jeudi 12 février 2015

How can a Psychology prof publish econ theory/ecotrix papers in JET, AER, etc?

I am an associate professor of Psychology and have just been tenured. Truth be told, I hate my field and stuck around only for tenure. I would like to publish papers on econ theory or econometrics in journals like AER, JET, etc. but I haven't taken any Economics since high school. I don't have good relations with Cornell where I got my Ph.D. in Psychology from, otherwise I would have sought their assistance. If I had to do it all over again, I'd have taken Microtheory-1,2,3, Econometrics-1,2,3, Mathematical Econ, Macrotheory-1,2,3 and the usual PhD econ core at Cornell. Reading through Mas Collel-Whinston-Green or Fudenberg's treatise or big Wooldridge or Cameron-Trivedi seems difficult with a 2/2 load and six kids, plus other responsibilities, so I need to figure out some other way. Hoping to hear from those with terminal degrees in economics.

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