mardi 6 janvier 2015

Preamble of a PhD defense talk/presentation

I'll be giving a 30-min public talk as a part of my PhD defense next month. It would be attended by the examination committee (consisting of my advisor and two examiners). I reckon that some professors/lecturers from the university might also join it apart from my colleagues and friends.

Q1: What would be a suitable -- neither too short or seemingly-snappy nor too long and boring -- way to address the audience at the very beginning of my talk? For instance, starting with "Hello everyone " sounds a bit too informal to me. Personally, I am inclined to starting with

"Respected members of the examination committee... "

but I am not sure if that, because of the "Respected ", may be considered too traditional (unfortunately, I don't recall how my colleagues who graduated in the last years did it -- you never focus on such aspects until it is your turn :-$).

Q2: Should I refer to the examination committee using names, as in:

Respected members of the examination committee, Prof. X, Prof. Y, and Prof. Z

or better not?

Q3: For peers and friends, addressing could simply continue as "... and dear colleagues and friends ". Should I also try to sandwich another category specifically for the other professors and lecturers. If so, what could be a suitable way to address them?

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