dimanche 22 février 2015

E-mail to ask foreign lab to do master thesis there

I would like to ask a researcher in a foreign institution to do my master thesis ( 5 months worth of research in Experimental Physics ) under his supervision.

I have written both a motivational letter and a short, coincise email stating what my intentions are.

Should I only send the coincise email, and wait for them to ask me for a motivational letter + curriculum, or should i attach those to the mail?

Otherwise, would it be better if I wrote the motivational letter in plain text under the mail, so that if they want to read it they won't have to ask me for it?

I know from my previous advisor that he often rejected such proposals if they were not coincise enough because he did not want to waste time. He told me that he mainly answer those who "tickle" his interest in few words, but I would like to hear more opinions.

Here is the short mail I was thinking of:

Dear Professor, I am a graduate physics student at the University of QuantumState currently on my first year of my master.

During my four years of studies I developed a keen interest in the peculiar laws that describe lower dimensional quantum systems, alongside a passion for the challenges that are encountered in the experimental study of such systems. I would like to dedicate my master thesis to an experimental study in this field, in particular, I would like to do so under your supervision in your research group.

Alongside my interest in the field ( and I know that your institution is one of the top research centers in the area ), I also have a strong personal desire of moving to Copenhagen: if during my stay you would find me a suitable addition to your group, I would be more than looking forward to apply for a Doctorate position at your institution.

The timeframe allotted by my university for work on the master thesis is the period going from february 2016 onwards (usually 5 months). I know that it is very early, but to do the research in a foreign institution my university requires me to obtain a statement of intent from the external advisor long before.

Attached you find a more throughout letter about my interests and Ideas, and my curriculum.

Best regards, Me Myself

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