vendredi 20 février 2015

Research Projects and research assistants?

I looked through some of the older posts and didn't see this exact question, so if I missed it I apologize. At my school getting a professor to sign on to a project that's not part of a class is very difficult. And IRB won't approve even the most basic research proposals without a sponsoring faculty member. This means that I've had to resort to starting my own independent research group to conduct my research projects and keep them separate from the university.

While I have had some success in collaborating with others on a few of the projects, I do have several projects planned that are larger/more complex that would benefit from a co-author or two (or three). Does anyone know of a good place to connect with other researchers? In addition to that, I'm always looking to help others facilitate their research (especially if I have the opportunity to be listed as a co-author). It seems like a "Craigslist" for researchers who want to hook up would be useful. Perhaps one exists and I'm just not aware of it? Thanks for your time.

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