the universe and the relationship between them. I am also in the process of writing a book which can be considered as Philosophical, although I am not yet quite sure whether it will be Philosophical Fiction or Non Fiction.

My question is, is it possible to continue as a graduate and start a Masters or Doctorate in Philosophy? Since I would like to become a professor so I can help others pursuing answers to such questions. As already mentioned, I would also like to start writing unfortunately, in our current era, it is very difficult to be taken seriously if you do not have academic background on that field.

From what I am reading, this might not be possible since Philosophy is an ancient field and hence there is the usual sequence of degree, masters and PhD. For instance, some new fields, such as neuroscience do not have any directly related degrees and hence you can transition to them from other fields.

If this is not possible, will I be taken seriously if I transform my book into a paper (assuming it is actually a good book) and be allowed to start a PhD without any previous academic philosophical background? My current targets are either Oxford University or UCL.

Looking forward for your response.

What is the typical PhD application procedure?

Part I Background on Myself

Part II What I Heard

Part I

I am nearly finished with my master in mathematical finance. I have finished my thesis and have one course left to take.

I am interested in taking up a PhD in stochastic analysis.

Part II

1 Read up various literature on your desired dissertation topic which should include several textbooks and even more for recently published articles.

2 Come up with a PhD proposal.

3 Contact relevant faculty of the universities to which you intend to apply.

4 Discuss your proposal with them if they're up to it.

5 One of the ff: Revise proposal if needed, completely change proposal or get referred to different faculty member.

6 Actually apply to the university.

So, it seems that PhDs unlike applications for master's or bachelor's involve speaking first to faculty and then to the school? That is, when I apply I should already have a professor in the university already to take me on as a doctoral advisor?

IEEE Style for Number Array

What is the IEEE preferred style for writing a number array with a specific step size? There seem to be several options:

1: (start, step, stop)

2: (start:step:stop)

3: start ... (step) ... stop

There are a few other (seemingly) equally valid representations, even ignoring the differentiation between inclusive and exclusive brackets. I say start/stop instead of min/max because at least one of my arrays has a negative step size, that is, the numbers are getting smaller.

Is there a prefered style or is it just whatever floats my boat? I can't find any suggestions in the IEEE Style Manual.

IEEE and ACM gives very different results

Me and my colleague are conducting a literature search that will be used to argue about an experiment. We've just started our SLR and noticed that ACM and IEEE gives very different results.

When searching for "java AND jax+rs", ACM gives 26 hits while IEEE gives 18577 hits when searching for "java AND jax+rs". The term "java AND jersey" gives 25 hits at ACM and 701 hits at IEEE. In other searches, such as "auth AND oauth*", ACM gives 62 hits while IEEE gives 65 hits.

We are using the same filters in both searches (limit to journals and proceedings, all years, metadata only). When searching at ACM we limit the publisher to ACM only, and at IEEE we limit publisher to IEEE.

Are these types of results usual? I understand that they are different publishers and thus publishes different papers but these results seem off.

Do I need a second master's or can i already apply for a PhD?

Pardon the dumb question if ever. I notice similar questions all sound like "can I get a second master's?" but mine is "do I need?"

I am nearly finished with my master in mathematical finance. I have finished my thesis and have one course left to take.

Edit: I am about to graduate from a third world university and am planning to apply for a PhD in a first world university.

I am interested in taking up a PhD in a different branch of mathematics called stochastic analysis (stochastic calculus. or whatever it's called.) but am wondering if my background is insufficient. If so, I may take up a second master's.

Given my limited background in stochastic analysis and other information (below), can I already apply for a PhD with stochastic analysis for my dissertation topic, or might I need a second master's first?

Some information:

  1. I am not particularly interested in mathematical finance anymore unless it is in a rigorous context rather than with computers, modeling, statistics, non-mathematical finance, simulations, etc. As of right now, I no longer have any plans to go into industry.

  2. My background in Stochastic Analysis is 2 courses on Stochastic Calculus, 1 prerequisite course for Stochastic Calculus (probability) and 2 halves of classes which apply the stochastic calculus.

  3. I don't know about the basics of one kind of stochastic calculus as we were taught mainly the other kind.

  4. My thesis is about credit risk, having mainly to do with statistics, the part of mathematical finance I don't want to go in to, if I were still interested in mathematical finance. Hence, I feel have no background in mathematical research given that the research conducted was mainly to do with statistics and finance.

I have read a sample PhD proposal and have no clue what to put for methodology. I am not quite sure what kind of research methods pure mathematicians have.

Furthermore, while I technically passed the thesis, I scored the lowest passing mark.

Some metric to find research project for PHD program which lead me to kick the start-up after Phd

I want to apply to US universities for Phd programs. But I have trouble on finding my field. I have a master on computer networks in field of Wireless Sensor Network. What I did on my master degree was just a pure simulation!

I like academia but What I am looking for is finding a research project which involve me on real world problems and not just simulation.

Ideally I want start my own start-up after finishing my PHD. or fining job in industry as a research associate which they research but they solve the real problems.

In order to more understanding you can see here which they finish their thesis and start their own company.

Now my question is how to find a professor as supervisor which working with his project direct me to those what I said? For example If one professor has lots of citation on google-scholar one will make sure that he has strong knowledge on academia.

I need some metrics to know working with which professor will guarantee my working on industry as a research associate?

Are patents are good metric?

More example are:

In my thesis I have tool to develop which name was NS2. that is appropriate for simulation. I am sure working three to five years with tools like that never directs me to solving real problem.

PS: 1. I did not said That I want to become developer on industry. Ps: 2. I say I want to become researcher which direct my to start my own start-up

How do you acknowledge the useful comments left by the reviewers invited by a journal that rejected your paper?

Sometimes a paper is rejected but you obtain some useful suggestions or remarks on improving your paper, directly or indirectly.

When you improve your paper per the suggestions to a certain degree with the intention to submit the paper to another journal, how do you acknowledge the good opinions from the anonymous reviewers?

In addition, is this academically necessary?

Decision for a revised manuscript

Based on your experience, how long did you have to wait for a manuscript decision after major revision?

To Associate Degree can teach a person with only a Bachelor Degree?

I have small question.

To Associate Degree can teach a person with only a Bachelor Degree? Are they required something more? Can such a person be included in the minimum staff?

How can I be a good reviewer?

Someday, as strange as it feels to me right now, I might be asked to review an article for publication. A while ago my advisor and I were talking about this, and it hit me that I don't really know how to be a good reviewer, beyond the basics:

  • Respond timely to things,

  • Make your report clear and detailed,

  • Have actually read the paper,

  • Etc.

Beyond this, though, I'm completely in the dark. So I'd like to ask:

What's some good advice for a first-time reviewer?

My field is math, but I'm really interested in general advice (although advice specific to math, or another field, would also be interesting and useful).

I'd like to make this question "community wiki" or analogous, but I can't seem to figure out how - if someone can do so, please do, and then I will delete this paragraph.

Feel bad for applying to two postdoc positions

I'm a finishing PhD student in math. I want to stay in academia so I am applying for two things:

  1. A year-long postdoc position

  2. A 6 month postdoc position

I have been in contact with two professors regarding the two options and am going to send the application forms off today. But I feel bad because suppose I get job offers for both the positions, then I'll have to say no to one of them. Then they will get annoyed at me for wasting their time and will probably never want to work with me on anything again. Both are highly respected so it's doubly bad. What should I do?

Are colored in-text citations against APA6?

For my thesis I am required to follow the APA citation and reference style. I personally quite like having colored citations (typically blue; some journals do this) because they allow the reader to identify citations more easily and highlight the fact that they are linked to the reference list (clickable).

Is this against APA rules? I have not been able to find any information on this online at all. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

How to ensure committee reads and comments on dissertation draft prior to final examination?

The constructive question is, What practices/strategies could help ensure the committee reads the dissertation?

I am wondering if those who already hold a PhD, or advanced graduate students finishing their dissertations have experience where they suspected that their committee (besides their Chair) have not read their dissertation prior to the final defense examination. I would guess this issue is far from unique, as there is a variety of reasons for this. Here are some general reasons:

  1. Gap in Access: Committee members become separated from the department/institution, either completely or to some significant extent. Examples include retirements, where the individual might remain tangentially involved in a part time or 'emeritus' role; leaving for another job at a different institution, etc. (both are often associated with geographic relocation).

This creates additional distance between the student and that individual, making an "office drop-in" unfeasible and communication more lopsided, as the individual may feel less press to respond to emails/calls.

Note: difficulties with communication can be a standalone category, but I thought it was too broad as it applies across the board.

  1. Gap in Motivation: This is essentially a gap between committee member's current priorities/interests and the thesis. Committee members, who have been added to the thesis committee because their area of expertise complements the knowledge capital on the committee, might feel disinterested from the particular dissertation topic selected by the student. Because the topic does not directly tie into their work, there is little incentive for them to spend time carefully reviewing the dissertation.

  2. Lack of time/low priority: Related to the previous reasons, although this issue might surface even if the faculty member is reasonably accessible (on campus etc.) and reasonably interested in the thesis. Despite their 'well meaning' and 'best intentions', the thesis nevertheless keeps slipping to the bottom of their to-do's and they don't get around to reading/commenting for months. The pattern may recur despite regular polite reminders by email from the student and/or the committee chair.

Whatever the underlying reason (or their combinations), the result is the same: the thesis does not receive as thorough review as it technically should. The obvious negative consequences may be summarized as:

  • lower overall quality of the thesis (more eyes on the writing helps spot all sorts of issues that may be visible only from the unique vantage points of highly competent readers);

  • lower quality of the student's learning experience (less feedback = less learning);

  • longer time to complete thesis (since the student has to compensate for lack of feedback by trying to work out all the kinks on his/her own, plus the time it takes to simply wait for committee members to respond to requests for feedback).

  • difficulties during the final examination (thesis defense), since lack of committee's familiarity with the content of the thesis directly impacts their ability to be more "plugged in" to the examination presentation and 'grilling' of the candidate. As a result the candidate might have incorrect assumptions/expectations of the committee's knowledge of what he/she is talking about, and the resulting general confusion (can anyone relate to that one? ;)

What to do. How to reduce the chances of the 'neglected thesis syndrome'?

Confuse about Masters

My bachelors degree was Bachelors of Business Administration(BBA), but now i want to do my masters in visual communication or masters in fine arts is that possible?

Elsevier Open Access fee waived for subscribers?

I have recently been comparing publishers on their policies on double dipping (charging an Open Access fee for publishing in a hybrid journal and then charging again a subscription fee). Many publishers (Springer, Wiley, Taylor and Francis) state they lower the subscription fees based on the amount of Open Access articles to not charge their authors / readers / customers twice for the same article. Elsevier does have a different approach. They state: 'Elsevier's policy is not to charge subscribers for open access articles and when calculating subscription prices only to take into account subscription articles – we do not double dip.' ( But how is this implemented? The Elsevier support team was of no help when I asked there. I only got links to the help pages, which I have read forwards and backwards three times already. I even created an account and started a test submission to two of their hybrid journals but there wasn't even a box to tick for selecting 'Open Access'.

Has anyone made use of this policy and asked for a waiver based on a journal subscription?

Is E. coli. the first choice for the expression of recombinant proteins?

Can any one tell me if E. coli. is the first choice for the expression of recombinant proteins?

Waiting for decisions - MS in CS Fall 2015

I applied to UIC, SUNY Stony & Northeastern 2-3 months back and still haven't got any update from them. Have you guys got any reply?

lundi 23 mars 2015

Should I apply for a PhD position with required programming skills which I do not have?

I did my master's thesis last month and have seen one excellent PhD position in my field. The title and the project description was very close to my master's thesis. My master's thesis relates to one of those standards which is very new, and I can guess the number of peoples which work on it are few -- especially those persons which did or are doing a master thesis in that field.

On the other side I got my degrees with honours -- both bachelors and masters. So I have good situation for that PhD position.

One of the requirements is strong programming ability, which I do not have. I am not so good in programming. (By the way in just 6 months, I can improve that). Also the place is top five (or maybe one) rank with high salary. I do not know whether I should apply for that position or not? I afraid my bad programming skill have a bad effect on advisor's decision about me.

What I should do?

A part of requirements is

... very good programming skills and experience....

which I do not have.

Also the professor is number one person in that field and kind person. So that is one of the most important opportunities in my life. I do not have those skills which are required to apply to the programme. But by that time, I will improve my weak points.

What are the types of academic writing?

Can someone please categorise all possible types of academic writings?

I mean like letter, essays, poem, research paper etc.

What is a social strategy I can use to respond to "How's your PhD going?"

I was surprised when starting my PhD as to how much I get asked this question and how much I fail at answering it. Whenever I attempt an answer, I fumble around and the subject immediately changes after. If I state exactly how it's going, the stress of publishing and intensity of the program comes off overly negative. If I state what I'm working on, I either lose them or bore them.

What's a good social strategy to respond to this question?

Error in connecting remote mysql database using sqlyog

How to solve

Error connecting in remote mysql database using sqlyog.

error 2003:can't connect to 'server name'

Coffee Alternatives

I feel like I need caffeine in my life, but I really don't like the taste of coffee. How would you get around this problem? I will value solutions based on being healthy, being cheap, and being generally easy to implement.

Measure quality of new born major

How should I go about determining the quality of an undergraduate program that is just starting given that the field in general is relatively young?

To be more specific, I am considering a new cyber security program at the University of Tampa. It starts Fall 2015. There aren't many other programs i can compare to, or accreditations to look for.

How can I measure the quality of a program that hasn't even started?

Assembly Language Code Help

Part 1

Implement the following C++ code fragment in assembly language. Use the block-structured .IF and .WHILE directives. Assume that all variables are 32-bit integers.

int array[] = {3,1,4,1,5,9,2,6, 5,3,5,8,9,7,9,3,2,3,8,4};
int lower = 3;
int upper = 8;
int ArraySize = sizeof array / sizeof lower;
int index = 0;
int sum = 0;
while( index < ArraySize )
if( array[index] >= lower && array[index] <= upper )
sum += array[index];

Your assembly language program must also display as output the number of times a member of ' array 'e qualified for inclusion into the ' sum 'e and what the final value of the variable ' sum 'e was. (Hint: you may have to add another variable.) Feel free to use the author's procedures in the book's link library. Use only the procedures that were introduced in chapter 5.

Part 2

Write a program that asks the user to enter an integer dollar amount between 1 and 5,000. Your program should display the corresponding class description using the following table. Write the program so that it executes until the user inputs some value that you determine to be the "stop value". Your program must guard against and provide user messages for input values that are outside the valid range.

Donation Amount (dollars) Class of Donation $4,000 to $5,000 Platinum $3,000 to $3,999 Gold $2,000 to $2,999 Silver $1,000 to $1,999 Bronze $1 to $999 Copper

This is what I have so far:



sum DWORD 0

index DWORD 0

array DWORD 3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5, 3, 5, 8, 9, 7, 9, 3, 2, 3, 8, 4

lower DWORD 3

upper DWORD 8

ArraySize = ($ - Array) / TYPE array

message1 db "Enter an amount between $1 and $5000 (or enter 0 to quit): ", 0

message2 db "Class of Donation: ", 0

message3 db "Error:Donated amount must be between $1 and $5000!!", 0

.code main PROC

mov eax, 0

mov edx, lower

mov esi, 0

mov ebx, upper

mov ecx, ArraySize

L1 : cmp esi, ecx

jl L2

jmp L6

L2 : cmp array[esi * 4], edx

jg L3

jmp L5

L3 : cmp array[esi * 4], ebx

jl L4

jmp L5

L4 : add eax, array[esi * 4]

L5 : inc esi
jmp L1

L6 : mov sum, eax
; call ArraySize
; call sum
call DumpRegs

call Clrscr
mov edx, OFFSET message1
call WriteString
call ReadInt
call Crlf

.IF eax > 5000
mov edx, OFFSET message3
call WriteString
jmp quit

cmp eax, 0
je quit

.IF eax >= 4000
mov al, "P"

.ELSEIF eax >= 3000
mov al, "G"
.ELSEIF eax >= 2000
mov al, "S"
.ELSEIF eax >= 1000
mov al, "B"
mov al, "C"

mov edx, OFFSET message2
call WriteString
call WriteChar

call Crlf

Quit : popad ret

exit main ENDP END main

Someone Please help me complete this.. I am completely new to Assembly Language and I've been trying this for couple of days already. I don't know what's wrong with this code :( Help!!

Math Collaboration Opportunities for Software Engineer?


I am a former mathematics graduate student (MS Math, U. of Utah) looking to contribute to Mathematics in some auxillary but substantive way. In particular to the more constructive areas where a software engineer would feel at home. What collaborative opportunities might I draw on to become involved in the FOM community? Perhaps I could contribute LaTeX, help design a website, write exposition, or use my programming skills to contribute some code.

In short, mathoverflow has whetted my appetite and I want to get involved. Despite my academic career having reached it end.

My story must be typical: I choose my alma mater, the University of Utah, for practical reasons. Unfortunately, the Foundations of Mathematics (FOM) areas were completely unrepresented in the available coursework and faculty. I ended up focusing commutative algebra and dropped out with just an MS, unfulfilled. FOM was my first love, but it wasn't meant to be. Or so it seems.

My formal mathematical education has likely reached its end, but I want to stay involved. The question: how? I have a lot to leverage: software development skills, and mathematical mind, and MS in math, and a good 20/hrs a week of free time.

To paraphrase, I am willing to LaTeX for food.

About me: I currently earn a living programming in Scala, a programming language with a lot of support for functional programming constructs. I'm interested in Primitive Recursive Arithmetic, constructive mathematics, and low power category theory. In graduate school I chose the subject areas Topology/Geometry, Real/Complex Analysis, and Modern Algebra for my written exams. In retrospect, I would like to have studied Subsystems of Second Order Arithmetic, Realizability Theory, or something involving Type theory in graduate school.

  • Rex Butler

[Disclosure: this is an edited version of the same question posted to the FOM email list.] Also, if this question is inappropriate for this forum please suggest another forum where I might ask it. Thanks!

Does an unpublished document you upload to researchgate become 'published' in the sense of copyright once made public?

Apologies if this is a duplicate, I did search the forum.

On ResearchGate, if you upload something like a thesis, and then it says 'publish resources' does this mean the thesis becomes properly published in the sense of copyright infringement?

I ask as I'm drafting thesis chapters into journal articles and did not choose to publish the thesis as a whole work in order to do so, so I want to make sure that by clicking 'publish resources' I am not actually publishing the copy I've uploaded, I'm just making it publicly available? Does this mean it becomes published in accordance with copyright laws despite it not technically being a published work? (if so I'll just remove the copy I uploaded).

Will poor grades hurt my chances of getting a research job in a non-traditional setting? [on hold]

I have been pursuing a BSc in Political Science with Psychology during this time I held two jobs and a lot of personal responsibilities but due to my age did not want to defer studying. I have recently taken a semester break as every thing became too much. I simply wanted clear some tasks off my plate so to speak so I could concentrate and do the required reading to achieve better grades. I have 12 courses remaining to do and would like to achieve no lower than Bs for all of them. I am wondering if my poor grades will prevent me from having the opportunity to find a job doing research for a trade Union or Social Development type organisation.

To make myself clear, I mean to work researching information on the membership, eg. family structures within the organisation, etc. Levels of education and so on. Research the membership and they expectations etc

Can I refuse a stipend during a PhD program?

I was admitted to a US PhD program (in computer science, if that matters) with fellowship + stipend.

I am getting a separate stipend from my government (which is higher than the university stipend), but they forbid me from getting an additional stipend from the university.

Is it OK to ask the university to just pay for my tuition (with the fellowship), and refuse the stipend?

Is there a difference between Distinguished and Minimal graduation plans

I am attending a Texas public school and am wondering if it was possible for me as a high school junior to switch to the the Distinguished Foundation Plan form the Distinguished 4x4 plan.

According to this article, "[C]urrent high school students may pursue graduation under the new Foundation program if they choose to take courses in that program in 2014-15." Also this chart states that "Students who entered high school prior to 2014-2015 may opt in to this [Foundation Plan]"

However, I asked my counselor and she told me I could only switch to the minimum plan. I am currently on the Distinguished 4x4 plan and have all the necessary credits to graduate on time if I switch to the new plan or if stay on my current one.

My questions:

  1. Is it possible for me to switch to the new Distinguished Foundation Plan?

  2. Is there any real detriment to in terms of college acceptance to graduating under the minimum plan? As far as I know, I would already be accepted to college before I graduate, so I'd assume that colleges do not get to look at a high school diploma or see the graduation plan.

In case anyone is wondering, I am trying to avoid taking a class that would lower my GPA by switching graduation plans.

Can a Graduate Student With Deficiencies Get an Assistantship for the Needed Undergraduate Courses?

I see many graduate program informational pages listed by various schools.

Many of them require specific undergraduate degrees, but also have discretionary exceptions for those without them. Most of them say something like:

"An applicant without satisfactory undergraduate training may be admitted to the program, but will be required to remove deficiencies by completing the necessary undergraduate courses without receiving graduate credit for them." - UND Physics & Astrophysics M.S.

I understand that the answer to this question is probably not all or nothing. Has anyone reading this had experience in such a situation or have any suggestions for a person seeking a graduate degree in any program with similar deficiencies who is strongly against debt and aims to make it through a program with an assistantship?

Is it typical for one who begins a degree with an assistantship to maintain it until program completion provided that they maintain satisfactory performance in all facets of the assistantship ie. academic and duty performance?

Difference between "referee" and "reviewer"?

I've seen the terms "referee" and "reviewer" both used to describe a person who gives feedback to a paper in a journal submission. Are there differences between the two terms? Is one used in some situations where the other isn't?

What are the chances of getting into a PhD program in math after other pursuits in life?

I have a very unusual profile for a PhD program applicant. I worked a few years in business after college and have recently completed a J.D. I did not have much research experience in college except my honors thesis. My grades in math are solid but I did not take any grad level classes. After the many side distractions, I have decided that I would like to study math and do math research. I do love math and was quite good at it. I'm concerned that the admissions committee might view me trajectory as unfocused.

I would appreciate any feedback and suggestion as to how I can best remedy my situation.

Thank you so much for your help.

Tips on my future path (15 years from now)

I'll be able to finish my Computer Science degree next year, but I'm thinking of what are my options for my career and my education.

NOTE: My college education is not really top-notch (third world country), most of my knowledge is based on self-study from related knowledge on a courses.

I'm thinking of taking a Masters Degree (in Computer Science) 2-3 years after I graduate, hopefully that I already earned enough money to do that. Then proceed on my own research, probably related to artificial intelligence. Then take the route to be a professor, and if everything will be smooth, I'm aiming for a doctorate degree.

Is this the correct plan that I should take? My goal is to have a significant contribution to this field, as my country is not really well known in this field (the most famous one in my country, created a virus).

Any tips on what I should do/take first to achieve my goals? I'm also thinking of taking my graduate studies in other countries, since this field is not really good in this country (the computer science degree here is almost identical to Information Technology, maybe a bit harder on most cases but almost no distinction).

Best undergrad degree for neurology

when speaking with representatives from a few different college on the topic of an undergrad degree before applying to med school for neurology I got some pretty vague answers. They all told me generally the same thing, Get a major in one of the sciences (Literally that was how specific they were). So I'm seeking opinions on what some of the more helpful majors are for that field.

How to find DOI for article in JSTOR?

I have a link to an article on JSTOR. I can't see the DOI mentioned. Is there a standard way to find the DOI? Do all articles on JSTOR have an assigned DOI?

Struggling to find a foundation in mathematics worth 90 Ects points

I'm a 2:1 university graduate in computer science, and I'm thinking about doing postgraduate studies. The thing is that many of the degree schemes require at least 90 ECTS credits in mathematics as a requirement to enrolment in the course.

I don't have a mathematics A-levels, so I would need some foundation course that goes over the basics and bridges the gap into postgraduate study. I've done some searching but nothing has really turned up.

what are my options ?

How can I approach my professor when he is sending me indirect messages with another person?

After achieving my masters degree, i applied for a phd program at the same university i was graduated from. In Germany, a person has to find 2 advisors to be registered as a phd student and thats it for the begining.

I approached a professor whose area is related to my research.I told my intention and research idea to him and he said he would like to be my advisor but he officially cannot be the first advisor due to the number of students he already has. Instead, he suggested that he can be my second advisor and i should find another professor as my first advisor, in this way we can continue working anyway.

I decided to approach another professor (who is also a colleague of 2.advisor) and I asked him if he could be my first advisor and he accepted. We have exchanged more than 10 e-mails, talking about my proposal. When he came to my city, we met and everything looked fine. I continued to work on my proposal and sent him after a while. I needed to get a reference letter from him, as I am applying for potential scholarships. Some of these scholarships demand the reference letter to be sent directly by the professors. He has written the reference letter and wrote me an e-mail saying that he has sent the letter to the grant givers i asked him to send. I have asked him to send the letter also to me as a pdf, since i need to upload it personally as well. He has not send it to me and since weeks he is not replying my e-mails.

Instead, he has sent me an indirect message with a friend of mine (also a student of his), saying that I should work more on my proposal and it would be difficult to get a scholarship with such inaccurate proposal. He told her that I have been rushing to finish it and I should stop and reconsider my steps. He also added that, due to the inner conflicts he has with the faculty, he will be resigning in two years so maybe i should consider to find another first advisor as well.

I found this indirect communication unusual, disturbing and i must say, unprofessional. I decided to send him another e-mail, asking him if he can approve what I heard from my friend so that I can begin to search for another first advisor. Because if he officialy does not write it, i'm still registered as his student and it would be awkward to search for another one while I still have one. He is not replying to this e-mail as well. I have been applying for another scholarship meanwhile (only with one reference letter which is from my second advisor) and today i recieved a note from this scholarship, saying that my file has been taken under consideration but i should send the other reference letter as soon as possible.

My professor is literally blocking me from applying further. I have understood what he meant by taking more time to focus on my proposal but for now I need this reference letter from him. It just doesn't make sense that I cannot have the letter when it is already written for me. My question would be, shall I contact and ask my second advisor about his opinion on this situation or shall I take a step back and wait for my first advisor's conflicts to be cleared and hopefully he writes back to me?

Do you reflect on your publication behaviour and do you "game the system"?

I recently published an article about the effect the science evaluation system has on scholars ( and can lead to ethical questionable behaviour. And jave a previous publication, of which I am the primary author, in which we study the effect of superficial factors on subsequent citation (

But how many scholars are aware of their own behaviour. Do you ever reflect on your own publication behaviour? And do you, consciously or unconsciously, game the system?

Is there such thing as "paper dump conference"? If yes, what actually is it?

A couple of weeks ago, out of the ordinary, I was in the company of a few academics from respectable universities. A graduate student mentioned that he was invited to something called "ICIT 2015" to present his Master's thesis. One of those professors said something along the line of:

If it is your first attempt at publishing something, then go for it. However, I usually highly advise against attending such events to present your papers. They're nothing but paper dumps. Within the time frame of two days, nearly 1500 people are expected to present their papers. You're given 10-20 minutes present your work to 1-2 people and have your picture taken. These events are merely created just so you can say and put on your CV that you've spoken at a conference and published a paper. Most of the time, the review process is horrible, and the PhD-level papers can be barely accepted as Bachelor-level theses in any respectable university.

Immediately after he finished talking, two other professors agreed with him and shared a couple of anecdotes on that particular conference and another one.

I looked at the conference's website, and it seems to confirm some of what the professor had said, but I cannot find anything on the review process or the "quality" of the papers.

I spent quite a bit of time trying to find any reference to such "paper dump conferences", but I had no success. Were those people just being snobs or is there some truth to what they said?

Disclaimer: I'm very far from academia and just looking to learn more and understand this a little better, so excuse me if it seems like I have no clue what I'm talking about. Also, this "paper dump" might have another name in English as I'm providing a direct translation from another language.

Phd after a master's in pure mathematics

I am currently finishing my master's degree in theoretical maths (mostly courses around algebra, geometric algebra, a bit of Riemann geometry, K-theory etc) and I don't know which area to go into for a Phd. I was interested in cryptography but have never taken any advance classes in coding theory. Is knowledge in "pure math" enough to apply for a PhD in this area? I wanted to do something which uses my theoretical math but into a more applied subject ... any ideas would be very welcome !

Reflecting bad experience with adviser in graduate school in statement of purpose

I am applying to master program in electrical engineering, but I have some concerns and not sure how to present them in my statement of purpose.

First, my undergrad was in electrical engineering but after moving to US I pursued physics in graduate school. I had bad experience with my adviser. He moved to another university right when I started my research, but since I had a fellowship which came from a school in our university and since he didn't want to pay me, I didn't move with him to the new university. He promised to help me, but didn't do anything after he moved. That being said, since I just started my research and we had a small department in which no one else worked on the same area, I couldn't make progress on my own. But, then I started taking some online courses and became really interested in some new areas and also coauthored a paper in optimization. now I want to apply to electrical engineering for master. I also had to extend my graduate program in physics due to some immigration related stuff, so now my graduate degree took more than five years, while I don't have any result in it. I was wondering how can I represent these stuff in my statement of purpose without hurting my chance of getting admission. I should also mention that I got almost all the PhD courses in physics and have a very good GPA in graduate school.

Thanks for your help!

"SciSearch" and "Science Citation Index Expanded - SCIE" are they the same?

When I went to find information of this journal International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing, I found this information

"Science Citation Index Expanded (also known as SciSearch®)"

I know about SCI and SCIE, but not SciSearch. Anyone know it? are they the same?

Thank you for your time.

No response from summer school. Should I email?

I have applied to a summer school program in math for undergraduates. On the application website it says that notifications of acceptance or rejection will be sent out in March.

As March is nearly ending and email is the only means for them to contact me I'm wondering whether maybe I should cautiously ask, if my application has already been reviewed ? This is because I'm considering the possibility that maybe something went wrong with the email (yes, I checked my spam folder) and I definitely don't want to miss the summer school just because I didn't respond in time to an email that never made it to me.

(It may be helpful for the answerer to know that on the summer schools website it says that we can send them email in case we have other deadlines so that they can try to decide sooner upon the mailers application.)

I graduated last year and my advisor passed away unexpectedly soon after. What should I do now for subsequent academic job searches?

I received a PhD in mathematics last May. Last December, my advisor passed away quite unexpectedly.

My advisor was an extraordinary person; in addition to being a fantastic advisor mathematically, he was a wonderful mentor who I always thought of as a friend - this is very much a personal loss for me. My initial emotional response was that I should clearly leave mathematics forever. Rationally, that seems uncalled for. Before all of this, I had been aiming for academic jobs in mathematics. However, I expect that a recommendation (as well as other help) from one's advisor is a significant part of an academic job application (for example, this recent answer states that the letter from one's advisor is read first even when applying for a tenure-track job after a postdoc).

How does one go about an academic job search when one's advisor has passed away?

For example, my advisor wrote a letter for me for my job search out of grad school. Does one try to use that letter (via perhaps my graduate department) for subsequent job applications? Do I mention in every cover letter from now on end that my advisor has died (that seems horrifying, since I like my vague sense of denial)?

I am in the first year of a (3-yr) postdoc, so I won't be on the job market for a while (in fact, it seems simultaneously very soon and too far away). Of course I can tell that my productivity and motivation have slumped in the last few months, and I know that I should try to get back into gear as soon as possible.

Related questions:

While in more of a 'denial' stage, I asked this question to try to get at this.

The analogous question for current graduate students was asked here and here.

There are several questions about dealing with not having a letter from one's PhD advisor on, such as this one, or this one, or this one.