samedi 28 février 2015

Advice me - getting started with programming while studying Masters

This is a question I am asking to get help from the community here, it's not a technical question rather than seeking an advice from experts in the domain who are already studying for their higher education .

It's been few years for me now getting into the development world, I began with C#, but all my knowledge about it is just simple stuff, like define a class, handling button event to insert data into table, get data from table display it in grid. All my work is related to SharePoint so I don't have to deal so much with C#.

Now I started with my higher education, but I found out that I still need to learn other skills as well as they would be good for me for my professional career, now I feel I am not that good developer, and my work in SharePoint requires GREAT understanding of JavaScript, C#, MVC, SharePoint itself, and Windows Azure.

I am currently working in a company and studying @ the same time, I don't know if I can become a guru in all the technologies I have previously mentioned, should I study a book about each? Should I watch videos? Should I quit from the company and stay for few months learning all these technologies as I find working in my current company is just a waste of time as most of the stuff am doing are like "donkey work". How do you manage to learn new things and be super @ them? I haven't known any friend who's good with these ones, so I don't have someone to advice me on how to study, how to become too good in a short time, how should I plan for it? Each time I say: OK I'll study this JavaScript book for 2 months. Then this CSS book for 1 month, then go to bootstrap. then C# then MVC, at the end SharePoint, but my plans don't work. How do people manage their time to study new stuff while they are into their work and studies?

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