samedi 21 février 2015

How to prepare for long-term dissertation fieldwork?

I am a PhD student in the social sciences at an American university. I have completed coursework, my prospectus, qualifying exams, and teaching. I am about to leave for one year of dissertation fieldwork.

As is the case for most PhD students in my position, the project is larger, longer, and more independent than anything I have done before -- conducting one year of full-time original research, writing a dissertation, and then writing a book. Although my prospectus outlines a research plan, it feels too abstract to give day-to-day, week-to-week guidance.

What strategies have you used to succeed in a large, long-term research project, especially when it is based on fieldwork and for a dissertation? Personal anecdotes, experience, advice, and tips are welcome.

I recognize that my question is broad. If there is a better way to phrase this question to accord with SE standards, please suggest the revised framing rather than voting to close. I really would appreciate the chance to get the community's feedback. Also, I imagine many others would appreciate a repository of advice for this critical moment in the PhD. Last, I hope that I can share the advice with students of my own someday.

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