samedi 31 janvier 2015

Listing languages in CV

I study in a field that is not related to languages. Should I put languages that I can speak into my CV? Other than English, I can speak my native language, and two other languages that I've learned through classes (at an intermediate level).

Might it be seen as irrelevant and hurt my CV?

Should I talk about my PhD acceptance in follow up email to potential advisor in different school

I got accepted in one of the top-tier school in US for PhD program in Engineering however my dream is to go to different graduate school. I am planning to send a follow up email to one my potential advisor. Can you please tell me how to start and should I mention that I got in to PhD program in one the top-tier school? Should I start with as we talked before or as I mentioned in previous email?

What is the best way to solicit teaching feedback from students (before the class is over)?

I sent my students a feedback form (I'm a TA) and I got three responses. While they were helpful and informative responses, I am not sure how to interpret them, because there are only three of them and they all disagree with each other.

What is the best way to get feedback from students? Should I enter them in a drawing for a $10 Amazon gift card?

During recitation sections, should I ask students for help in coming up with the answer?

Typically when teaching recitation sections (in lower level applied math classes), I bring a problem or two, and ask students to fill in the steps in the solution. Usually 4 or 5 people (out of 10-15) are engaged in this process.

On the one hand, I think the engaged students benefit from the class discussion, and enjoy it more than listening to a lecture.

On the other hand, I worry that the students who don't participate in the discussion will find it boring, or get confused (because sometimes the other students suggest wrong approaches, and I humor them a bit before explaining why it's wrong). It also makes the problem-solving process longer than it could be, and in that time I could cover more types of problems or just let students go home early.

What do you think is the best practice? (And is it different in regular lectures than in recitation sections?)

Changing PhD Programs/Universities and the gap between

If one plans to quit one's current PhD program and apply to other PhD programs in other universities, is it recommended that one tries to get to the new program as fast as possible? Waiting could make it possible to apply to several places and choose which suits one best.

Would working outside of academia a period of time before applying or before the new PhD program starts hurt one's chances of getting accepted (or damage one's career later in some other way)? I imagine getting recommendation letters might be an issue if the period is long.

I remember reading that if one should try to find out what work outside academia is like the best point in time to do so is before graduate studies. Myself I have studied my whole life and for many years my only career goal was in academic research, but thinking about the job prospects and sacrifices associated to academia I have become mildly curious about life outside academia. I think some time outside could bring some perspective and a point of comparison. If it matters my own area is pure math.

PhD with Master's but without Bachelors

I left University early (during the final year) and was only awarded an associates degree (one level below a full bachelors) in Computer Science.

I've been an IT professional for a few years now (development and consulting) and I'm looking to fix my broken educational record.

At this point, I could enter a bachelors programme in the final year and upgrade my associates degree to a full bachelors OR I can go straight into a Master's degree. Several Universities have offered me entry to their part time Master's degree in computing off the back of my associates degree and work experience.

I'm at a loss as to what I should do?

I've always wanted to do a PhD in software engineering project methods or maybe something more comp sci based but I fear that a masters without a bachelors won't be good enough to be accepted anywhere.

What do you think?


Which math departments in the U.S. have people known for their contributions to Lie-admissible algebras?

Which math departments in the U.S. have people known for their contributions to Lie-admissible algebras?

(I asked this question on Math SE, but it was voted off-topic there. I hope it's not too specialized of a question here.)

Importance of the average mark

I'm doing my master's degree in computer science in a university in Germany. Unfortunately, I'm not one of the best students; my average mark will be around 2.8.

How important is the average mark when applying for a job?

I know, there are other important factors, such as work experience, etc.

But I'm afraid that if another applicant has an average mark of, say, 1.8, they will just ignore my application.

BibTeX by the Wikipedia references

I am a Ph.D. candidate, and I am writing my thesis.

I have chose to use BibTeX (because Google uses it, and it is easy to find), but not always.

The example is when I use Wikipedia, I find the references, I try to looking for in Google Scholar, but sometimes is difficult to find the reference.

I know that Google use, as scheme, AuthorYearFirst_Word, but I do not know how use this key of research, because Google use an internal ID for each BibTeX.

QUESTION: Is possible find the BibTeX, if I know only Author, Year of publication and Title of paper?

Thank you in advance.

Explaining Math in Academic Papers

In any academic paper dealing at least in part with math, the authors have to make a choice how much explanation to actually give the math.

It can range from pretty much no explanation:

Given a foobar of 12, a ackbar of 57, and general frobnosticating parameter of 9, the resulting nyan level will be 8.

To belaboring the obvious

The first three people went into the city. Later, four more people went into the city. This meant that seven people had gone into the city which is derived by adding the first three people to the next four people. We add because people are individual units and moving them to a new location neither combines or divides those units.

How does one decide the appropriate level of explanation? Is there any sort of standard that can be appealed to decide when something is clear enough?

The actual background for this question is that I've looked at a paper for a colleague. It is in a non-mathematical subject but does engage in some mathematical reasoning. I think the paper doesn't explain enough, but my colleague disagrees. I have to work at figuring out what calculations were done in the paper and the justification for many of the inferences he draws. That indicates to me that the explanation is insufficient, but is there a less subjective standard I can appeal to?

Informal offer before any recommendation letters have arrived

A person I know applied for a time-limited position (i.e. a post-doc) somewhere in western Europe. Xe gets invited for an interview. The next day, xe receives an informal e-mail, We will recommend HR to send you a formal offer.

However, we are still waiting to receive recommendation letters from your references before we can do so.

And I thought the content of recommendation letters were essential. In this case they are apparently a formality. Is this indeed very unusual, or is it more common than I think?

Does research require a certain kind of personal abilities or is it a matter of hard work?

I've failed to finish my master thesis, I thought this was attributed to the minimal supervision of my adviser - he/she wasn't an expert in the domain of thesis and didn't give me any kind of insights or help - only general advice - and I was let to do all the work alone and I failed to finish a good thesis (Another reason I thought was the lack of my background courses and again I had to study everything from start without focus on the target which took too much time). Now I have a chance of interning at a good research lab, the problem that I face now is that I'm afraid that I don't have the ability/skill to do a good research and I don't want to waste all that time in vain, what do you think shall I do now?

Should all voluntary self-identification form for faculty positions be filled?

When applying for a faculty position, usually there will be an request to fill a self-identification form about things like race and disability. The request will mention that it is a "voluntary" form and will not affect the application. My question is that should an applicant spend some time and fill all requests or maybe just the ones s/he have an interview with that school?

Reapplying in graduate school after disciplinary dismissal

recently i got dismissed from my grad school because of improper citation in a course paper. I would like to apply again for other grad schools. Can anyone tell me what is the possibility I have to get back in grad education again?

Running out of Algebraic Symbols

I'm currently writing my thesis in computer science. My work contains a large amount of equations to do with linear algebra, data transformations and calculus. On receiving feedback on my first draft from my supervisor, he has told me that I am reusing symbols all over the place. So I am going back over things, but I'm finding that I'm running out of both English and Greek characters and I'm having to constantly search back through the text to see if the symbol I want to use has already been defined. For example:

Take two vectors X and Y with lengths m and n respectively.

All of these symbols have previously been used. So my question is, once a symbol has been defined once, can it not be reused for the whole thesis, and how then should I deal with this problem.


vendredi 30 janvier 2015

What topics should go in the thesis Appendix?

I am not sure about some side-topics related to my thesis. During the development of the results I have to rely on some other mehods which are not the main topic of the thesis but since I used them to derive some approximation I then implement in the analysis I think it is useful to explain how this methods works so any reader can understand what I did and also because I spent time learning them.

I was thinking to put these extra-info in an Appendix not to cause confusion in the main topic, but I am afraid they will be considered as off-topics.

The exam time was less than the students expected

Some time ago, a course I visited had final exams, and the time announced to the students in advance was 3 hours. Rather shortly after the students began to write, it was announced as a clarification that the room was booked for 3 hours, while the test itself would only take 2 hours.

I did not take part in this exam (I took the second one, which had similar conditions), but I'm sure the students were quite surprised. The exam itself was of average difficulty, had it been 3 hours, but very tough in only 2. This was reflected in the results: 90% failed, instead of the usual 30-50%, and the best grade was only a "B-".

I'm interested if this sort of thing is less unusual than I would think, or if there is a protocol how to deal with it as a student?

How can I cite an company website usign IEEE style?

I would like to use some information about MathScript RT Module RT module from the link.

This might not be standard so I cannot find any example online. Any suggestion will be appreciated.

Should a scientific paper have copyright?

Let's say I wrote a very important paper in, say, cell biology. Suppose I have the copyright for the paper(I think so in the copyright law of the US). Then I also have the derivative-work copyright( Can I exercise the right? For example, can I refuse other people to use the original idea of my paper?

Should computer science indexing sites be considered in rating research?

I am currently working at a university of applied sciences, in the field of Computer Science. Recently there has been formed a section that is in charge of giving stipends related to research. This group has put as a rule that they will only fund research that is indexed in Scimago and in Scopus, but that this could change over time. They have in mind that this would help the institution for increase their visibility in terms of research.

My question is, for our field, should there be other criteria considered, such as if the publication has been indexed in ACM, IEEE Xplore, or DBLP? I mean, there are some conferences that are not considered in Scimago or in Scopus, but that have a good reputation. How to propose that change? What do you think about considering these indexing venues also?

A case study on copying a part of another person's paper to your own paper without mentioning the source

Here's a quote from the paper: Stimulus-triggered fate conversion of somatic cells into pluripotency Nature 505,641–647 (30 January 2014)

Karyotype analysis

Karyotype analysis was performed by Multicolor FISH analysis (M-FISH). Subconfluent STAP stem cells were arrested in metaphase by colcemid (final concentration 0.270 µg ml−1) to the culture medium for 2.5 h at 37 °C in 5% CO2. Cells were washed with PBS, treated with trypsin and EDTA (EDTA), re-suspended into cell medium and centrifuged for 5 min at 1,200 r.p.m. To the cell pellet in 3 ml of PBS, 7 ml of a pre-warmed hypotonic 0.0375 M KC1 solution was added. Cells were incubated for 20 min at 37 °C. Cells were centrifuged for 5 min at 1,200 r.p.m. and the pellet was re-suspended in 3–5 ml of 0.0375 M KC1 solution. The cells were fixed with methanol/acetic acid (3:1; vol/vol) by gently pipetting. Fixation was performed four times before spreading the cells on glass slides. For the FISH procedure, mouse chromosome-specific painting probes were combinatorially labelled using seven different fluorochromes and hybridized as previously described41. For each cell line, 9–15 metaphase spreads were acquired by using a Leica DM RXA RF8 epifluorescence microscope (Leica Mikrosysteme GmbH) equipped with a Sensys CCD camera (Photometrics). Camera and microscope were controlled by the Leica Q-FISH software (Leica Microsystems). Metaphase spreads were processed on the basis of the Leica MCK software and presented as multicolour karyograms.

Here's a quote from the paper: Multicolor karyotype analyses of mouse embryonic stem cells In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim. 2005 Sep-Oct;41(8-9):278-83.

Materials and Methods

Chromosome preparation

Metaphase spreads of the ES cells were performed as follows. Subconfluent ES cells were arrested in metaphase by adding colcemid (final concentration 0.270 μg/ml) to the culture medium for 2.5 h at 37° C in 5% CO2. Cells were washed with PBS, treated with trypsin-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), resuspended into cell medium and centrifuged for 5 min at 1200 rpm. To the cell pellet in 3 ml of PBS, 7 ml of a prewarmed hypotonic 0.0375 M KCl solution was added. Cells were incubated for 20 min at 37° C. Cells were centrifuged for 5 min at 1200 rpm and the pellet was resuspended in 3–5 ml of 0.0375 M KCl solution. The cells were fixed with methanol/acetic acid (3:1, vol:vol) by gently pipetting. Fixation was performed four times prior to spreading the cells on glass slides.

Multicolor FISH analysis (M-FISH)

For M-FISH analysis mouse chromosome–specific painting probes were combinatorially labeled using seven different fluorochromes and hybridized as previously described (Jentsch et al., 2003). For each cell line 9–15 metaphase spreads were acquired by using a Leica DM RXA RF8 epifluorescence microscope (Leica Mikrosysteme GmbH, Bensheim, Germany) equipped with a Sensys CCD camera (Photometrics, Tucson, AZ). Camera and microscope were controlled by the Leica Q-FISH software (Leica Microsystems Imaging solutions, Cambridge, United Kingdom). Metaphase spreads were processed on the basis of the Leica MCK software and presented as multicolor karyograms.

The author of the former paper H. Obokata was highly criticized for copying the quoted part in her paper without mentioning the source as if she had committed academic plagiarism. She was fired for making up the paper. Is the criticism appropriate?

What are the common signs that a graduate interview has been a success or a flop

I am not familiar with the graduate interview process. Are there signs during and after the interview that student will be able to tell whether he or she will be accepted or rejected in into the research group?

More importantly, how would an applicant know if the graduate interview was a flop. For example, if the professor doesn't follow up with a letter after the interview, is that a sign that the student will probably not considered to be a part of the group?

What to do when you have small yet additional results to a submitted paper?

Suppose I finished work on a manuscript and submitted it to a journal. After X weeks, I suddenly realized I can prove one of the conjectures I left open in the concluding section. It seems that X is small enough (e.g. 1) so that nothing visible has happened to my submission yet.

The proof is not long, and wouldn't be important enough to merit its own paper. Will it reflect badly on me if I contact the managing editor to have the current submitted version updated? The smaller X is, the less annoyed people would probably be. I could just submit to arxiv, but I would like to make the manuscript stronger, and don't have results scattered around giving a hasty impression either. Or is there another solution I'm overlooking?

How can I get ceramic composites at a low price?

I am a graduate student at Utah State University. I am currently carrying out my research in solid mechanics at high temperatures, with applications geared towards the aerospace and nuclear industries. We are interested in testing the vibrational response of high temperature composites.

We have never worked with composites before, but my Professor has considerable experience in other high temperature materials.

Our plan at this point is to heat small, rectangular plate-like specimens in open air using induction heating, so C and/or SiC are preferred. The plates would be about the area of an index card, and maybe a millimeter thick. Once at temperature, we plan to vibrate the plates using a mechanical shaker and use digital image correlation to measure the resulting displacements. The exact specimen sizes and testing conditions remain to be determined, but we would prefer for the tests to run at as high a temperature as possible (at least 1000C, and preferably over 1500C).

 Can anybody tell me which type of composite material will be suitable for our research, so that it can sustain a temperature as high as 1500C.  Where can we get such indexed card sized rectangular composite sample with a thickness of about one millimeter?  We want it at a reasonable price, because we contacted with some industries, but their cost is pretty high. Where can we get them at a lower price?

Thanks in advance for your help. I really appreciate it.

Thesis topic. Someone else did it in another language?

I picked a very unique topic for my Masters Thesis, only to find out that there is a Dissertation on the same topic, from 2008, in French. No other books have been published on this topic. \

Ugh... I really really wanted to do this. What should I do? Can I do the same topic in English? I can't even translate what the other person wrote.

What is 'academic identity'?

I've heard the term 'academic identity' used a fair amount. Although initially it seemed like a simple concept, there are many papers on the subject and no-one seems to have a concrete definition.

Is there a concrete definition of 'academic identity'? If not, what are the key points of an 'academic identity' (if there are any)?

Figures of Merit (Erdős number) in Resume/CV

I've noticed recently that colleagues, friends, and others seeking employment, have shown, among other things, their Erdős number on their resume/CV. I've also seen some put down their h-index, or their publication with the most citations (the running tally of citations for that publication), or the Impact Factor journal that they have ever published in, etc.

I know there is a question on just h-index in a CV/resume (so please do not mark as duplicate), but this is a broader question about other figures of merit, especially Erdős number.

I realize that having a CV/resume that stands out is important and can give an edge to getting that coveted position, but is listing these types of things appropriate?

What are positive and negative outcomes of requiring Ph.D. students to take a pedagogy course?

My mathematics department (where I am employed as faculty) is considering requiring its Ph.D. students to take a two-semester course in pedagogy and educational theory. All of them also TA lower level math classes, so the proposal has some merit. I am trying to decide whether to support or oppose this proposal (or suggest modifications to it).

Although I am skeptical, I want to be open-minded. In departments that have adopted such requirements, what have been the positive and negative outcomes? Have students enjoyed such courses, and/or felt that they were useful? And has the quality of TA education been improved?

When is it useful to include the code in a thesis?

I am writing my master of science thesis and I am not sure whether I should add some of the code I have written: they are not proper programs, but more like input files to be fed to a commercial program (Nastran) very popular in my field.

My concerns are related to the fact that I am not making any discovery, just applying the things I have learned reading the manual. Still, I feel the code will make the effort I put into the thesis to also learn this language clearer.

Feeling like I wasted 6 months on a side project that won't benefit me

I'm doing an MSc in Electrical Engineering. In about August of 2014 my supervisor approached me, asking if I would be able to finish off a project someone else has started since I was the only one proficient in the programming language. I agreed because it didn't seem like too much work at the time, and he said there would be room for publications.

That project quickly escalated - the requirements changed, the design changed, the design became more elaborate. As a result I spent a total of probably 6 months working on this. I had to conform to my supervisor's ideas even though I probably would not have done it that way. I did work on my thesis during this time as well, but it was quite hard to get anything good done.

I kept setting deadlines after which I would stop the project at whatever state it was in, and go on to my own work. My supervisor was very aware of these dates, but he would always ask me to fix this or that.

Now I finished it, it's been tested, but I'm not seeing why I did this in the first place. There is only one paper being written related to this and what I did is being used as an example - meaning I could have done a much simpler design and it would have worked anyways because noone cares about its functionality. I'm also 2nd author on this paper, even though I did all of the programming. Multiple authors are being added to this paper via tiny contributions (or through good will...), so it's going to end up being one of "those" papers.

I brought this up, said I feel like I wasted all this time to gain nothing. To this my supervisor replied that he plans to some day use my design for another grad student's work. But that isn't part of my work? And what if it doesn't get used? It's just wasted time...

What can I do? Anything? I was thinking of taking the code I wrote, changing the functionality slightly and publishing it on my website so that I at least gain some recognition for the work I did. Not sure if that's the most professional approach.

What are acceptable "relationships with referees"?

I am applying for a job and need to give referees, and their relationship with me. I am not sure how to phrase things. My referees are:

  • A colleague in my department I publish with

  • A previous boss in another university I still publish with

  • Senior people in my field who I have not published with (yet)

None of those things seem formal enough! Is there standard phrases I should be using?

Phrasing for one current fellowship and one previous fellowship

I'm receiving support from Fellowship X, and previously I received support from Fellowship Y. I want to write on my website

I am fortunate to be supported by Fellowship X. Previously, I was supported by Fellowship Y.

But it might seem that I'm not grateful for Y. If I write

I am fortunate to be supported by Fellowship X and Y.

it is not accurate, because I'm no longer supported by Y. Is there an elegant way to phrase this?

Math Undergrad Wants to do Master's of Statistics


I am a Canadian who is just finishing my undergraduate studies in mathematics. I enjoy pure mathematics very much, but I have recently realized that I would much rather study statistics in graduate school, and I am excited by the idea of working as a professional statistician. I really did not take very much related to statistics in my undergrad (intro to probability, intro to statistics, intro to stochastic processes, advanced probability). I did however do very well in my undergraduate math, so I have solid grounding in analysis, and other kinds of math used in statistics. I also have some research experience through an NSERC USRA (canadian undergrad research award).

Those in charge of the stats masters programs at my school said that we could make it work, and encouraged me to apply (and essentially told me I would be admitted). However, while my school is solid comprehensive research university, I do not think that its stats department is all that amazing. But, seeing as I would be a little behind, it is sort of a positive for me that the program is not super-elite. It is late for my to apply elsewhere for stats this year.


My short term goal is to have a good experience as a master's student in statistics - I want to be exposed to both theoretic and applied stats and probability. My longer term goal is to work as a professional statistician. However I do not want to rule out research.


  1. Current School offers an 8-month coursework-only Master's, including decent financial support though a TA-ship. I like this because it is short, and what I am looking for in the short term: learning statistics. While I expressed some doubt about the stats department, I have no doubts that the courses will be of high quality.

  2. Current School offers a 16-month Master's with Thesis, with good funding. This seems better and more comprehensive, however that is an extra 8 months during which I could be gaining work experience. Also, because I do not think my current school's statistics department is so great, I am less inclined to commit to research here.

  3. Take some time, take some extra undergrad courses in stats, apply next year to a wider range of stats schools. I am not a huge fan of this option, as I have grown a little tired of being an undergrad and would like to gain some other sort of experience. It is also makes more financial sense here to study as a graduate student.

  4. See below:


  1. Is it possible/advisable to use the coursework at the current school as a way to learn statistics, and possibly pursue graduate studies elsewhere, perhaps after a period of working?

  2. Because (1) seems convoluted, what are further pros/cons of the above three options that I may not see

(On a meta note: I think in many ways this question could be applied to any field, I am not asking a whole lot about Stats specifically. So I hope it is considered appropriate, I am not so familiar with SE Academia.)

What should I do now?

I'm a 15 year old student from India, studying at an international school affiliated with the Cambridge International Examinations board. I'm currently going to appear for my O Level board examinations, in about 3 months.

The thing is, I want to pursue Computer Science, a subject which is unfortunately not offered anywhere here for the C.I.E. board. I can't take it as a private candidate as the required facilities are not available.

I had Information & Communication Technology as a subject, which really sucked because all it taught me was how to use commercial software such as Excel & Word, on crappy old machines with less R.A.M. than an iPhone 5. Not very future-proof. I dropped it in a rage burning all bridges in the process (the teacher hates me now).

I have the option of taking it back (now or my A Levels), which will be painful, but doable. I have the option of continuing with my current set: English Language, English Literature, Chemistry, Geography, Math, Physics. I'm going to drop English Literature & Geography in my A Levels, however.

Will it be possible for me to pursue Computer Science in college given that I don't take I.C.T.? What are my options? Should I take the subject back, or carry on with my other subjects?

Is it OK to add extra paragraph to a paper during the proof stage?

My math paper recently got accepted and I was told that I will be sent a proof soon. It's just four lines I want to add.. is it OK to add it to my paper? It's additional explanation of something, and I would tell the editor about it.

But is it commonly done or done at all?

How does one become an Affiliate Professor?

I've noticed that several faculty members (both in my institution and beyond) are affiliate professors in some other institutions (beside being a professor in their own institution, of course). What caught my attention is that the vast majority of them wasn't in any way affiliated with the institution prior to holding the affiliate professor title (the source are their biographies). Afterwards they naturally collaborate on a regular basis.

Example: The professor did their BSc and MSc at my university X, went to university A in the US for a PhD, returned to my institution X (where they are now) and became assistant professor but in the same year became an Affiliate Professor at university B.

So, how does one become an Affiliate Professor?

What is an "L.Mgt" qualification?

I'm a software engineer in the process of building an information system for a UK university, and one of the staff members' (whose details I have to house in the system) highest qualification level is listed as "L.Mgt".

I've Googled the hell out of the internet and for the life of me I can't figure out what this qualification is. Can someone tell me what this is exactly?

Would it be an "academic paper" to write an essay to discuss, compare and propound results of some scientific methods?

I have implemented some methods of a new information technologies topic.

I need to report my working as an academic paper and it would be much better if it is a significant and publishable paper.

I want to ask,

  • might there be such papers which have been published?

  • if there are, how can i find and use which keywords to search some samples?

How to approach PhD admissions after leaving previous PhD because my advisor tried to force me to manipulate data

I started my PhD in one of the very well renowned institutes in Germany. Unfortunately, in the middle I was forced very much to manipulate the data. I was extremely upset and did not know what to do. My supervisor has enormous amount of grants and he was very ambitious to prove all his hypotheses correct and he had to show the data to the grant givers as well. He starts forcing the PhD students in the middle of their PhD so that they can't leave. And he also doesnot allow somebody to simply graduate without publishing the manipuated data. So even for degree one has to publish that and afterwards if that person gets caught then the phd degree is gone and then the people would say that he/she should have reported the case when he/she was forced. It is a circular process , once you enter it is hard to get out.

I went to the University Higher Authority and told them indirectly(not very bluntly but slightly) about this problem. They gave me the feelings that they were helping me but it was actually leaked to my supervisor. He made my life even more difficult and finally I had to leave my Phd at the end of third year. I had three path: 1) to continue with dishonesty 2) To give him a full fight 3) To simply leave him. I chose the last option.

Afterwards, I started applying again to different places and everywhere I was asked that why I left my position. Initially , I told to the places I was called for an interview that I was not motivated in the project (without talking anything negative about my prveious lab) but this answer was not very well- accepted. Then, in one of the places I tried to tell about the real problem what I faced and I was given the feeling of committing a' grave crime of 7 murder cases' by one of the members of the Graduate School Selection Committee. I seriously felt like that after talking to them that leaving a PhD in between is a CRIME.

I am still applying to different places , it is almost going to be a year and now I am in real conflict that what is wrong and right? I left my Phd for not compromising with ethics of science and after leaving it people are giving me the feeling that not finishing my Phd is wrong.

1)I would like to ask you that what should I do and in what way I should approach other supervisors at this situation for a Phd position? Or I have to simple leave academics? Although I do not want to leave it because I have not done anything wrong or violated science ethics. Kindly help me and provide your suggestions.

P.S. My previous supervisor is not also giving any good recommendation so that is another big problem.

Harvard citation style: Is it " mentioned in Author (year)..." or " mentioned in (Author, year)"?

I know that you can distinguish two ways of referencing scientific work in the Harvard (or author-year) citation style:

  1. You cite the idea or work in general:

    "Recently, a new approach for SOME STUFF was demonstrated for the first time (Author, year)."

  2. You cite the author:

    "Recently, Author (year) demonstrated SOME STUFF for the first time."

However, what is the correct way, if you want to state that something was mentioned in a certain work?

" explained in Author (year)..." or " explained in (Author, year)..."?

My personal opinion would be the second option, because the idea is not located "in" the author, but "in" the work he published. But in our group opinions differ strongly on this one. Can anyone provide a reliable and authoritative resource?

How do I reorder notes in readcube?

My question relates to readcube's ability to have notes on the side of your pdf. The only problem is that it throws a timestamp on it and it doesn't arrange them by page, but in the order you made them and displays them in reverse. So you literally have to read them from the bottom of the page, going up.

You have to read it from the bottom up

Physics summer internship 2015 (for foreign students)

I am searching for summer internship for undergraduate foreign students inside US or any European country, by the way I was applied on CERN and Fermilab forms ?!

How to become a journal editor?

Being an editor of a journal can be time-consuming, but has obvious benefits (especially if one enjoys reading and reviewing manuscripts). So I expect many academics have a desire to become an editor.

I have never seen an advertisement for a position on an editorial board, which leads me to believe that most positions are not filled this way.

How do most people become editors, and how might a person wishing to become an editor achieve this (without setting up a new journal)?

How to show extreme gratitude in an email?

When contacting universities, in many cases, I find the replies to my emails extremely well detailed and helpful, therefore in such cases I find a simple "Thank you" to be just insufficient.

For example, when you have already applied to a program, and then you email the department to ask a simple question about supplementary documents, but they put SO MUCH effort in their response and even analyze your application before the application process has even started and they tell you that you that they are very certain that you will be accepted. How would you react? Is it rude to say something like: "I'm very glad to hear that."

In such situations, I do not really know how to best answer the person to show them that I really appreciate their email very much.

How to respond to PhD offer emails politely

So it is the season where PhD offers are doled out (for US universities anyway). I am lucky enough to have received a number of offers via email. These typically comprise of a polite email from a member of faculty, normally the director of postgraduate study (or similar), along with an offer letter attached.

My question is, are replies to these emails expected? I felt compelled to respond with a quick thank you - I wish I could have asked some insightful question about the program but I couldn't reliably find something to ask.

How should one respond to these offers? What about schools that I will not likely attend as I was offered a school I prefer - should I decline at this stage?

Can my Specialist degree be equalized to Bachelor degree?

I have graduated from Russian university after 5 years of education and got a Specialist degree (Engineer in Computer Science). According to Wikipedia (, Specialist is a four-tier degree and stands right above Master degree in some specialities. But despite graduation requirements and due to the duration, I suggest, it can only be put right above Bachelor degree. So the next step I should take is to continue my education to then get Master degree. Is my suggestion right? Or do I think about it wrong way?

If it helps or is necessary, I'm planning to continue education in Canadian university.

What can I do to get academic credit/recognition from my hobby project?

I've created an improved textual parsing algorithm, as a part of my hobby project. In comparison to existing ones, it provides better performance and memory efficiency. I haven't published my project yet. The question is, is there any way I can convert this research to a PhD? Or anything else I can do to improve my scientific karma? (I'm not a professional scientist, just a programmer with bachelor's degree). How much bureaucracy does this involve?

What is "paper bidding"?

I am currently preparing for the submission of my first paper to an academic conference and I've just seen this table of important dates:

enter image description here

What is "paper bidding"? Why is that before the submission deadline?

Some possible ways to respond to a student complaining about not having enough time on exam

A student emailed me after a recent exam, complaining about not having enough time to finish the exam. Out of all the students, most managed to finish within 2/3 of the provided time. I wonder what might be some possible ways to respond to this kind of complaint. (This is my first time teaching a class of my own -- I only TA'd before, so I've never had to deal with this type of issue in the past).

jeudi 29 janvier 2015

Is it a good idea to name some mathematical objects after my thesis advisor?

I am doing my Ph.D. thesis in mathematics. I am wondering if it is a good idea to name some mathematical objects after my thesis advisor. The two objects I have in my mind are:

  1. A representation, whose existence and faithfulness is a main result of my thesis. This representation has not be studied before and thus unnamed.

  2. A collection of subgroups of a certain group, which have been studied by others but with no specific name assigned to those subgroups.

I did not ask this question directly to my thesis advisor since I believe that out of humility he would decline this request. Have asked this question to a mathematics professor from another university, who personally knows my advisor well and he says that it was a very good idea. But he was somewhat drunk when answering my question and I am wondering if I should take his answer seriously.

String s2 is being skipped. [on hold]

import java.util.Scanner;

public class FinalGradeComputer { public static void main (String[] args) { Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(; String s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6; Double g11, g12, g13, g21, g22, g23, g31, g32, g33, g41, g42, g43, g51, g52, g53;

zeb("FINAL GRADE COMPUTER -- beta");
zeb2("Subject #1: ");
s1 = keyboard.nextLine();
zeb2("Prelim Grade: ");
g11 = keyboard.nextDouble();
zeb2("MidTerm Grade: ");
g12 = keyboard.nextDouble();
zeb2("Tentative Final Grade: ");
g13 = keyboard.nextDouble();
zeb("Subject: "+(s1.toUpperCase()));
zeb("Final Grade = "+(((g11+g12)+g13)/3));
zeb2("Subject #2: "); //this part is being skipped.
s2 = keyboard.nextLine();
zeb2("Prelim Grade: ");
g21 = keyboard.nextDouble();
zeb2("MidTerm Grade: ");
g22 = keyboard.nextDouble();
zeb2("Tentative Final Grade: ");
g23 = keyboard.nextDouble();
zeb("Subject: "+(s2.toUpperCase()));
zeb("Final Grade = "+(((g21+g22)+g23)/3));

//zeb((s1.toUpperCase())+" ");

static void zeb(String s)
static void zeb2(String s)


How to cite a reference of a study that appears in a review paper [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:

I am actually writing a review paper and I am getting a little confused with how to cite some studies. The main problem is when I find a review paper (eg: Smith et al., 2011) that cites a study (eg: Alvira et al., 2000). What should I cite in my review paper, the review paper Smith et al., 2011 or the original study Alvira et al., 2000??.


Plagiarized Homwork Prompt

I'm currently taking a graduate-level class, and from what I can tell, the professor has explicitly lifted the homework prompts from a course that he took during his graduate work at a different university, and by concealing the course number originally printed on the problem sets, appears to be trying to pass it off as his own. Based on this, I have two related questions.

First, does this constitute plagiarism? I have some very strong opinions on the duties of a professor when it comes to teaching a class, and I believe that even putting those aside, because he has copied the sets verbatim and is concealing the course number, this does fall under the realm of plagiarism.

Second, what are some recommended courses of action? Obviously I could talk to the professor about this, but I suspect he might not respond well to being informed that he is plagiarizing. At the same time, I don't want to blow this incident out of proportion as it is just a homework set.

Can I come up with a new theory in the course of my PhD research? [on hold]

I have reviewed the theoretical trajectory of my research topic and I see gaps that I would like to fill with my own proposed theory. Is it too early in my career to put forward a theory? I am just a PhD student. If I can put forth a theory at this stage, what is the best way to go about it? Will the fact that I am a junior faculty member and a student affect the reception of my theory in the international scholarship community?

What should I do if a professor says she doesn't understand my questions in office hours?

I am having difficulties in math, and every time I try to go to my math professor's office hours she always seems annoyed. When I ask her a question she always says something to the effect "I don't understand what you are asking," I understand being precise with math but it's as if she purposely feigns confusion. I can ask a professor a math question in another one of my classes who barely speaks English and he seems to understand what I mean just fine. In short, this prof always talks down to me and is rude, I am struggling with the math, and am just trying my best to understand it. What should I do in this situation?

Strategies for teaching with facial aphasia (inability to recognize faces aka prosopagnosia, face-blindness)

I'm a math grad student in my first year, which means that I have not yet taught a class (in my program first years grade or provide one-on-one tutoring for students who struggle in calculus). I have facial aphasia, which means that I am completely unable to recognize people's faces. After a while (upwards a year) I can reliably recognize someone based on how they move, dress, wear their hair and so on. Before that I will just have a vague feeling that I recognize someone, but I can't put a name to them . It happens that I can't recognize people I've lived with for several years, or, on a few memorable occasions, my own family members. This causes some problems on occasion, but nothing I haven't been able to work out. However, up until now the people I've been expected to learn to recognize have been friends, or coworkers I see every day that I can explain my problem with faces to. My question is:

How do I handle teaching when I can't recognize my students and it would take me a year minimum to learn their faces? I know from my own experience that good instructors / TAs learn their students' names and faces and this helps motivate the students to learn, because they notice that their teacher cares about them. How can I compensate for my facial aphasia?

EDIT: Thank you for all the great responses! I feel a lot more confident that I can do well as a TA with all these ideas to work with :)

PhD with Master's but without Bachelors

I left University early (during the final year) and was only awarded an associates degree (one level below a full bachelors) in Computer Science.

I've been an IT professional for a few years now (development and consulting) and I'm looking to fix my broken educational record.

At this point, I could enter a bachelors programme in the final year and upgrade my associates degree to a full bachelors OR I can go straight into a Master's degree. Several Universities have offered me entry to their part time Master's degree in computing off the back of my associates degree and work experience.

I'm at a loss as to what I should do?

I've always wanted to do a PhD in software engineering project methods or maybe something more comp sci based but I fear that a masters without a bachelors won't be good enough to be accepted anywhere.

What do you think?


How does research contribute to teaching, and vice versa? [on hold]

If research is related to teaching then research could have a direct contributions to teaching. However, if research is not directly related to teaching, then how can each of them contribute to the other?

How to contact to a research center in a university?

I need Matlab code of a method to compare it with the results of my proposed method. The method which I want to use happened to be available online by a research group in a university in US [see here]. Unfortunately, when I click the corresponding link of the method, it turns to give a server Error message. I've tried to email the guy who seems to be in charge of this page, but he didn't reply my email.

As I urgently need this code, what should I do to contact to this research group?

Also, How can I convince them to give me the codes?

Kind regards.

What are the best online libraries for downloading free Ph.D examples ?

I just started my Ph.D in philosophy; phenomenology of the body and perception. I'm looking for an online phd-thesis library, from where i can download data as free PDFs.

Do you have any suggestions on active online libraries?

Is it OK to let somebody know I refereed their paper?

It is not uncommon, especially for narrow fields, that you review papers authored by people that you might, at some point, come to interact with more or less closely. This can range from meeting them at a conference to even start a collaboration together.

Some times, when discussing with these people a point directly related to one of their papers it could be relevant to make a comment based on a discussion that came up as part of the reviewing process.

I have recently felt tempted to tell someone "hey, I refereed you paper, by the way, so I am particularly familiar with this and that..." but refrained myself because peer review is supposed to be anonymous.

Is it appropriate to bring up that I refereed somebody's paper when having a discussion with this person, in particular if it adds constructively to the discussion? Would it become "more appropriate" as time goes by and the review becomes "a thing of the past"?

Is it customary for a student to reply to professor's email within 24 hours?

I got an email from professor M asking me if I will have time for a tea with her on Friday, and then I came up with this question:

Even if it is an important email from your professor (e.g. select your thesis or advisor), when you need some time to think before you make the final decision, how fast should a student reply to the a professor's email before the student is considered a lazy student, or a student who tries to slack off in studies?

If I write the reply to my professor's email after 3 days, will she get angry or even unfriend me?

Self-publishing academic book

I am an amateur mathematician. I am writing a research monograph in the field of abstract mathematics (general topology, specifically).

Should I publish it traditionally or self-publish?

There are many benefits of self-publishing (e.g with Lulu) an academic work:

  1. No need to tremble awaiting my book to be rejected by a peer review. No responses like "first publish in articles, only then make a book". I am in full control what I want to publish.

  2. I don't pay the publisher 80-90% of my revenue. (This also may make AdWords marketing of my book profitable and thus I can do a rather huge advertisement of my book myself using AdWords. I suspect, this may over-perform traditional publishers in the number of sales.)

  3. I am in a full control of my book. No forced need to change something, if an editor's opinion differs from my own.

  4. No need to convert it to LaTeX, I can use my preferred software such as TeXmacs.

  5. The book goes into Amazon and other distribution channels anyway.

I can pay a professional scientific editor to edit my book for paid, as a kind of business investment.

Peer review is intended to choose which books are published and which are not. I can do fine without peer review, allowing the buyers of my book to decide for themselves.

Well, a potential buyer may prefer books published by a big publisher, but it (in my opinion) can be well replaced with big red letters "Edited and checked for errors by professor XXX."

Drawbacks which I know:

  1. It may not be as good for my academic carrier as traditional academic publishing. (It does not matter for me anyway, as I am not a professional academic.)

  2. Not sure if my book goes into university libraries (please comment on this issue).

I've pointed many benefits of self-publishing. What are drawbacks (except of pointed by me)?

How to keep one's focus during discussions and meetings

I noticed that I have more and more serious problems keeping focused, and despite my efforts to fix it the problem is just getting worse over time.

When I'm in a research-related discussion with someone, my mind easily wanders, and I won't be able to recall the last thing other person was saying so I have to politely ask them to repeat it. Usually this is because I'm still thinking about the last idea they mentioned instead of continuing to listen to them talk, but sometimes it's just as if my mind just turned off for the duration of a sentence of two.

At least when I'm talking to one person, I can always ask them to repeat what they said or ask them to slow down. But when it's a group discussion or a lecture/talk, this is not possible. When I was an undergraduate and attended lectures regularly, I didn't have this problem.

Am I alone with this problem, or do others encounter it too?

What strategies can one use to improve concentration and comprehension? How can I train myself to focus better?

I am very concerned about this problem as it affects my academic work and performance.

How should I control my nervousness, so as not to disturb my presentation on the day of a conference?

My paper is successfully accepted in a very prestigious and reputable conference, to be presented orally in one of the presentation sessions. This is my first time that I am going to give such a talk in a large academic conference. My previous experiences are my presentations for my class projects and my bachelor's and master's thesis presentations. In my previous talks, I had reviewed my presentation slides more than five or six times before the presentation and had a bottle of water beside my laptop, but still I was too nervous.

I am a little nervous about giving a presentation talk in front of a large number of students and professors. I am sure that in the day of the presentation, I will be in trouble and my hands will start shaking and my voice will be vibrating when I am going to talk, because of my stress.

How should I decrease my stress on the day of my paper presentation and better control my nervousness in my presentation? My research paper is perfectly done; I don't want my nervousness ruin my first academic presentation in a conference and the huge research my co-authors and I have done in the research paper.

Is taking a method explanation from books and papers considered plagiarism?

I have been reading a few Q/A about plagiarism, but I still have a doubt about the use of books and papers to explain the method I am applying in my thesis.

I mixed up the infos I found in a book and in a paper to explain the method (because some parts where better explained in the book and some others in the paper), of course I cited them at the beginning and I put them in the bibliography. Is this considered plagiarism since I am not using "my words" to explain it?

What topics should go in the thesis Appendix?

I am not sure about some side-topics related to my thesis. During the development of the results I have to rely on some other mehods which are not the main topic of the thesis but since I used them to derive some approximation I then implement in the analysis I think it is useful to explain how this methods works so any reader can understand what I did and also because I spent time learning them.

I was thinking to put these extra-info in an Appendix not to cause confusion in the main topic, but I am afraid they will be considered as off-topics.

Applying for job at same university as PhD application

I have a question for a situation, but I'll try to keep it brief. Couldn't find any similar questions, but I'm not sure how to phrase the search either.

I graduated with my MS in Jan. 2014, just around a year ago. At the time, I was trying to relocate to a different city for personal reasons. One of the places I applied for a job was a University in the city I wanted to live in, call it 'City X'. I did NOT get that job, but it came down to me and another candidate so I was close. I ended up taking a position in the same place as the MS program, thinking I would work for a year (or so) and then try to relocate after finding another opportunity in city X.

Now, I have been thinking of obtaining my PhD and the same University in City X above offers it, so I applied about two months ago. I would LOVE to go to this school and get a PhD with this University. Based on past years, I expect the admission decision should come out in the next few weeks. I only applied to this school, given my relocation needs. I feel as though it is a coin flip whether I am admitted (longer odds than I would like personally).

Here's the dilemma though. Another research-related position (job) opened with the same University. This job would be great too! I should also mention that the person looking for the new hire might also be sitting on the Admissions Committee. My question is this: will applying for this job hurt my chances at being admitted to the PhD program (or vice-versa)? I don't want to risk ticking someone off and not getting either position. Is this an actual risk or am I being paranoid? I just want to keep my options open.

Given both offers, I would take the position in the PhD program, as it is a long-term goal of mine. Part of me thinks that I should wait for the decision from the PhD and then apply to the job. The job was just posted today, so I could get results from the Admissions Committee before the job search is over...theoretically. The other part of me thinks I should just apply and see what happens.

Can I Publish a Book Based on my Ph.D. Thesis and Other Practical findings after my P.h.D?

I have a followup question after getting the answer on the following question: Who Owns the Publishing Rights of my Ph.D. Thesis?.

After my Ph.D. I did work both in industry and in academic, and I think I have a reference book in me based on the theory side of my Ph.D. thesis and the practical knowledge I gained developed those theories (using main stream programming languages in my case); and the teaching experience on that matter.

So, is it possible to write a reference book based on theory contributions of my Ph.D. and practical findings based on those theories?

Yamaha Mio M3 125

harga motor yamaha mio - According to Assistant General Manager (GM) of PT Yamaha Indonesia Motor Manufacturing (YIMM), Mohammad Masykur, last December, sales of New Mio 125 M3 successfully sped up and become the ultimate weapon of their major.

Although the new slide, the motor that turns now the largest contributor to sales of Yamaha motorcycles in Indonesia, with contributions to approximately 33 percent.

"The sale of 60 thousand units in December 2014. Although the new slide, this bike was getting high enthusiasm by the public," said the headline Masykur, Tuesday, January 13th, 2015.

He explained that the biggest sales figures M3 New Mio 125 comes from Central Java. In addition, Bandung also chalked sales figures are quite satisfactory harga motor yamaha .

should these indexing sites be considered?

In the institution that I am currently working on, which is a university of applied sciences, in the field of Computer Science. Recently there has been formed a section that is in charged of giving the stipends related to research. This group has put as a rule that they will only fund research that is indexed in Scimago and in Scopus, but that this could change over time. They have in mind that this would help the institution for increase their visibility in terms of research.

My question is that, for our field, there should be considered other criteria such as that if the publication has been indexed in: ACM, IEEE Xplore or DBLP? I mean there are some conferences that are not considered in Scimago or in Scopus, but that they have good reputation. How to propose that change? What do you think about considering these indexing venues also?


Who Owns the Publishing Rights of my Ph.D. Thesis?

Do I own the entire publishing rights of my Ph.D. thesis?

Can the US general schedule (GS) scale be mapped to academic rank?

There are a number of US government jobs that are in essentially academic research labs that are unaffiliated with a university (e.g., the NIH and the national laboratories). The salary for some of these jobs are based on the General Schedule (GS) salary scale. Is it possible to roughly map a GS grade to an academic rank? For example, GS-11 requires a Masters degree and GS-12 requires a PhD so presumably step one as a GS-12 would be a new post-doc, but how do GS-13, GS-14, and GS-15 fit into the mix? Is it fair to say a GS-13 is like an assistant professor, GS-14 is like an associate, and GS-15 is like a full professor?

What is the significance of the overview slide in a presentation?

The first slide which follows the title page of my presentation is the overview slide. It has the title for each section to follow in the talk (thank you Latex!).

My question is how much time is to be spent on the Overview slide, given the talk lasts twenty minutes? Should I talk about each section's one-line-synopsis to let the audience mull it over? If the answer is no, how do I transition smoothly from the Paper Title Slide to the one on Motivation for the talk (For example : Why I love Science?).

Can my institute use my figure and put their name on it for press releases etc.?

I was wondering if my institute can use a figure which I made for a paper that has been published and crop it slightly and use it for press releases etc. and instead of putting my name underneath the figure they just put the institutes name.

Is it generally ok for them to do so or should they give me credit?

Taking a masters in one discipline and changing to another for a PhD

I am currently a high school student, and I am considering taking a BSc in Aerospace Engineering (in Delft), hopefully leading into a masters.

I am also very interested in pure mathematics (I am aiming for the Top Scholar award in Mathematics within New Zealand), and want to do a PhD in maths.

Is there any way to continue my studies in Mathematics beyond high school as well as taking aerospace engineering, and while keeping options open for a PhD in maths?

Is putting the statement/conclusion first considered to be cliched?

Instead of asking this question as a comment in the Do I need an introductory paragraph in SOP? question, I think that I should start a new one. I hope this action don't turn Academia.SE into a forum, but I guess you should read it to get the scenario. I really want to ask this question too.

The first, highest vote comment from Jonhanna:

I just had to say: including the idea "I believe I was born for scientific research" is a terrible idea. Did no one tell you to avoid cliches? Try to change that to "I have done / am doing X, Y and Z, all of which demonstrate an aptitude and passion for scientific research" instead.

Yes, I do acknowledge that I should demonstrate what I did, not what I think I am. In fact, I do demonstrate what I did after that sentence. This is my first whole paragraph of the first point:

I believe that I was born for scientific research. I had my first experience in research when I was in high school. Although my interest are natural sciences, my first research was in social science. For a long time ago, I had always queried about why when Vietnamese people in love, the female one always addressed herself (and was addressed) as the little sister, and the male one always addressed himself (and was addressed) as the older brother, while in fact there were many couples which the female had the same or larger age than the male. I couldn’t understand this convention because the couples had to change the way they address each other, and from my (naively) feminism point of view, this was unacceptable. In the research, I had proposed a hypothesis to explain this, and even when I broaden my objective to homosexual couples, this hypothesis still worked. This is a biggest proud of all my scientific activities so far.

I know that the research itself needs so much thing to improve it, but this is another question. I put it here just to show that I do exactly what Jonhanna said.

I think what I do is exactly what ff524 do in this answer. I will quote her answer in plain to make it fair cause I can't use any special character:

No. How will you know exactly...

ff524, can you tell me why you put the No at the beginning of your answer? I guess because it answers my question directly, and impressive. After you create the impression first, you start explaining. I'm not saying that you intended to make me impressed, I'm saying that the directive of the answer make me impressed. When I write my SOP, I imagine a venerable professor open my email, start thinking a question in their head: "Yet another email. Why should I give this guy a chance?". I will answer that question first, then start explaining later.

After reading back this question after post it, I admit that this is more like a discussion forum. But still, there is a question that I want to ask: Is putting the statement/conclusion first considered to be cliched?

A side question: after asking a lot of question and drawing some attention of many users, including the big boss ff524, I would like to know what do you think about me? I really appreciate if you tell me. Thank you.

Non-academic positions after PhD in computer science

With the academic job situation so tight and uncertain, I am thinking of jobs outside academia (after a PhD in Computer Science). There are plenty of programming jobs that require an undergrad or even no degree. I tried some of them and they are so routine and so narrow that one gets frustrated easily. They also involve 8-5, M-F drudgery. Can anyone suggest better alternatives. How do companies advertise for research positions? I haven't seen many ads for those. BTW, I live in Southeast of US and due to family reasons can not relocate far.

Should I continue a project someone else started?

I think there are two situations where your supervisor might ask you to continue a project someone else started:

  • Someone produced some data, but never wrote a paper about it

  • Someone wrote a paper and your supervisor thinks there is more to investigate

My question is:

How can I decide whether it is worthwhile to continue a project or not?

And I ask this question independent of whether the field of research is worthwhile.

You might also ask my question this way:

What are clear indications that my predecessor did sloppy work that might look good in a paper or presentation, but might become very annoying if you trie to understand in detail how he/she did it.

I mean first of all there are technical things:

  • Did your predecessor leave a structured folder system of his work?

  • Did he (I'll stick to he) leave all raw data?

  • Are the sampling methods well documented?

  • Did he document more about his analysis than you can find in his paper?

    (papers are sometimes not very informative about how it was done, I mean how it was actually, actually done)

  • What analysis tools did he use? Will it be available to you? How good will it be replicable? (Think of software compatibility and licensing issues)

  • Is there a "source code" of the analysis that you will be able to reexecute and modify or will you get only vague descriptions of how the analysis was done?

  • If it involves code: how well is it documented (commented)?

The social component:

  • Is your predecessor still approachable and how (meet in person, phone, e-mail)?

  • How willing is your predecessor to still contribute to the project?

  • How much time does he actually have to support you?

  • Is he still interested in further insights about his past project?

  • How much does your supervisor really know about the project? Will he be able to help you with details?

There might be other things to consider:

  • Will I be able to produce substantial additions to my predecessor's work? Or will my work be the "and someone else tried this with it". You either might benefit from the fame of your predecessor's work or might stunt in the shadow of it.

Of course my supervisor should know better than me, whether its worthwhile. He has a better overview in the field of knowledge and he probably supervised the project, so he was somehow involved and should know what was done and how it was done. But I think you can't always trust the judgement of your supervisor. Especially if he is a visionary, he might see more in the data/project than there actually is. He might see more what he wants to see in the data than what there actually is. And my experience is, the higher up someone is, the less he really knows about the projects he is "involved" with.

It would be good to have sort of a checklist. When most of it is checked you could say "Ok, let's start the project" and if not it is a clear indication of "Keep your hands off this project".

Maybe in a continuing question I could ask "How to leave a research project for someone else to continue" or "How to work in a way that someone else can join in or continue on his own at any time".

mercredi 28 janvier 2015

Whether or not to pursue internship in Computer Science field [on hold]

I'm currently a sophomore working towards a degree (bachelor's) in computer science. I've done web development gradually since 7th grade and I currently work part-time for a college at the university I attend. I'm really stuck on whether or not I should apply for internships this summer, and I was hoping to hear some opinions or personal experience.

For one, as narrow-minded as it may come off, I definitely do not want to leave my part-time job in the summer for a full-time internship as it's just too great of an opportunity to work with the department to develop web application and tools. On top of that, they are incredibly flexible and allow me to work whenever, as long as I do the work and show up to meetings. I can only work max of 26 hours during intersession (determined by a financial aid cap on my income) per week in the summer. With all that being said, I would have to pursue an internship that is okay with me working part-time (~15 to 20 hr/week, I don't think I can do full-time and a half) as an unpaid intern.

On the other hand, in the case of not having an internship, I could put my free-time towards my personal projects and building my portfolio and experiences chosen by me, instead of the experiences that I would have from the internship. I've read that portfolios are a huge factor in the the quality of job you get.

I understand the value of working with professionals in potential internships. I've also learned a lot in the past year at my job and I'm excited to see how far I've come upon completing my degree, but I don't want to graduate and apply for jobs to learn that not going for an internship or two lowered my chances at an ideal job and stunted my professional experience.

Sorry if my question too situational, but I really do appreciate any advice or personal experience.

Research on career path after tenure denial?

I am looking for a study on the career path of professors after they are denied tenure.

Specifically, what percentage of these

  1. get a tenure-track position at another institution?

  2. get a non-tenure track position in academia?

  3. get a job related to their field of study outside of academia?

  4. leave the field altogether?

  5. other?

I am asking out of curiosity, so I'd be happy with answers that refer to a study in any context (country, field, etc.).

This is a question: I am looking for answers that briefly summarize the results of a study on this subject, with a reference to said study.

I am not looking for answers from anecdotal evidence not supported by a study or citation (we already have some of those here).

I am also not looking for answers explaining why such a study is unlikely to exist, or why it should not be trusted if it did.

Do I need an introductory paragraph in SOP?

I'm about to write a SOP. I have sketched some points that I want convey through it, then I will develop them to their own paragraphs. Here they are:

  • I believe that I was born for scientific research.

  • I think I have been familiar to the scientific activities.

  • I want to shift the discipline to biology after spending 4 years in physics.

And I want them to stand in the beginning of their paragraph so that the readers can know which point they are reading. For my personal taste, I want to find another way to connecting the paragraphs without using transition words. For me, everything seems to be ok, I don't find any trouble to read it (I'm the one create it, of course). However, when I gave my sample of SOP to my mentor, she said that she didn't see the connection between them and made her feel lost. I have asked in writers.SE How to indicate the topic has been changed without using words?, and Chris Sunami suggests me to...

...include an introductory paragraph that summarizes your overall structure

While this is a great advice in general, I don't think that it will be applicable in SOPs, since you don't have enough space to write one.

So, do I need an introductory paragraph in SOP?

What papers can you ask someone to cite for using your software?

Software authors often request that you cite a paper of theirs if you are using there software.

But what logic governs what kind of papers they can reasonably ask to cite? I see 5 cases:

  1. The paper is about the software explicitly. Eg Theano

  2. The software is a direct implementation of an algorithm described in the paper. Eg anything from here

  3. They created the software to use in research presented in the paper. It has not changed since.

  4. They originally created the software for use in the research paper, but since then it has undergone fairly large changes as it has continued to be developed. Eg DeepLearnToolbox

  5. The paper has nothing in common with the software, except sharing an author.

In which cases is it acceptable to request the paper be cited? 5 seems like an obvious no-no, but are the others in the clear?

This question is the flip-side of Should I cite Conference Papers to acknowledge usage of tools?

Writing a report/paper etc. - How to deal with citations that have poor English?

I've tried looking for suggestions on the internet to my question but haven't found any useful information.

I'm writing a paper and I'm quoting/citing various books, journals etc. However, I'm coming across of papers that are relevant to my paper that I would like to take quotes from, but were either originally written in another language and have been poorly translated, or were written with bad English to begin with.

Can I quote/cite the papers with corrected English or put the quote as-is? I'm worried if I don't correct the spelling mistakes/poor grammar etc. that the reputation/validity of my paper will be impacted. On the other hand I don't want any corrections I make in the quotes to be considered plagiarism. What should I do?

How to choose between PhD projects?

I am trying to decide which project would be more worthwhile to spend my years on, in terms of publications, novel research and contribution towards my thesis defense. I am just into my second semester with my adviser, who has assigned me and another student to collaborate on a project, that is interesting and does seem to have good potential in my field. I also have the opportunity to work on a related project within my research group at work, though it might involve legal agreements for my adviser to be involved and limited/no funding. My adviser seems to be fine with my involvement as long as it is related to his research interests. My intention of pursuing the research topic at work, is that I can overlap both my work hours and research hours (my employer is sponsoring my PhD). It seems that I can either choose to work on my adviser's project or my employer's project with my adviser's blessing. The question is which one ? Any thoughts or advise on what should I consider in this case ?

How to select a publishing venue for an interdisciplinary research?

I am curious to hear some words of advice on how to select a publishing community for a multidisciplinary topics.

Your contribution is that methods in area A, which is your main area, can solve problems in B more efficiently than traditionally used methods from area C.

Where do you publish, A, B, or C? You are contributing a new application domain to your main area A along with theory that supports the bridge between A and B, but your reviewers are not familiar with domain B and do not find it relevant. You are contributing new tools to the problem domain B. Yet, all related work in C.

This is CS research, if that helps.

Typical phases of student experience/motivation in academic education (e.g. PhD)

I have heard and experienced anecdotally that students often go through various phases in academic education, be it undergraduate or postgraduate, starting with enthusiasm and excitement, then running into a dip, before climbing out again and feeling more motivated, although later fatigue may set in. This can occur over the course of a single year, but also over the course of a degree (see, for instance, 5 Phases of PhD Motivation Explained). There may be some connection with the stages of culture shock, and for some students traditional culture shock might be compounded with the aforementioned phases.

Have studies been carried out on the phases students seem to go through and are they as widespread, even universal, as experience would suggest? References to particular studies would be appreciated. I would also be interested in references to effective coping strategies for recovering from the first serious dip, which may otherwise derail a student's studies.

Requiring Ph.D. students to take a pedagogy course

My mathematics department (where I am employed as faculty) is considering requiring its Ph.D. students to take a two-semester course in pedagogy and educational theory. All of them also TA lower level math classes, so the proposal has some merit. I am trying to decide whether to support or oppose this proposal (or suggest modifications to it).

Although I am skeptical, I want to be open-minded. In departments that have adopted such requirements, what have been the positive and negative outcomes? Have students enjoyed such courses, and/or felt that they were useful? And has the quality of TA education been improved?

Author attribution for books used in promotional video?

I work at a University Library in Canada, we've recently produced a promotional video for a book scanner. In the video, we demonstrate the use of the book scanner using a random book off the shelf, but the focus is always on the scanner, never on the pages of the book (though there are some shots where you can see pictures, and at least one where you can read a title on the page). One of the Librarians is under the impression that we need to cite the book and give attribution to the author. Originally we thought we could probably pass this off as incidental use, but according to the Librarian it's not, because we deliberately used that book as a prop. I've never heard of attribution being given to authors of books used as props, is this really necessary?

Questions regarding general data structure/algorithm knowledge and finding jobs after graduation

Sorry for the broad title. I'm a senior in college, and I only have had one internship. I've also only been programming for a year and still don't know how to exactly implement depth first search (just an example) on a graph in code. However, I can understand the concept and write pseudocode for it. In addition, I'm more interested in starting a startup right now than studying data structures/algorithms. I have my whole life to learn that stuff, but only while I'm in college to be surrounded by motivated peers that will aid me in my startup endeavors. So, my questions are as follows:

1) Is it more sufficient to know the concept of different data structures and algorithms and be able to write pseudocode/general code for interviews? For example, graphs are implemented in so many ways (matrixes, adjacency lists, nodes) and knowing dfs and bfs on only one type of these graphs would be constricting. Knowing the general code and concept I think would be more important for interviews, no?

2) Is it harder getting top-paying jobs at microsoft/apple/facebook post-graduation after I get a job somewhere else, study for the top-job, then apply?

Thanks for your help.

Free Microsoft Visio for Education - Mac User

I need a Microsoft Visio-like tool that works on a Mac and is free for educational users.

Proposing collaboration to an invited speaker?

I am organising a conference. This will take place in 6 months time. One of the invited speakers works on a topic that is highly related to my research interests. I would like to propose a specific collaboration to this professor, but I feel that the fact that I invited him to the conference (I am paying for his accommodation, expenses ...) may induce some pressure to accept my invitation to collaborate.

I wonder whether I should just wait after the conference to tell him about this project or if it is OK to tell him now? The reason I want to tell him now is that I would not like to wait for another 6 months to start this project.

how should i re apply for universities which i had rejected earlier last time?

i applied for the us universities(new haven university,wright state university) and they rejected my application because of my low GRE i want to re apply for the same universities,can you explain the process to re doubt is about application fee ,is it required to pay application fees for the second time?

Trends in Business Intelligence as a Master thesis

I'm wondering which topic to choose for my Master thesis. I want to focus on BI area. But which part? Should it be data quality management, data visualisation.. I believe these topics are covered pretty well by thousands other theses. What topic are you consicering as a "hot" for years to come in BI and data analytics?

When is it useful to add the code in a thesis?

I am writing my master of science thesis and I am not sure if it is the case of adding some of the codes I have written: they are not proper code, but more like input files to be fed to a commercial program (Nastran) very popular in my field.

My concerns are related to the fact that I am not making any discovery, just apllying the things I have learned reading the manual. Still I feel the codes will make more clear the effort I put in the thesis to learn also this language.

Is there deliberate gender preferential treatment in hiring or admission in STEM fields?

By "gender preferential treatment" I mean: Person A is selected ahead of Person B partly because of gender. In other words, Person B would have been selected ahead of Person A had gender not been taken into account.

By "deliberate" I mean: as a matter of policy at the department or university or state or national level, or at the discretion of the committee that makes the decision. This does not include unintentional bias, which might occur as part of human nature.

By "STEM fields" I mean: science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

I'm interested in four stages.

  1. Graduate school admission

  2. Postdoc hiring

  3. Professor hiring

  4. Tenure or promotion decision

Answers can be about any country. But please keep in mind that the question is not about why deliberate gender preferential treatment is a good or a bad idea. It is about what happens in reality.

Answers should be supported by either references to publicly available policies, research, or firsthand personal experience (e.g. on hiring committees).

Summer School on Spatial Data Analysis and GIS with R [on hold]

I'm new to the topic so I'm looking to intensive courses or workshops offered in the spring or in the summer by european or american universities and institutions. Can you please suggest me any? Thanks!

What sorts of advantages a new fellow member can bring to the research group and department he/she is involved in?

I'm applying for a new fellowship and I'm wondering what senior lecturers and/or professors of a research group/department look into, for evaluating the fellowship candidates, before accepting them to join their research group/department? What sorts of advantages a new fellow member can bring to the research group and department he/she will be involved in?

Research for research itself

Find a subject that you really really are passionately interested in, and care about finding out more about it. This subject is going to become almost your entire life for a few years, and you will need huge dedication to it, in order to complete.


Someone like me is interested in research but not so sure about own interests that could lead to the subject one really is interested in, what other studies one can do to find the topics of interests.

I understand Everyone has motivates behind doing researches, but I find it embarrassing to accept that I want to research in a subject which will be booming in coming years promising me a good carer and compensation.

finding ideas for research proposal in microbiology and biotechnology

Always When we apply for a a PhD they ask about a research proposal ..the problem is how a student that just that of course got some practical experience can find ideas (research point)that of course should be specific and also to find methodology and budget and timeline for it??

How to approach my supervisor?

Given that it's a very broad question I'll try to create some context:

I'm in my first year (just started) and at the moment my task as PhD student is closer to learn the techniques and technologies used in the department than to real work. Almost in a weekly basis I receive small tasks which, once completed, are reported and then substituted by a new small task.

However, sometimes the task is completed and no report is due (for whatever the reason) so I'm stuck with no excuse to go to my supervisor's office and no work to do on account of not going to my supervisor's office.

My supervisor is a very busy person and so I have always the feeling I'm intruding when I 'request' (by mail or simply going to his office) to talk to him.

I would like to build some cofidence with my supervisor, but I don't really know how to approach him in the first place. Any tips?

Ps:I was sure someone would've asked this before, but I couldn't find anything so I would like to apologise in advance just in case it has already been asked.

mardi 27 janvier 2015

Necessary Mathematical books for Image Processing, Pattern Recognition and Artificial Neural Networks [on hold]

I intend to pursue my higher studies in the field of Image Processing, Pattern Recognition and Artificial Neural Networks. Please guide me on mathematical books and their respective authors (that would support specifically these 3 fields). I already have the books on Image Processing by Gonzalez, Signals and Systems + Digital Signal Processing by Oppenheim. I would like to know the following:

  1. Linear Algebra?

  2. Statistics?

  3. Probability, Random Variables, Random Processes etc?

  4. Any other relevant subjects?

What to do if I am on a hiring committee and I am aware that a candidate has exhibited unethical behavior in his previous position?

After a series of unethical incidents that affected me directly in my previous academic institution, I managed to move to a higher ranked department in my field about seven years ago. I am now in the hiring committee in my current institution and one of the candidates who is being considered is from my former institution.

There are two unethical practices that the candidate performed that I am aware of. One is that he managed to squeeze in as a third author on a finished paper and he thus made no contribution. I did most of the work for the paper and the paper was finished when my co-author added this person's name and submitted it. The second incident is that the candidate has announced in the past how he has changed his research results before submission to please the editor of a top journal in my field. He did this in the early years of his career. There are others in my former institution who know about it but they find this to be no big deal.

I am considering doing one of the following:

  1. Discuss this with my current dept.

  2. Keep quiet and stay in the committee.

  3. Keep quiet but step down from the committee

For your information, I am a foreigner whose work is appreciated by everyone. However, I feel that I will not get much support if I open up. I had tried this in my previous institution and I realized that only a couple of people supported me. What should I do?

Should I let potential employers know I have a job offer?

I've interviewed for a few positions, one of which has made me an offer. I'm very pleased with the offer, but I prefer some of the other positions. I have the luxury of being able to take a lot of time to decide whether or not I accept this offer, so I'm certain I will hear back (either positively or negatively) from the other positions before a decision is required for the offer I've received.

I'm trying to decide between two courses of action, and I want to choose the one that will best help my candidacy with the positions I've yet to hear from. Plan 1 is to do nothing and simply wait to hear back from the other positions for which I've already interviewed. Plan 2 is to be in touch with the other positions to let them know I have an offer, and ask where I stand with them.

Would Plan 2 make me a more desirable candidate with the other positions, as they might see my offer as further validation of my credentials? Or, might initiating with the interviewers in this way be detrimental to my candidacy, perhaps making me seem pushy or self-centered? If so, I would rather just wait for them to run their course of action (Plan 1). As I've said, I have plenty of time, so I don't want impatience to hurt me.

If there is a good chance that my meddling will be detrimental, then I'd rather be hands-off here. However, if it's more likely that informing the other interviewers of my offer will give me a boost, then I'd want to do so.

Thanks for any clarity you can provide!

Got early accepted into grad school: happy, nervous, concerned [on hold]

I am still trying to piece together everything that happened over the course of 3 hours but the story went like this:

Prof A contact me said he saw my application and was impressed with my academia drive and motivation and wanted an interview. I contacted him and said I was available for an interview right now. I went in for an interview, which is really a chat about my academic background and my interest. Now he has sent me an offer to join his research group.

Of course I was elated when first got the offer. Now I am a bit concerned and curious and my mind is filled with questions "like why did he pick me?" "I was never the best student" "I must be a fodder to fund more talented graduate students" "Will they use me for some menial tasks that requires 60 hours a week of data analysis?"...

The more I think the more questions I have. I am also uncertain as to what type of research he would like for me to do. He showed me some publications and all of them are at too high of my current skill set. Then he asked for my interest and my response was along the line of...anything really.

Has anyone ever been in the same situation before? You have been accepted as a graduate student while you are still finishing up your undergrad, what are some of the sequence of steps that happens afterwards? Does anyone know how your direction of research is decided and how can I sway the prof to a direction that I wish to conduct my research in?

Should I (an undergrad) call potential industry research intern supervisor by first name?

I am corresponding via email with an industry researcher regarding an internship. He always signs off his emails with his first name, Bill. Still, I have addressed him as "Dr. X" for several emails now. I realize that if I am offered this internship I wouldn't want to keep calling him this and would prefer to be on more casual terms. Should I just abruptly switch to his first name, or wait for him to actually tell me to use his first name?

Strategies for teaching with facial aphasia (inability to recognize faces)

I'm a math grad student in my first year, which means that I have not yet taught a class (in my program first years grade or provide one-on-one tutoring for students who struggle in calculus). I have facial aphasia, which means that I am completely unable to recognize people's faces. After a while (upwards a year) I can reliably recognize someone based on how they move, dress, wear their hair and so on. Before that I will just have a vague feeling that I recognize someone, but I can't put a name to them . It happens that I can't recognize people I've lived with for several years, or, on a few memorable occasions, my own family members. This causes some problems on occasion, but nothing I haven't been able to work out. However, up until now the people I've been expected to learn to recognize have been friends, or coworkers I see every day that I can explain my problem with faces to. My question is:

How do I handle teaching when I can't recognize my students and it would take me a year minimum to learn their faces? I know from my own experience that good instructors / TAs learn their students' names and faces and this helps motivate the students to learn, because they notice that their teacher cares about them. How can I compensate for my facial aphasia?