mardi 6 janvier 2015

Should I co-author abusive and useless advisors?

I'm a PhD student and my PhD has been a nightmare so far. My supervisors have given me really bad advice continuously, have lied to me, lied to others - including the department and degree committee - about me, threatened me with dismissal and stopping my funds if I don't do what they want me to, left me alone to deal with the problems they've caused with others, and so on. They even went as far as contacting my funding institution talking shit behind my back, almost cutting my funding only because of a misunderstanding (their fault, not mine) without even trying to clear the air with me first, which created a very embarrassing situation. I hate every second that I'm around them, but I still have to be. I don't even trust a single word that they tell me. Changing advisors is out of the question, I tried, it can't work at my institution. The only way to get out of this situation is to finish the PhD ASAP or drop out, I intend to finish it.

Surprisingly, their problems are not with the quality of my research, it's with me as a person. The quality of the research that I'm producing is really good, I have published a couple of really good papers before at top journals, and I have one ready for submission now, the problem is, they have made zero contribution to this paper, in fact, their only contribution has been to discourage me from doing this study by telling me that I can't do it, but now they know that I did it, and I'm targeting PNAS and we're very optimistic that it will be accepted.

So seriously, I don't want them to be co-authors. Not that they made zero contribution, they've been negative forces really by creating a lot of stress and discouraging me, and created a lot of mess that I had to clean up. Doing this could create more tensions, as they want to be co-authors obviously, but adding them is disingenuous since they've made no contribution and they've been so shitty to me, so sure as hell I don't wanna be doing them any favors, but it's customary to do so. Can you help me out here? I'm undecided. Increased tensions can cause future problems, but on the other hand they need to understand that they can't have it both ways, treat me like shit and expect my gratitude in return.

Any help is appreciated.

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